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Things of the decade


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As we enter the 2020s, let's have your best things of the 2010s?

Favourite album?

Favourite song?

Favourite film?

Favourite TV show?

Favourite actor/actress?

Favourite gig attended?

Biggest news story?

Icon of the decade? 

Villain of the decade? 

Wild card (tell us something personal you've loved, achieved, had happen to you etc in the 2010s?)



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Favourite album? Same Trailer Different Park by Kacey Musgraves.

Favourite song? You Can Always Come Home by Alan Jackson.

Favourite film? Frozen

Favourite TV show? This is England TV Series

Favourite actor/actress? John Simm

Favourite gig attended? Mary Prankster in Baltimore, 2017

Biggest news story? Brexit

Icon of the decade? Taylor Swift

Villain of the decade? Tommy Robinson

Wild card (tell us something personal you've loved, achieved, had happen to you etc in the 2010s?) Without hesitation the birth of my grandson. He is 3 and a half now and he forms and influences most things in my life. 

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A a few places have named it as film of the last ten years, but whether it's a film, a TV show or something else, my favorite piece of media art, including music, has been season 3 of Twin Peaks. Watched each episode twice as they aired, something I'd never done with any other TV before, and have watched the whole thing several times since, I think it's a masterpiece.

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Hmmm, all these are in a constant state of flux.


Right now, would it be wrong of me to say the best album of the last decade was SFA at the BBC?

A 4 album box set with plenty I hadn’t heard before, I got No 243 of 400, hand printed art work, Yeti fur, just a beautiful piece of art. To name something else is almost impossible, so much good stuff.

SONG: Magic Onion, The Lovely Eggs

Impossible to choose really, but I’d guess this has to be right up there.

FILM: nothing that warrants being a fave of the decade, one that stands out, A Field In England 

TV: Breaking Bad I had the good timing to get in to it after it had started, so I could binge watch, but before it became cult popular, so the DVD’s were £2.99 in Asda.

Actor: not a clue

GIG: another impossible category, SFA reunion in 2015, most Alabama 3 gigs? Lovely Eggs at Clwb Ifor Bach? Shonen Knife, Brixton Windmill? So I’m gonna go with... Selector Dub Narcotic, Spillers late night in store gig, 2016. That man is a genius and got that party started.

ICON: Michael Sheen? Gavin Chesterfield? Jake Black? Ashli Todd for her brilliant late night twitter rants.

VILLAIN: Mark Zuckerburg

WILD CARD: Barry Town started the decade owned by a scary mad prick. SMP closed the club, the FA expunged them from the records. But the fans wouldn’t have it,  took the FA to court, won, got the club back albeit as non-insured parks team. Got reinstated on bottom rung, promoted, promoted, promoted until this summer just gone they qualified for Europe and we all had a superb jolly boys outing - literally the first European trip for some of the younger guys. Absolute blast. I own 0.3% of it.

Currently looking like we will make the January cut and have another tilt at European qualification (3 from 7 qualify). Crazy heady days.

All of the above subject to change.


Crazy difficult thread.






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11 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

Hmmm, all these are in a constant state of flux.


Right now, would it be wrong of me to say the best album of the last decade was SFA at the BBC?

A 4 album box set with plenty I hadn’t heard before, I got No 243 of 400, hand printed art work, Yeti fur, just a beautiful piece of art. To name something else is almost impossible, so much good stuff.

SONG: Magic Onion, The Lovely Eggs

Impossible to choose really, but I’d guess this has to be right up there.

FILM: nothing that warrants being a fave of the decade, one that stands out, A Field In England 

TV: Breaking Bad I had the good timing to get in to it after it had started, so I could binge watch, but before it became cult popular, so the DVD’s were £2.99 in Asda.

Actor: not a clue

GIG: another impossible category, SFA reunion in 2015, most Alabama 3 gigs? Lovely Eggs at Clwb Ifor Bach? Shonen Knife, Brixton Windmill? So I’m gonna go with... Selector Dub Narcotic, Spillers late night in store gig, 2016. That man is a genius and got that party started.

ICON: Michael Sheen? Gavin Chesterfield? Jake Black? Ashli Todd for her brilliant late night twitter rants.

VILLAIN: Mark Zuckerburg

WILD CARD: Barry Town started the decade owned by a scary mad prick. SMP closed the club, the FA expunged them from the records. But the fans wouldn’t have it,  took the FA to court, won, got the club back albeit as non-insured parks team. Got reinstated on bottom rung, promoted, promoted, promoted until this summer just gone they qualified for Europe and we all had a superb jolly boys outing - literally the first European trip for some of the younger guys. Absolute blast. I own 0.3% of it.

Currently looking like we will make the January cut and have another tilt at European qualification (3 from 7 qualify). Crazy heady days.

All of the above subject to change.


Crazy difficult thread.






Years ago you posted about the trials and tribulations of Barry Town, the beginning of the new era I recall. Bloody interesting stuff. Probably archived now at must have been 10 years ago. 

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I think I must be getting old because I could probably make a list like this and realise that a lot of my answers predate 2010.  The decade has gone in a blink of an eye, I thought old people were talking shit when saying it goes quicker when you get older but it's pretty depressing.  I've probably only bought half a dozen albums in that time too, when I used to buy one a week when I was at college.  **** getting old.  And I'm only 34.

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4 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

The decade has gone in a blink of an eye, I thought old people were talking shit when saying it goes quicker when you get older but it's pretty depressing.  

Hasn't it just! 

It is mental when I think about it. I'm 40 now and my 30's went in the blink of an eye. I would wager I haven't purchased a CD or DVD this decade. All streamed now. I've maybe gone to the cinema 2 or 3 times? Dark Knight Rises was one... Man of Steel was another. I've just looked them up. 2012 and 2013. **** hell! 

I've owned this apartment over 6 years... still haven't fully unpacked yet! The next decade will only go quicker as well. 

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Album - arctic monkeys AM, just beat foals total life forever

song - r u mine arctic monkeys, easy one for me

film - probably xmen days if future past, hardest category for me, depends what mood I’m in

tv show - the leftovers

actor - Stephen graham, di caprio could get it but he was great in the 00s too and just kept it up, Jennifer Lawrence started strong but couldn’t keep it up

gig - torn between arctic monkeys at my only trip to royal Albert hall or Liam Gallagher at Union chapel

news story - because it’s closer to home brexit just trumps trump

icon - Greta...or someone not in a positive way like Kanye or a kardashian, or even pewdiepie whatever his name is, the icons of this decade are people who in no way shape or form should ever be considered an icon, summing the decade up

villain - David Cameron 

wildcard - think the biggest impactual thing for me is the rise of the stream, Netflix and Spotify have had a huge impact on me, probably in the same way that social media did in the 00s, the things I spend the most free time doing, watching tv and listening to music, have both changed significantly, I think in the last nonetheless amazon prime have shown us the future of how people watch football, the Boxing Day set up will be second nature in 2029, so will the idea that you have several streaming services at £10 a month each rather than throwing £70 a month at sky

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5 hours ago, dAVe80 said:

As we enter the 2020s, let's have your best things of the 2010s?

Favourite album? 'The Monitor' by Titus Andronicus, which came out in 2010, is probably the last album I listened to in the old way of just playing it start to finish, over and over again. A masterpiece.

Favourite song? Went through my Spotify playlists for the last few years and tried to have a proper think. This is an impossible question, but I'd go with 'I Follow Rivers' by Lykke Li as the track that would bring back the most memories. Special mentions to 'Wandering Star' by Polica'Marvins Room' by Drake'BTSTU' by Jai Paul, and 'Near to the Wild Heart of Life' by Japandroids.

Favourite film? A bit like albums, this was the decade where I stopped watching films. But the climbing documentary Free Solo dragged me down to the cinema 3 times. I also got a bit obsessed with Beasts of the Southern Wild for a while.

Favourite TV show? I guess it has to be Game of Thrones, for all its flaws.

Favourite actor/actress? Steve Carell 

Favourite gig attended? Dolly Parton at Glastonbury 2014 was pretty special, as were Jurassic 5 and Disclosure at the same festival. Craig David at Glastonbury 2017 was also amazing, in a way I can't really describe, since I hated the man the first time around.

Biggest news story? Keith Vaz telling two male prostitutes he was a washing machine salesman called Jim.

Icon of the decade? Jack Grealish or the man who fought a terrorist with a narwhal tusk

Villain of the decade? Donald Trump has emboldened a new generation of unpleasant people to be proudly unkind and selfish, under the pretence of sticking one to the liberals

Wild card (tell us something personal you've loved, achieved, had happen to you etc in the 2010s?) Made some fantastic friends, people who've seen me at my best and at my worst, and stuck by me, which is all you can ask for really. The 2010s were a bit of a mixed bag for me, to be honest, but plenty to look back on with fondness.


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As much as I like the idea of this thread, trying to sieve everyones experience through those questions tends to alienate the folks who don't experience the world through the formats you catalogue.

I don't want to be 'that guy' but maybe broader questions would be more inclusive? i.e. something along the lines of:

1) What was your most profound moment of the last decade ?

2) Which event changed how you think/view the world? (Please explain before and after)

3) Name the most significant pop culture moment for you.

Maybe thats all for another thread, I'm too old for this shit - or I'm drunk - I don't know. 


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Game of Thrones

30 Rock

Kurt Vile

Really good cannabis

Cannabis has been like a silver bullet to my lower back pain. Revelatory.

I re-centered myself the last decade. I've tried to be more true to who I am and to accept my limitations without being to hard on myself. 

Going to Standing Rock Reservation in December 2016 was a pretty massive thing for me in my life. I was briefly on a front line ready to fight. It was humbling and it's kept me on a compass ever since.

I really worry for the USA. With Brexit as well, it feels like a real shift has taken place for our countries and it's most obvious consequence has been the ceding of leadership to Germany, Russia and China.

The collective security we all enjoyed post WW2 is over.



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See, I’ve just remembered another gig that was riiiiight up there with the best.

I went to see Primal Scream at Maida Vale Studios, a lottery for just 100 tickets and I got one. So I was in there when they filmed in front of 100 people and it was one of those rare Scream gigs where Bobbie Gillespie wasn’t awful. In fact he was almost chatty between songs and we had a couple of extras just for us once the broadcast was finished. All for free, so they had what looked like a crowd of nodding heads for the cameras.

It might actually be the loudest gig I’ve been to this decade, they gave out ear plugs because it was a small room but they wouldn’t turn the volume down. One of those where you can feel every beat punch you in the chest.

...and @Seat68 was right, This Is England was massive and important and a joy and sad and much better than Breaking Bad.


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Oh has anyone done the pedantic thing of pointing out that the decade has another year to run yet?

I think my problem is I have difficulty remembering things to a timeline, the last year or so is fine but things in the last 25 years are very jumbled in my internal timeframe.

If I'm triggered to remember things, I remember them, I just have to then do a little work to work out the year

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Can't say I've engaged with this decade as much as previous ones. Most of the music I've listened to, films I've watched etc have not been from this decade. Probably bought less than 15 games as well. I feel like the general quality and originality of TV, movies, music and games has taken a nose dive.

Edited by Dr_Pangloss
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5 minutes ago, bickster said:

Oh has anyone done the pedantic thing of pointing out that the decade has another year to run yet?

I think my problem is I have difficulty remembering things to a timeline, the last year or so is fine but things in the last 25 years are very jumbled in my internal timeframe.

If I'm triggered to remember things, I remember them, I just have to then do a little work to work out the year

Exactly this. In my memory, the 1960s was a very defined decade - I can place events, record releases, etc. very precisely, year by year, or even month by month. The 70s almost as much. The 80s, rather less so. From the 90s on (what I call 'now'), it's all a jumble. And - perhaps paradoxically - the last few years have been pretty good for books, music, life events, so I'm at risk of naming something as 'the best', and immediately after posting remembering something better. 

But as far as the more general category goes, it would have to be: paying off the mortgage, retiring from work, and becoming a grandfather (twice). Life changing. 

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