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6 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

I find it absolutely mental that people would waste their time (and money) to go and view this bollocks in person as I wouldn't even waste a minute of my time watching it on the box. I am sure some people would think the same about me though going to the footie or some of the concerts I have been to. The ones who sleep out for days though are on another level. 

It is a case of each to their own, there’s not many would trawl through record shops looking for over priced scratched up copies of moderately good 1980’s vinyl records, or watch other people kick a ball around a field.

Having said that…



I suspect now there is a decent spectacle in watching the royal fans. Like when you end up at the train station cos the car is being serviced and you spend a good ten minutes watching the train spotters down the end of the platform.

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1 hour ago, ml1dch said:

I have no strongly-held opinions one way or the other on the monarchy, but if anything were to convert me to the side of hardcore republicanism, it's being told by the police that they are going to "deal robustly with anyone intent on undermining this celebration".

What an absolutely despicable thing to put out. It's peoples right to object to this farce if they want to. There's a line, we all know there is, but that makes it sound like it's impossible to do any kind of protesting at all. I detect the hand of Braverman behind that.

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38 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

I find it absolutely mental that people would waste their time (and money) to go and view this bollocks in person as I wouldn't even waste a minute of my time watching it on the box. I am sure some people would think the same about me though going to the footie or some of the concerts I have been to. The ones who sleep out for days though are on another level. 

I'd spontaneously go see something historical  if I had nothing planned  (I still might jump on a train Saturday morning if the kids want to go)  , but I'm left scratching my head at people that camp out just for Facebook likes ...   


for the anti brigade I'd be interested to know , if you were in another country and had the chance to witness some historic or traditional event .. would you say , **** that bollocks or would you go witness it ?

I mean I think the Hadj is bollocks , but if I could go to Mecca and witness it I'd do it at the drop of the hat   .. I've been to military parades and religious events around the world , not because I believe in them but because they are historical , traditional or even just enjoyable . 


Edited by tonyh29
thought it was Friday today !
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6 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

I'd spontaneously go see something historical  if I had nothing planned  (I still might jump on a train tomorrow morning if the kids want to go)  , but I'm left scratching my head at people that camp out just for Facebook likes ...   


for the anti brigade I'd be interested to know , if you were in another country and had the chance to witness some historic or traditional event .. would you say , **** that bollocks or would you go witness it ?

I mean I think the Hadj is bollocks , but if I could go to Mecca and witness it I'd do it at the drop of the hat   .. I've been to military parades and religious events around the world , not because I believe in them but because they are historical , traditional or even just enjoyable . 


If you could travel in, see something interesting and then leave why not.

Its these people that sleep in the street for days and then wet their pants because a billionaire completely detached from reality drove passed for 5 seconds that need their heads checking.

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13 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

I'd spontaneously go see something historical  if I had nothing planned  (I still might jump on a train tomorrow morning if the kids want to go)  , but I'm left scratching my head at people that camp out just for Facebook likes ...   


for the anti brigade I'd be interested to know , if you were in another country and had the chance to witness some historic or traditional event .. would you say , **** that bollocks or would you go witness it ?

I mean I think the Hadj is bollocks , but if I could go to Mecca and witness it I'd do it at the drop of the hat   .. I've been to military parades and religious events around the world , not because I believe in them but because they are historical , traditional or even just enjoyable . 


I think you make an interesting point. Most tourists have a superficial at best appreciation of greater societal implications of the showy moments they see abroad. They don't really understand the layers of power and the flavour of support... exactly who is being whatever they're watching. 

It's a different thing to be a passive bystander than to actively go somewhere with full knowledge (more or less) of the ins and outs of the country and to support something. I just couldn't bring myself to watch this farce for a moment. It's a completely different thing.

If it was someone else's culture being subservient to aristocratic billionaires that live by different rules and I had no idea whatsoever about what was going on I might head down and look though, especially if I was on holiday. Why not. 

Edited by Rolta
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12 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

I'd spontaneously go see something historical  if I had nothing planned  (I still might jump on a train tomorrow morning if the kids want to go)  , but I'm left scratching my head at people that camp out just for Facebook likes ...   


for the anti brigade I'd be interested to know , if you were in another country and had the chance to witness some historic or traditional event .. would you say , **** that bollocks or would you go witness it ?

I mean I think the Hadj is bollocks , but if I could go to Mecca and witness it I'd do it at the drop of the hat   .. I've been to military parades and religious events around the world , not because I believe in them but because they are historical , traditional or even just enjoyable . 


Depends. Nuremberg might not be at the top of my list.

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the state of all of this, a woman at work is going up tomorrow and sleeping out so she has a good spot, this is a normal woman, never seemed unhinged. I can no longer take her seriously.

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Crazy really. I’m no Royalist, but if I were, I think seeing Charlie boy for 10 seconds as he sails by, wouldn’t top simply watching it all in detail on the telly. Be like going to the Cup Final with no ticket, and after seeing the team coach go by, standing there with no idea what happened after. Sad. 

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17 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

I'd spontaneously go see something historical  if I had nothing planned  (I still might jump on a train tomorrow morning if the kids want to go)  , but I'm left scratching my head at people that camp out just for Facebook likes ...   


for the anti brigade I'd be interested to know , if you were in another country and had the chance to witness some historic or traditional event .. would you say , **** that bollocks or would you go witness it ?

I mean I think the Hadj is bollocks , but if I could go to Mecca and witness it I'd do it at the drop of the hat   .. I've been to military parades and religious events around the world , not because I believe in them but because they are historical , traditional or even just enjoyable . 


Yeah that’s an interesting point.

I think on a tourist trip I would have a far lower bar on what was acceptable and I’d have far less cultural understanding or political awareness, and I’d likely be a few lagers in to the day. So yes, overseas I’d have a look, watch the spectacle. Same as I would a Disney parade or Pride march or local planning dispute.

But for this coronation, in the actual country where we live, it’s a bit more ‘real’. With the police saying all intent to object will be robustly dealt with, being simply an observer looks less likely, less possible. It’ll be seen as more of an endorsement of a system where he gets a tax free billionaire lifestyle and we cheer him on and forget about foodbanks for a day.

Fact is, my missus is a bit of a leftie, I mean she makes me look quite middle of the road. But she will watch it as she’s in to history generally and the history of kings n queens. She is very much the Billy Bragg school of thought, it’s nice to have a monarchy for the tradition and cultural continuity. But there should be two or three of them, and they should have maybe two or three palaces and properties. Whereas I have no interest and shall busy myself noodling around out the garage on Saturday. Not as some turn my back protest, it just doesn’t interest me more than sorting out my garage does.

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39 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

for the anti brigade I'd be interested to know , if you were in another country and had the chance to witness some historic or traditional event .. would you say , **** that bollocks or would you go witness it ?

I guess it all depends what it was

If it was Royalist bollocks - no

I have a number of times celebrated Bastille Day with the French on the Promenade des Anglais (fortunately not the year of the terrorist attack). I've even watched the parade of military vehicles in the daytime (just to laugh at the funny old uniforms more than anything)

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43 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

I'd spontaneously go see something historical  if I had nothing planned  (I still might jump on a train Saturday morning if the kids want to go)  , but I'm left scratching my head at people that camp out just for Facebook likes ...   


for the anti brigade I'd be interested to know , if you were in another country and had the chance to witness some historic or traditional event .. would you say , **** that bollocks or would you go witness it ?

I mean I think the Hadj is bollocks , but if I could go to Mecca and witness it I'd do it at the drop of the hat   .. I've been to military parades and religious events around the world , not because I believe in them but because they are historical , traditional or even just enjoyable . 


Nope. Just not interested in parades, processions, anything of that nature, I find it rather dull. 

Add the sheer number of people in attendance and it only reduces the appeal (football and gigs are the only occasions that I put up with crowds in their thousands, unless I’m forgetting something).

If I had been on holiday in Monaco (and alive) when Grace Kelly died and her funeral took place, I wouldn’t have been anywhere near it. 

I would only watch a parade of any kind if I personally knew someone taking part in it. And it would have to be someone I care for. I worked with someone who had a heavy involvement in organising the Olympic torch passing through a small part of the country which our local authority covered. A ridiculous amount of work for the amount of time the torch was physically in our patch.

By all accounts it went well, she did a good job. Damned if I’m actually going to go and watch it though.

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Other than a remembrance parade the only parades I'm interested in are scantily clad ladies in bikinis or most importantly of all Villa parading a cup. Thinking about it, if a pair of DD cups are being paraded then that tops the lot.  

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1 hour ago, markavfc40 said:

I find it absolutely mental that people would waste their time (and money) to go and view this bollocks in person as I wouldn't even waste a minute of my time watching it on the box. I am sure some people would think the same about me though going to the footie or some of the concerts I have been to. The ones who sleep out for days though are on another level. 

how long would you sleep in a tent outside of the VP ticket office for if it meant you being guaranteed a champions league final ticket?

we think these guys are lunatics...but it's something they're passionate about

my thoughts are...is it really necessary? like, it's presumably a fairly big area...you'd think you should be able to rock up a few hours early and still grab a half decent spot...or at least just the night before. days in advance? surely a waste of time

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1 hour ago, tonyh29 said:

for the anti brigade I'd be interested to know , if you were in another country and had the chance to witness some historic or traditional event .. would you say , **** that bollocks or would you go witness it ?


Hand on heart mate then no I don't think I would, certainly not something like this. Obviously if I was in a certain place and a procession came by then I'd look where as with this if I had to be anywhere in the vicinity I'd actively avoid it. 

As @chrisp65 and @Rolta and others have said though I am actively aware of (and invested in, quite literally) all of this and fully aware of the history and characters involved and for that reason I have no interest, other than to think it shouldn't be happening.

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This absolute loon usually pops into my head when this sort of occasion happens:


At one point he is filmed reciting a poem he wrote about her as she was meeting and greeting....then some old biddie dared to interrupt him midflow....he was not impressed....as if he had total exclusivity.....amongst the hundreds in the crowd !



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I read this through this thread and start to understand why some are so staunch on certain topics.

Its like we can't say anything about the geezer dressed as a women in lycra with his package showing, as its all good these days. But ofcourse its no problem taking the piss out the people who enjoy go to a parade of the royals for the rare day that it is. Its history to them, let them be, like we have to accept Sam Smith dressed in a basque with stockings on, in reality what's worse.

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