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56 minutes ago, choffer said:

My hope is that joining my support bubble trumps the order to not leave a tier 4 location. At the moment, I’m not clear on that. :blink:

The support bubble stuff was a thing even in the second lockdown so it would be a little bizarre if they binned it for Tier 4.

I have sympathy with not being clear on it as there won't be any clarity until they publish new regulations, on which:


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7 minutes ago, choffer said:

Thanks Snowy. Guess I find out for sure in the morning then. 

Also, though I know I've said look at the legislation rather than the guidance throughout this, this is what the guidance says at the moment (so should give a hint that they don't intend to change that for the Tier 4 areas as that page has been amended with reference to a fourth tier):


There is also separate guidance for support and childcare bubbles, which apply across all tiers.

Support bubbles have been expanded. From 2 December you can form a support bubble with another household if any of the following apply to you:

you are the only adult in your household (any other members of the household having been under 18 on 12 June 2020) or are the only adult who does not have a disability that needs continuous care

you have a child under 1

you live with a child under 5 with a disability that needs continuous care


Also this is from the new guidance:


Edited by snowychap
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2 minutes ago, NurembergVillan said:

Some people not willing to wait and find out...


I guess the only alternative is "Travel is banned immediately" and literally stopping people trying to board trains, which is a logistical, legal, and ethical nightmare.

Still though, what a bunch of dickheads. 

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19 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

I will say one thing though - I hope she never dies, because the week or two after she does is going to be an absolute **** nightmare.

This is wildly off topic but the amount of news given to Babs passing away made me realise just how much coverage there’s going to be when the Queen goes. Obviously I knew this already but it kinda hit home the over day. 

It’s going to be a good solid month of literally nothing else. I say at least a month, it actually could be any amount of time. That’s going to be a prime time to bury some bad news with that all going on.

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Everyone knew it was stupid for London to go into tier 2, they should always have been in tier 3. But Boris wanted his friend to make some money and be able to go out for dinner. Well it’s well and truly backfired and now buggering up everyone else as well.

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