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2 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

Do we think they'll be changing Xmas plans today based on this new strain?

My wife is booked in for the Vaccine on Monday.

It looks like something is happening.  Boris, Whitty and Co. are holding a news conference at 4PM.


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From the Beeb:

New virus variant 'can spread more rapidly', UK tells WHO

The UK has informed the World Health Organization that the new variant of coronavirus can spread more quickly, the chief medical officer for England says.

Prof Chris Whitty says the decision came as a result of preliminary modelling data and the rapidly rising incidence rates of the virus in the South East.

But he says: "There is no current evidence to suggest the new strain causes a higher mortality rate or that it affects vaccines and treatments, although urgent work is under way to confirm this."


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1 hour ago, mjmooney said:

Very interesting to re-read this thread from the beginning. 

Too true.  A lot of ignorance (unintentional, people really just didn't know) and just no idea what was to follow. 

Amazingly a lot of people seem to be coming out the other side going back to believing it's basically no biggie


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Johnson on the verge of doing what he accused Starmer of wanting to do just 3 days ago and cancelling Christmas for a large part of England. 

Stating the obvious I know but we are led by an idiot who changes policy and restrictions, in terms of covid, more often than I chance my pants*. He should never have stated what could and couldn't happen at Christmas weeks ago as it always seemed likely we would be in a worse place by then and so it has proved. Another case of over promising and having to back track and by doing so it now means a lot of people will simply ignore the rules. 

*I do change my pants at least once a day. Well most days.

Edited by markavfc40
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45 minutes ago, trekka said:

It looks like something is happening.  Boris, Whitty and Co. are holding a news conference at 4PM.


London and South East going into even higher 'tier 4' lockdown. 

I mean, they really screwed this up didn't they. They've had to move them from tier 2 to new higher tier in just a few days. Lots of people were questioning if the statistics warranted tier 2 for London and now that looks like they were right to question it. 


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I don't mind admitting to people that I just had a little weep on the phone to my elderly folks.  They have gone to so much effort to make Christmas safe but memorable and it looks like (well for me living down in Portsmouth, at least) that Christmas may be cancelled. 

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13 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

Allowing the Cheltenham Festival......Delaying Lockdown 1.......Delaying Lockdown 2......Incentives to crowd together in restaurants.....Not testing at airports.......Not insisting on Face Coverings.......Failing to enforce COVID restrictions.......Defending Cummings.....VE celebrations......Encouraging Foreign Holidays On Packed Planes......Discharging COVID patients to Care Homes......Not maintaining PPE stockpiles....,,

Boris has never been against doing things that everyone else thinks are bonkers. 

That’s a hell of a record, if he was a nurse or in charge of a care home he’d be down the station for questioning, with people booing and throwing shit at the police van.

He’s lucky he’s just a funny one of us.

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Completely farcical.

Spend the week bigging up the new 3 tier system, then amend it to make the 'tough' tier even tougher, then suddenly decide no actually the system is actually a 4 tier system.

And the talk of a new lockdown is going already.

Wonder if that will actually be a lockdown, or will it be the half arsed sop to doing something the last one was?

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In tier 4, pubs can do takeaway pints, but only if the recipient can drink it all without touching the container.

Gyms may remain open, but everyone inside must hold their breath.

You can travel where you want to in order to see family, as long as you don't stay there for longer than the distance you've travelled in miles divided by the number of people you're meeting.

Universities to remain open for in-person teaching, but once a week, the stupidest person on each course is to be expelled.

Edited by Davkaus
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