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The Hung Like a Donkey General Election December 2019 Thread


Which Cunch of Bunts are you voting for?  

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  1. 1. Which Cunch of Bunts Gets Your Hard Fought Cross

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    • The Hopelessly Divided Unicorn Chasing Red Team
    • The Couldn't Trust Them Even You Wanted To Yellow Team
    • The Demagogue Worshiping Light Blue Corportation
    • The Hippy Drippy Green Team
    • One of the Parties In The Occupied Territories That Hates England
    • I Live In Northern Ireland And My Choice Is Dictated By The Leader Of A Cult
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  • Poll closed on 12/12/19 at 23:00

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Bit late to the party but just watched the Corbyn interview , Swinson just lost her 2019 award for car crash tv appearance but presumably she gets another stab at wrestling it away from Corbyn in the coming days ?

if I’m honest I found Neil as annoying as I found the clearing in the woods with the Afro shouting out over Johnson the other day , at least let the man answer the question  but the problem for cuddily Jezza is he couldn’t  keep up the act and repeatedly showed his disdain , Johnson and Swinson will handle that side far better I’m sure ...

Seems there is a campaign by labour to try and flood  social media to drown out as much as they can   , luckily we’ve got VT to ensure we don’t miss all the negativity around Corbyns interview .

no doubt Neil will be serving Johnson hot chocolate and tickling his tummy when it’s his turn 




Edited by tonyh29
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1 minute ago, Awol said:

So they were words removed too. What about inviting terrorists from said organisation to parliament 2 weeks after the Brighton bombing? Actions of a future PM, or an ally of the IRA? 

Where did Thatcher('s government) invite them to?

I think my comments about Corbyn's (at the very least) unfortunate involvements is open to all to search on VT (I've not been complimentary).


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42 minutes ago, colhint said:

You said he was awful a few posts ago, so why are you defending him so much on this issue? 

It’s possible to have a mixed  response.

As a party leader, he’s not really excelled, I’m sure we can agree on that. On dealing with the relentless attack on this issue, he’s not really excelled.

Is the issue being inflated and used as a weapon against him by people that are at the very least equally open to claims of racism? Damn straight it is. I’m willing to bet, pro rate, there are more racist nut jobs in The Brexit Party and the tory party. But they get a sort of bye, as its sort of accepted that people who read the Mail are mostly paedo’s or racists or racist paedos.

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12 minutes ago, snowychap said:

As did the following Tories (couldn't be arsed to go through the other column so there may well be a fair few more):

Julian Amery; Sir John Biggs-Davison; Michael Brown; John Browne; Peter Bruinvels; Nick Budgen; Terry Dicks; Den Dover; Sir John Farr; Ian Gow; Trevor Skeet; Ivor Stanbrook; Bill Walker.


Just me that really wanted that MP to be called Ben Dover ? 

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1 minute ago, chrisp65 said:

But they get a sort of bye, as its sort of accepted that people who read the Mail are mostly paedo’s or racists or racist paedos.

I assume you are going for satire here ,rather than offence :) 

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Just now, tonyh29 said:

I assume you are going for satire here ,rather than offence :) 

I plead the Johnson defence. I was going for satire in the same way Johnson goes for satire. Iif you believe he doesn’t mean his funny casual racism, he’s just an Eton educated journalist that’s clumsy with words, then you’ll believe I don’t really mean Mail readers are racist paedos.

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56 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

Speaking on behalf of the organisation, sure, but there's a big leap between that and speaking on behalf of all Hindus in the UK, and I don't think that difference is being adequately noted in the media (and obviously not by the organisation themselves, who have every reason to big themselves up).


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my guess too. But it goes back to my original point, Daily Mail, racist brexit,  forriners , it's accepted, part of the norm. We can even joke about it now. But call Jezza an Anti-semite, bloody hell that's serious. 

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1 minute ago, chrisp65 said:

I plead the Johnson defence. I was going for satire in the same way Johnson goes for satire. Iif you believe he doesn’t mean his funny casual racism, he’s just an Eton educated journalist that’s clumsy with words, then you’ll believe I don’t really mean Mail readers are racist paedos.

It’s a bit like the Top Gear “slope” line , it went right over my head at the time , then people far clever than me pointed out it was offensive and I thought oh that’s clever , then felt bad that I hadn’t written to my MP demanding Clarkson  be deported ... my initial take on the Johnson article you quoted was it was taking aim at Blair , but in a bid to be clever crosses into  racism intended or not .

guess what I’m saying in a round about way is we should write to our MP to have Chris deported for his portrayal of Mail readers 

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1 minute ago, colhint said:

my guess too. But it goes back to my original point, Daily Mail, racist brexit,  forriners , it's accepted, part of the norm. We can even joke about it now. But call Jezza an Anti-semite, bloody hell that's serious. 

Surely a comp educated boy can be given the same benefit of the doubt on humour as our Eton educated ex journalist Prime Minister?

This is my point, why are these allegations against Corbyn more serious?

I suspect we’ll never agree as we both want different end results. 


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2 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

It’s a bit like the Top Gear “slope” line , it went right over my head at the time , then people far clever than me pointed out it was offensive and I thought oh that’s clever , then felt bad that I hadn’t written to my MP demanding Clarkson  be deported ... my initial take on the Johnson article you quoted was it was taking aim at Blair , but in a bid to be clever crosses into  racism intended or not .

guess what I’m saying in a round about way is we should write to our MP to have Chris deported for his portrayal of Mail readers 

Do you think an Eton educated professional journalist pursuing a career in politics can accidentally misuse racist language?


Edited by chrisp65
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1 minute ago, chrisp65 said:

Do you think an Eton educated professional journalist pursuing a career in politics can accidentally misuse racist language?


Alas Eton was out of my budget so I can’t really answer if they teach casual racism as part of it’s curriculum...

I’m not really trying to defend him fwiw , the conversation was really around your Mail line and the subsequent humorous exchange between us 

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yep, I know that. We (VT sub sets) end up taking on the sides of people we don’t really want to defend and don’t really represent us. It’s mostly just chatter. But its all kind of based in a kernel of truth. I don’t have any great affinity for Labour anymore, but the alternative, well I really can’t stomach them. Their track record here is of deliberate harm. At least with Labour there’s a chance its well meaning incompetence, although I’m beginning to be swung by the argument that they gaslight. 

I do doubt Johnson can blunder in to accidental racism time after time after time. He’s playing to an audience. 

I wonder if the Mail website still do the long lense shots of celebrities children in bikinis? I remember that being talked about and then one day realising it wasn’t a sick joke, they really did do it. Worrying they could ever have thought that was cool.

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On this attacking Corbyn thing, and is it any different to Johnson. The first obvious reply is that they're both utterly unfit to be PM. Second thing, tories and Labour both have problems with various -isms. Neither does much more than play superficial lip service to sorting it out. Labour has started to be less bad at it, mainly due to all the focus and pressure on it. They've done so very reluctantly and grudgingly, it appears.

What's kind of interesting, in a way, to me is the approaches the two parties take to their problem. The tories sort of try to brush it off as "a bit of a misunderstanding" a kind of "I wouldn't have used that language, but I'm sure no offence was intended, so let's move on..." response. There's often an imperceptible wink when responding too.

With Labour and Corbyn it's very different. There's a oily "holier than thou" attitude. An "I'm perfect, how dare anyone criticise me. Anyone criticising me can't be anything other than a Tory opponent, a Zionist",  It's a refusal to acknowledge any wrong-doing, because he or they are more virtuous and so can't have made a mistake, can't have acted feebly (at best).

So to take it to extremes to make a point - the Tories are sort of "Yeah, some of us are a little bit racist, but not seriously so". And Labour are "No we've never done anything wrong, there's no problem, you're attacking us because you're Israeli shills and Tories"

So the reaction to the tories is - yeah, they're a bit racist. Nothing more to say, but to Labour it's the hypocrisy that allows and generates further problems. Until you genuinely admit to yourself that you've got a problem, when at the same time you're claiming impeccable virtue, you're always going to be wallowing in crud.

It's like when the state does something wrong, or there's a problem, they set up an inquiry and a year later a whitewash report comes out. They juts hope everyone's forgotten about it. But the reality is that trust is lost, not so much because something went wrong, but because it wasn't dealt with. And that's what's happened with Labour. And every single time someone says "it's made up" or "A tory said it" or "an Israeli shill said it" and they don't address the substance, or pretend there's no substance, they perpetuate the problem. 

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11 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

It does feel like an issue which a competent leader could have shut down in approximately 10 minutes.

I don't think they would.

It's quite clear to me that the only resolution to this is for Corbyn to go. Until that happens, this will keep coming and keep coming and keep coming. Many of the most vocal voices about this have openly said Corbyn must fall on his sword, and there's a remarkable correlation between those opposed to Corbyn's politics and those making the most noise about how he's worse than Hitler.

It's a remarkable correlation. It even extends outside of Westminster.

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7 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

no doubt Neil will be serving Johnson hot chocolate and tickling his tummy when it’s his turn

I hope not, Neil is a grade A twunt but he's not one for letting politicians off the hook usually. I think he'd prefer to have all three heads mounted on a crest and hung in his chateau

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