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The EU is stepping up the rhetoric against AstraZeneca again for failing to deliver it's alloted share and threatening to stop exports again, and reiterating none has been sent there from the UK. 

I'm convinced those missing 5m doses from India are going to Europe instead. 

It's all starting to get very political. 

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I'm sti certain that Governments could have worked with big Pharmaceutical companies and requisitiones some big newley built sheds to set up additional production lines. 

I wonder how quickly the new UK Vaccine Innovation Centre opens and if this can start immediately making vaccines. 

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26 minutes ago, sne said:

Appears to be scheduled moron parades in a couple Swedish cities today and abroad full of anti-vaxxers and the usual conspiracy nutters. 

Covid is a hoax, media is in league with big pharma...

Shame it's not raining.


Don't you jst love it when hippies and nazis join forces

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Was just talking to an old friend on FB and asked her if she'd had her first jab yet. This was her reply: 


Unfortunately not as I have had severe allergic reaction to the flu vaccine, BCG and a general anesthetic and they thought I was too risky to do.  They think I am allergic to polysorbate.  I'm waiting for my health centre to tell me what the next move is if there is one. Bit of a bugger if vaccine passports are introduced as then I am condemned to live in a permanent lockdown.

I think in the future there will be other vaccines - I'll have to look up what is in the Moderna one.  Otherwise have to rely on herd immunity. I would miss the occasional theatre and concert and sang in the local choral society.  It all remains to be seen - I wrote to Gove, Johnson and Hancock about it but no reply, our local MP (Liam Fox) sent a snooty one. 

I wonder how many people are in this situation? 

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2 minutes ago, sidcow said:

I'm sti certain that Governments could have worked with big Pharmaceutical companies and requisitiones some big newley built sheds to set up additional production lines. 

I wonder how quickly the new UK Vaccine Innovation Centre opens and if this can start immediately making vaccines. 

It isn't just the "production" itself though, there is also the question over the supply of raw materials whatever that may be (vials?).  

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1 minute ago, trekka said:

It isn't just the "production" itself though, there is also the question over the supply of raw materials whatever that may be (vials?).  

Yes, as I mentioned earlier in this thread they should have looked at all areas of production.  As we're fond of quoting, the track and trace alone has had £37bn. You can buy a lot of manufacturing capability with that. 

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2 hours ago, sharkyvilla said:

I wonder how the people who got randomly bumped up the list get chosen.  My brother is a 40 year old teacher and got done last weekend, I wonder whether he had it on his records and the GP surgery searched through their patients and decided to prioritise teachers for any left over vaccines they had.  It was probably just good luck on his part though.

Speaking from my own experience of having a slight bump up the list (not much, I’m 50’s with zero conditions or health bonus points, but my surgery is still working through the 60’s) I’d got myself on a list of reserves.

So here, locally, they’re making sure they’re hitting the numbers every single day by having a short list of reserves. At 7:30 it’s the last appointment, they then have 30 minutes to ring around and get people in to use up the vaccines of the no shows. It’s not about the vaccine decaying (I had the AZ), it’s about hitting maximum numbers every day. I had my name and number on a list, they phoned at 7:35, the first reserve hadn’t picked up the phone all, I was there at 7:45, they closed at 8:00pm having used every dose they had allocated for that day. 

It’s an incredibly efficient way of hitting the targets.



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Just now, sidcow said:

Yes, as I mentioned earlier in this thread they should have looked at all areas of production.  As we're fond of quoting, the track and trace alone has had £37bn. You can buy a lot of manufacturing capability with that. 

You could buy an awful lot of that with the £36 biliion or so wasted on T&T and stil have better T&T for the remaining Billion

I'm on the point of refusing to comply with T&T such is the danger they pose to sensitive personal data and the pointlessness of them contacting us after the period the person should have self-iscolated for. Current record, 12.5 days after contact. I expect we'll be into 13 or 14 days aftrer on curent form by next week

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16 minutes ago, sidcow said:

I'm sti certain that Governments could have worked with big Pharmaceutical companies and requisitiones some big newley built sheds to set up additional production lines. 

I wonder how quickly the new UK Vaccine Innovation Centre opens and if this can start immediately making vaccines. 

I’m sure that the large sums of money we threw at the companies last year were to build new, dedicated production lines. 

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24 minutes ago, sidcow said:

Track and trace alone has had £37bn

It hasn’t. It was allocated 22 bn last year and 15 for the coming year. They haven’t and won’t actually spend all that, in all likelihood. Still doesn’t invalidate your point, mind.


£22 billion is the budget allocated by the government for the first year of Test and Trace. £4 billion was spent up to the end of October. We don’t yet know how much the whole first year will cost.


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37 minutes ago, sidcow said:

I'm sti certain that Governments could have worked with big Pharmaceutical companies and requisitiones some big newley built sheds to set up additional production lines. 

I wonder how quickly the new UK Vaccine Innovation Centre opens and if this can start immediately making vaccines. 

I think you might be underestimating the production facilities required to produce these vaccines.

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12 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

I think you might be underestimating the production facilities required to produce these vaccines.

They've had over a year now.  I'm sure with no holds barred and big budgets you can set up a new line of most things in that time.  The lead time is going to be tanks and conveyor systems.  

I've seen it described as a not entirely dissimilar process as brewing beer. 

Actually probably the "bottling" machines might be the most difficult to obtain,  but you don't find many machines with a lead time much in excess of 12 months, but money talks when you want things to move more quickly. 

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21 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:

Out of interest where’ve you got those figures from?

I know sky are reporting it


A total of 711,156 doses were given across the UK on Friday, vaccinations minister Nadhim Zahawi confirmed on Saturday. 589,675 of those were first doses and 121,481 were second.


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27,000,000 vaccinated now (1 or 2 jabs) which is incredible.

It takes a couple of weeks to gain effective immunity but that's almost half of the UK population. The 2nd booster jab only increases efficacy by 5% anyway.

The easing of restrictions seems a bit drawn out to me. I'm surprised there hasn't been more demand to make the dates of opening back up earlier. Though it does seem like people are taking it into their own hands and ignoring a lot of the lockdown rules.

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Here you go @mjmooney. This report includes a graphic about take up so far amongst the age groups. Not sure if I entirely believe 100% of 75-79 year old have been done. 


COVID-19: Half of UK adults have received first vaccine dose, government says

The government is half way to reaching its stated aim of vaccinating everyone aged 18 and over by 31 July. 


More than half the UK's adult population has now received a first COVID vaccine dose, the government has said.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson hailed the milestone as a "fantastic achievement" and said: "Let's keep going!"

He said: "Like the rest of the country I am immensely proud of the progress we have made so far in rolling out vaccinations.

"There is still further to go and I encourage everyone to take up the offer when asked to do so.

"I received my first vaccine yesterday and would like to thank the brilliant NHS staff I met, alongside the teams and volunteers working across the UK to deliver this vital protection."


The midway point of the UK's stated aim to vaccinate the whole adult population against COVID-19 by the end of July was passed in the last 24 hours.

On Friday, 711,156 doses were administered - a record number that exceeded the previous day's record.

It means Britain and Northern Ireland are just over five million short of their second target - vaccinating the first nine priority groups by the 15 April. Current progress means that the target will be achieved ahead of time.

I can't paste the table so you had better click the link

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