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52 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

If everyone followed the rules we wouldn’t be in such a bad place.  

Boris is a clown.  But the British public should take as much blame. 

Unfortunately for the public the rules constantly change, with the new set literally being made up overnight. 24 hours ago there wasn’t even a “tier 4” and now 21 million people are under it. Christmas rules changed less than a week before it. This is all after Johnson insisted he didn’t need to “cancel” Christmas and didn’t want to introduce tougher measurements.

I accept that there will always need to be changes see but the evidence is there to suggest everything is being done too late. Once the horse has bolted, it is nigh on impossible to stop it. That is purely down to Johnson.

There is absolutely no direction as to what we are doing. There is no guidance, leadership or any real common sense going forward, the government is lurching from one policy to another with no clear coherent message. Without clear and effective leadership, this pandemic will never be sorted.

The failure to deal with this effectively purely lies at the hands of Johnson & this incompetent government. No one else.

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1 hour ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

We are now a country where people feel empowered to break rules in the name of “freedom”.  The week before Tier 4 London saw unmasked idiots protesting about lockdown.  Remember everyone packing the beaches in the summer?  Look at all the people crowding the London stations yesterday.  The list goes on and on.  

If everyone followed the rules we wouldn’t be in such a bad place.  

Boris is a clown.  But the British public should take as much blame. 

It just completely staggers me that anyone would get on a train like that. 

I wouldn't have even considered it months ago, but now there is news of a new strain which is 70% more efficient at jumping from person to person it's just so so utterly stupid. 

Whatever Christmas plans I had, I would have turned around, gone back home and doubled down on TV subscriptions. 

People are without doubt a lot to blame for the transmission. 

If I had a family member coming to me from London I would also ask them to stay away. 

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52 minutes ago, snowychap said:

Not even the people making 'the rules' know what 'the rules' are.

And this isn't even a comment about going from one set one day to another set another day and back again (or about announcements being made like yesterday - apparently on the hoof with not even a clue when they are going to come in to effect!), this is about the regulations and legislation when they are in place and them often being in conflict with the message(s) given out by those who are supposed to be responsible for coming up with them.

The confusion could and should have been sorted out by now (9 months after emergency legislation and regulations started being put in to place) - that it hasn't been suggests either extreme incompetence or some intent.

Nope, not having that.


49 minutes ago, bickster said:

You've fallen into the trap

You have also fallen into the trap of letting the people off the hook. 

If everyone kept 2 meters, washed their hands, wore masks, only went out when necessary and didn't go visiting friends and family when they did to there is no way it would be spreading like it is. 

Forget what rules there are, just some bloody common sense would help. 

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10 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Hancock looked one question away from having a mental breakdown in his interview with Marr.

I got the impression it was all a bit of an act him acting a little shell shocked and like this had all completely come out of the blue so as to give the impression they were still right to have intended to allow a 5 days free for all over Christmas up until 20 hours ago.

As far as his acting performances go it was though an improvement on his fake crying over the first vaccines being administered. 

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Hancock's a **** nasty piece of work.

At last year's election he appeared during one of the counts and was looking psychotic, more or less fronting up to a Labour figure. 

He's a complete word removed.

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25 minutes ago, sidcow said:


You have also fallen into the trap of letting the people off the hook. 

If everyone kept 2 meters, washed their hands, wore masks, only went out when necessary and didn't go visiting friends and family when they did to there is no way it would be spreading like it is. 

Forget what rules there are, just some bloody common sense would help. 

The public, as a group, don't have any common sense. Some individuals do, granted, but you can't label the herd as a whole as being able to function using only "common sense".

This "people taking personal responsibility" angle is reprehensible because only some people will.... this has been the demonstrable case throughout all of time!!!

This whole debacle has needed leadership on behalf of the people from day 1. There was no intention for this to happen. Much like Brexit, this has been viewed by the rich, ruling classes as an opportunity, a land grab, to take as much money out of the public purse and into private (Tory) hands as possible.

This is again, demonstrable and obvious. Those taking part in this corruption aren't even trying particularly hard to hide it and yet, the heavy hitters in the media look the other way.

The whole thing is a **** shit show from top to bottom and we'll be left picking up the pieces.

(Apologies for this ranty mess)

Edited by jimmygreaves
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1 minute ago, jimmygreaves said:

The public, as a group, don't have any common sense. Some individuals do, granted, but you can't label the herd as a whole as being able to function using only "common sense".

This "people taking personal responsibility" angle is reprehensible because only some people will.... this has been the demonstrable case throughout all of time!!!

This whole debacle has needed leadership on behalf of the people from day 1. There was no intention for this to happen. Much like Brexit, this has been viewed by the rich, ruling classes as an opportunity, a land grab, to take as much money out of the public purse and into private (Tory) hands as possible.

This is again, demonstrable and obvious. Those taking part in this corruption aren't even trying particularly hard to hide it and yet, the heavy hitters in the media look the other way.

The whole thing is a **** shit show from top to bottom and we'll be left picking up the mess.

By your own statement, short of imposing martial law it's just pointless trying to manage it then. 

If people won't take personal responsibility, the rules you put out are immaterial. 

On the very few times I've been out it's shocked me how many times I've had to dodge people to keep my personal space, people queuing right behind me breathing down my neck, we've all seen the student and house parties, the train queues. 

So it's irrelevant what rules you put out.  The only way of stopping it is full lockdown enforced by martial law, and that's because people are not going to follow the rules. 

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the public on the whole would act more sensibly and responsibly if the government did, there’s no way we’d have seen the fleeing of london in such a way had there been clearer, more serious and appropriate rules in place early enough for people to accept it and plan.

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17 minutes ago, sidcow said:

By your own statement, short of imposing martial law it's just pointless trying to manage it then. 

If people won't take personal responsibility, the rules you put out are immaterial. 

On the very few times I've been out it's shocked me how many times I've had to dodge people to keep my personal space, people queuing right behind me breathing down my neck, we've all seen the student and house parties, the train queues. 

So it's irrelevant what rules you put out.  The only way of stopping it is full lockdown enforced by martial law, and that's because people are not going to follow the rules. 

Possibly... as terrible as martial law sounds it would have highlighted the seriousness of the situation and "the people" would have understood.

How many 'clear' messages have we had from this Government? There should have been a massively high profile media campaign.... accessible TV advertising, social media, bill boards, etc... ensuring the message was absolutely crystal clear.

Unfortunately that was too much trouble... ... there was little to no effort to manage this other that to blame the people if the shit hit the fan.

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1 hour ago, cyrusr said:

The failure to deal with this effectively purely lies at the hands of Johnson & this incompetent government. No one else.

Well, there's the millions of people who saw an electoral platform of incompetence, lies and stupidity, presented by a group of people with a track record of incompetence, lies and stupidity and thought that the best thing to do was to put them in charge.

Edited by ml1dch
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4 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

Well, there's the millions of people who saw an electoral platform of incompetence, lies and stupidity, presented by a group people with a track record of incompetence, lies and stupidity and thought that the best thing to do was to put them in charge.

I’ll give you that to be fair, but even by their low standards, they have have been doing worse than expected.

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13 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

Well, there's the people who saw an electoral platform of incompetence, lies and stupidity, presented by a group people with a track record of incompetence, lies and stupidity and thought that the best thing to do was to put them in charge.

If there was an election tomorrow I would not be in any way confident that we wouldn't end up with a Tory government. 

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