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10 hours ago, Davkaus said:

Nottingham Trent haven't released their numbers yet, but between the two of them, I expect they'll account for the vast majority of cases in Nottingham. We gave an incredibly high student population for the size the city, so I'm not surprised we have the highest infection rate in the country.


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7 hours ago, PaulC said:

A full lockdown again, I dont think people would stomach. There would be riots on the street. 

Not convinced, I think if it were to happen again people would abide by it. Maybe a small number may riot but overall for another lockdown to happen under this government the numbers would have to be eye watering (and too late by then)

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8 hours ago, bickster said:

Anyone want to run a sweepstake on when the Academic year will be cancelled? Two weeks? Three weeks and a day?

I think they’ll push through because they are too useless to even think about managing the fall out.

I’d love to see a summary of cases in the “safe” universities (as Boris declared after about 5 minutes of them being open).


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2 minutes ago, dudevillaisnice said:

Not convinced, I think if it were to happen again people would abide by it. Maybe a small number may riot but overall for another lockdown to happen under this government the numbers would have to be eye watering (and too late by then)

I thought for a while that it might happen at half term which is coming up but doesn’t seem to be in the plan.

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53 minutes ago, dudevillaisnice said:

I wouldn’t rule it out. Operation U-turn is a speciality for this government. 

I’m away (in the south west fortunately) for a few days next week. Hopefully accommodation and pub stays open till next Friday 😋

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Follow the science, or don't follow the science. Stay alert. Save Wetherspoons.

Covid: Sage scientists called for short lockdown weeks ago:


The government's scientific advisers called for a short lockdown in England to halt the spread of Covid-19 last month, newly released documents show.

The experts said an immediate "circuit breaker" was the best way to control cases, at a meeting on 21 September.

Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick insisted the government had taken "robust action" that "balanced" the impact on the economy.

But Labour has described the documents as "alarming".


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Some of the planning going on for January 2021 is really scary. 

Its based upon a prediction of a massive spike caused by people who would normally follow the rules deciding to have a normal family Christmas at the end of an awful year.  

This isn't going to be quick and it isn't going to be painless. 



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20 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

Some of the planning going on for January 2021 is really scary. 

Its based upon a prediction of a massive spike caused by people who would normally follow the rules deciding to have a normal family Christmas at the end of an awful year.  

This isn't going to be quick and it isn't going to be painless. 



They have a plan?.. Now that's impressive 

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28 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

Some of the planning going on for January 2021 is really scary. 

Its based upon a prediction of a massive spike caused by people who would normally follow the rules deciding to have a normal family Christmas at the end of an awful year.  

This isn't going to be quick and it isn't going to be painless. 



And then there's the brexit ****. 

I think it'd be advisable to have at least a couple of weeks of food in the cupboard and freezer, because I'm expecting it to be panic buying galore in the new year when reality hits. I've not gone crazy, but I've got enough pasta, rice, tins and frozen fruit/veg that I can avoid going to the shops for a month or so if needed. 

I don't think the shelves are going to run completely empty or anything, but once we start seeing videos of thousands of lorries queueing up, I think supermarkets will be a shitshow. 

Edited by Davkaus
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Just now, Davkaus said:

And then there's the brexit ****. 

I think it'd be advisable to have at least a couple of weeks of food in the cupboard and freezer, because I'm expecting it to be panic buying galore in the new year when reality hits. I've not gone crazy, but I've got enough pasta, rice, tins and frozen fruit/veg that I can avoid going to the shops for a month or so if needed. 

Totally worth it though to stop them illegals coming over the cha... ah shit.

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