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9 hours ago, NurembergVillan said:

Some people not willing to wait and find out...


Of course it had to be the train up to Leeds that they all packed on to, with a nice stopover in Derby to change trains, and it being too busy to apply social distancing. 

That's West Yorkshire well and truly screwed... 

Having a Bradford postcode we've been in lockdown or tier 3 for all but a few weeks since April. Think only Leicester has had it worse. 

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20 minutes ago, Rds1983 said:

Of course it had to be the train up to Leeds that they all packed on to, with a nice stopover in Derby to change trains, and it being too busy to apply social distancing. 

That's West Yorkshire well and truly screwed... 

Having a Bradford postcode we've been in lockdown or tier 3 for all but a few weeks since April. Think only Leicester has had it worse. 

There’s going to have been people queueing to get on trains to pretty much everywhere in the country from London last night. The whole country will be back in lockdown/tier 4 by new year.

It does make me wonder whether we could have kept the first lockdown going a bit longer to get cases as close to zero as possible before reopening things. I know the argument is that the economy would be damaged more but surely this constant shutting and reopening of places is worse.

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11 minutes ago, tom_avfc said:

There’s going to have been people queueing to get on trains to pretty much everywhere in the country from London last night. The whole country will be back in lockdown/tier 4 by new year.

It does make me wonder whether we could have kept the first lockdown going a bit longer to get cases as close to zero as possible before reopening things. I know the argument is that the economy would be damaged more but surely this constant shutting and reopening of places is worse.

Absolutely, in hindsight another few weeks would have made a world of difference. 

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10 minutes ago, tom_avfc said:

There’s going to have been people queueing to get on trains to pretty much everywhere in the country from London last night. The whole country will be back in lockdown/tier 4 by new year.

It does make me wonder whether we could have kept the first lockdown going a bit longer to get cases as close to zero as possible before reopening things. I know the argument is that the economy would be damaged more but surely this constant shutting and reopening of places is worse.

Yeah, I know they would have been going everywhere. I'm just annoyed that it was the first thing I saw this morning when I woke up and they talked about the Leeds train, which is always heaving and means we'll almost definitely be in tier 4 very soon. 

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9 hours ago, bannedfromHandV said:

But but but Corbyn wudda dun wurse 

Im currently working at a Supermarket (third job this week) so I can save for a mortgage. Mad I know.

A lady spoke to me and asked if I had heard about the new tiers, she said “well at least it’s not the other party, they’d have us in tier 8 with the IRA”

Wtf 😂

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We are now a country where people feel empowered to break rules in the name of “freedom”.  The week before Tier 4 London saw unmasked idiots protesting about lockdown.  Remember everyone packing the beaches in the summer?  Look at all the people crowding the London stations yesterday.  The list goes on and on.  

If everyone followed the rules we wouldn’t be in such a bad place.  

Boris is a clown.  But the British public should take as much blame. 

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52 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

If everyone followed the rules

Not even the people making 'the rules' know what 'the rules' are.

And this isn't even a comment about going from one set one day to another set another day and back again (or about announcements being made like yesterday - apparently on the hoof with not even a clue when they are going to come in to effect!), this is about the regulations and legislation when they are in place and them often being in conflict with the message(s) given out by those who are supposed to be responsible for coming up with them.

The confusion could and should have been sorted out by now (9 months after emergency legislation and regulations started being put in to place) - that it hasn't been suggests either extreme incompetence or some intent.

52 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

the British public should take as much blame

Nope, not having that.

Edited by snowychap
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