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5 minutes ago, sne said:

The Swedish Bagdad Bob that is Anders Tegnell has now retracted his statement from 2 days ago where he claimed that the peak was reached when it came to infected in Sweden after the number infected climbed from 137 to 203 in 1 day. 

"I was too optimistic"

Anders Tegnell, statsepidemiolog.

He is now saying the numbers will start to go down tomorrow. He is a moron and a dangerous one at that.


David Brent:
I gave a speech only this morning to my staff assuring them that there would not be cutbacks at this branch and there certainly wouldn't be redundancies, so...

Jennifer Taylor-Clark:
Well, why on Earth would you do that?

David Brent:
Why? Oh, don't know. A little word I think's important in management called morale.

Jennifer Taylor-Clark:
Well, surely it's going to be worse for morale in the long run when there ARE redundancies and you've told people that there won't be.


David Brent:
They won't remember.

Replace Brent with Tegnell, and Redundancies with infections and you’ve got it.

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Well, I'm probably doomed now. Just got back from a rammed gig in a working men's club, lots of people I knew, handshakes and hugs and kisses all round. Hey ho. 

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4 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

Where is all this madness happening? My local Tesco is stocked up as normal.

I'd imagine it is the same supermarkets that have brawls and punch ups when Black Friday is on 

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Wonder if the remake TV-series of Steven Kings The Stand that is due out later this year will be a big hit?

Big budget and some big names attached to it like Whoopi Goldberg, Amber Heard, Alex Skarsgard, Heather Graham and so on.

People like to be scared but not sure the studio will be comfortable to release a show about a world wide epidemic that wipes out most of humanity as it is now.

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39 minutes ago, sne said:

He is now saying the numbers will start to go down tomorrow. He is a moron and a dangerous one at that.

We seem to be collecting these poster-boys for the Peter principle

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30 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

Well, I'm probably doomed now. Just got back from a rammed gig in a working men's club, lots of people I knew, handshakes and hugs and kisses all round. Hey ho. 

Im joining you in hell as my night out was similar ..I even shook hands with my Uber driver on Friday night for good measure , held off hugging and kissing him as I usually wait til someone has bought me a pint before I put out for them 

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Had a coffee in my local shopping centre Costa yesterday. Ordinarily you sort of hover outside to see if there is a spare table. Yesterday, we were the only customers.

Today, in to Cardiff 30 mins before the shops open, hoping to get a table in my fave coffee shop.... about 10 or 15 empty tables to choose from.

Expect to see a few more businesses go under in the next few months.


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Just in:

BBC News - Coronavirus: Italy death toll soars amid travel ban

The number of people to have died from the coronavirus in Italy has shot up by 133 in a day to 366, officials say.

The total number of infections leapt 25% to 7,375 from 5,883, according to the Civil Protection agency.

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5 minutes ago, Kingman said:

Just in:

BBC News - Coronavirus: Italy death toll soars amid travel ban

The number of people to have died from the coronavirus in Italy has shot up by 133 in a day to 366, officials say.

The total number of infections leapt 25% to 7,375 from 5,883, according to the Civil Protection agency.

7-10 days and it’ll be the same here, probably worse. 

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36 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

Had a coffee in my local shopping centre Costa yesterday. Ordinarily you sort of hover outside to see if there is a spare table. Yesterday, we were the only customers.

Today, in to Cardiff 30 mins before the shops open, hoping to get a table in my fave coffee shop.... about 10 or 15 empty tables to choose from.

Expect to see a few more businesses go under in the next few months.


I agree.  Nothing was fixed in 2008 and the system has been kept afloat and even pumped up further by endless money printing and financial repression, with a lot of the cheap/free money pumped into stock buybacks to keep the markets looking good, or dropped into the housing market (again).

It was set to implode under its own weight anyway but once indebted companies find their cash flow drying up as a result of this global pandemic it will cause a chain reaction effect.

TPTB will probably respond to this by upping their money printing game even further but it's too late - all that will happen is massive inflation followed by, probably, a depression.  You can't magically print more food and goods and all you're doing is adding to the money supply chasing existing in-demand things.

This is why the government appears to have been trying to play the whole thing down - they know that if people stay at home and the economy takes a hit it's game over and economically uncharted waters.

The entire financial system is going to unravel. When share prices slum for companies with highly leveraged debt positions that effectively become insolvent on paper, credit lines and orders are very soon going to dry up. 2008++, the hit to UK high street consumption and lost income is going to be huge, I think the economic shocks will start to cascade wildly from here.  

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24 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

7-10 days and it’ll be the same here, probably worse. 

Yeah we are probably only a couple of weeks behind them.

The complacency being shown by our government is unbelievable or maybe they have already given up, some of the language seems to point that way. 

Facemasks - "don't help", "hand sanitiser not as good as washing" : are these true or an admission that they cannot procure supplies for the population. The fact that use of both is compulsory in the few places where they seem to be managing to control spread makes me think the former.

Why do no politicians mention ventilators. Ventilation is currently the most important/only method of saving people with the severe form of the infection. China quickly brought in and staffed  many 1000s of extra units. What if anything are we doing?  

Add to that we are doing nothing like as much to stop the spread of the infection as the Chinese and we are likely to have a massively highly number of patients to deal with and it is easy to see a looming breakdown of our health services.   

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3 minutes ago, Kingman said:

The complacency being shown by our government is unbelievable or maybe they have already given up, some of the language seems to point that way

It's been discussed here before, its all part of the plan. The theory is if you do feck all, the death toll goes up, as the health services can't cope but economically you recover much quicker

They are supposedly preparing for a death toll as high as 100,000

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20 minutes ago, bickster said:

It's been discussed here before, its all part of the plan. The theory is if you do feck all, the death toll goes up, as the health services can't cope but economically you recover much quicker

They are supposedly preparing for a death toll as high as 100,000

Exactly. As older VTers will remember, it’s the national equivalent of the chicken-pox party your mum rushed you to when some kid in your street got it.

Pass the cherryade.. 


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Not panicking just yet, obviously it's an ongoing concern. Not letting the media brainwash me either as they probably causing most of this panic. I'm reading the websites reporting the updated numbers and local news to see how many confirmed cases locally but other than that until things really rocket up in terms of numbers over here then il just use the advice given and carry on as normal. I'm not saying this is not going to be bad but at this moment in time I'm not too concerned. Ebola, SARS etc were supposed to wipe us out too....

Loads of panic buying round here the local co op and tesco Express out of loo roll and paracetamol. Not visited any of the big supermarkets as of yet, but will be doing a shop tomorrow so we will see how bats**t it has gone. 

Of all the cases so far, from what I have read we are only at 3% death rate worldwide as of now. That's not too say it's not going to get a lot worse or anything but until we start seeing a lot more deaths I'm not worried. Even then il only be more concerned if we see people of all ages dying, seems like it's just the elderly who are at the greatest risk currently. That's not me being ignorant but again I think a lot of people are overreacting. Especially those panic buying...

Edited by leighavfc
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1 hour ago, chrisp65 said:

Had a coffee in my local shopping centre Costa yesterday. Ordinarily you sort of hover outside to see if there is a spare table. Yesterday, we were the only customers.

Today, in to Cardiff 30 mins before the shops open, hoping to get a table in my fave coffee shop.... about 10 or 15 empty tables to choose from.


Sounds like you need to expand your bridge selling company to Cardiff

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