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A room, a bar and a classroom: how the coronavirus is spread through the air

The risk of contagion is highest in indoor spaces but can be reduced by applying all available measures to combat infection via aerosols. Here is an overview of the likelihood of infection in three everyday scenarios, based on the safety measures used and the length of exposure


El Pais

This is a really good, clear and scientific explanation of how the bug gets around inside, and your chances of getting it.

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On 06/11/2020 at 09:05, snowychap said:

Yep, I lived in Oak House next to OP tower in 2006-7 and I’m sure I would’ve been ripping the fence down too if it was that year.

On 06/11/2020 at 10:19, NurembergVillan said:

When I was living in Fallowfield we'd walk on the opposite side of the road to the Owen's Park halls during autumn and winter because it was always so full of meningitis cases you only had to look at the place and you'd get a stiff neck.


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On 23/09/2020 at 19:11, darrenm said:

I don't understand why no-one else is mentioning that this will probably be a non issue by the new year because of at least one of the vaccines.

I really tried to resist. I'm sorry.

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1 hour ago, bickster said:

Insurance scare tactic. "I was going to a shop". Sounds like the biggest load of bollocks ever.


I really, really wish that news organisations wouldn't write such obvious bollocks as the following in their pieces:



with people only allowed to leave their home for a specific reason.

People can make journeys for medical needs, childcare or education, shopping for food and essentials, or to provide care for vulnerable people.

The word 'essentials' does not appear in the regulations.

There are a number of exceptions to the restrictions on leaving home and the exact wording of the exception for shopping is:


...to buy goods or obtain services from any business or service listed in Part 3 of the Schedule, for P [the person] or those in the same household, vulnerable persons or persons in the same household as a vulnerable person.

If a shop, that is permitted by law to be open, sells it then a person is permitted to leave their home to purchase it.

Edited by snowychap
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1 hour ago, darrenm said:

I really tried to resist. I'm sorry.

Apart from the idea that it still has to be actually approved, we still need to know how effective it would be in terms of duration, even the optimistic tweets and so on quoted above have a limited run/order of the vaccine by the end of the year and even in to next year, &c.

There's being optimistic and hoping and there's 'I'm sorry...' (but obviously not) whilst rather ignoring those parts of the story that are actually being relayed to us (by the manufacturers of a particular vaccine).


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From the BBC article, for example:


However there are logistical challenges, as the vaccine has to be kept in ultra-cold storage at below minus 80C.


Prof Peter Horby, from the University of Oxford.

"It is a relief... there is a long long way to go before vaccines will start to make a real difference, but this feels to me like a watershed moment."


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31 minutes ago, snowychap said:

Apart from the idea that it still has to be actually approved, we still need to know how effective it would be in terms of duration, even the optimistic tweets and so on quoted above have a limited run/order of the vaccine by the end of the year and even in to next year, &c.

There's being optimistic and hoping and there's 'I'm sorry...' (but obviously not) whilst rather ignoring those parts of the story that are actually being relayed to us (by the manufacturers of a particular vaccine).


Of course, there's caveats galore. Perhaps you take my comments a bit too seriously and literally.

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2 minutes ago, villakram said:

It''ll be really interesting to see the statistical properties of this trial.

It's done Pfizer's share price no end of good so stick that in your statistical pipe and analyse it.

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