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ok, i need a new book to read.


looking for something easy to read, fiction, good story, page-turner.


generally like thrillers, soft sci-fi, fantasy, and stuff like that.

don't like horror or comedy stuff.


any ideas?

You sound like you want to read 'ready player one' by Ernest Cline.... or 'enders game' by orson scott card. Although dark materials like the other dude recommended is pretty awesome to. If you like fantasy as well reading the kingkiller chronicles will be more than worth you time, and perhaps more rewarding than all the aforementioned...

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been a while since I posted my Kindle buying highlights...

* American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America - just looking at the map, I can pick out a few things I disagree with, but I eat this sort of thing up (just bought)

* (actual physical book, as in old, used paperback) The Nine Nations of North America - I've posted about the general theory (and the map Garreau proposed in 1980) before, but I finally got around to picking this up.

"California" is an even worse idea than Colorado.

The Empty Quarter's attitude toward The Breadbasket is cordial inattention. The two Pacific nations that divide California, in contrast, are openly antagonistic. They're as antithetical as sunshine and rain....

San Francisco and Los Angeles are not just two cities. They represent two value structures. Indeed, they are capitals of two different nations -- Los Angeles the capital of Mexamerica and San Francisco the capital of Ecotopia. So viewed, Sacramento is not the capital of anything important, but merely the border town between hostile forces.

* The Sensory Order - FA Hayek may be the only Nobel Laureate in economics whose best work is in another field (and I'm saying that as someone who'd seriously consider Hayek the greatest economist of all time)

* (Kindle single) The Three Languages of Politics - an eye-opening plea for good faith in political arguments. (Probably won't succeed in VT, then...)

* Finding Gaia - yeah, it's a feminist paranormal romance novel...

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I am in a bit of a crisis at the moment. I cant read anything


I have about 9 books to get through but just cant motivate myself to pick them up and get started on them.


at the moment I am only reading when I am on the bus which isn't great because my journey to work is only 15 minutes.

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My crisis is that I only read when I go to bed. Which isn't usually a problem, I can normally get an hour done if I go to bed at a reasonable time.


But I've been doing so much lately that I'm just knackered and I'm barely getting through a page a night! One of the books I'm reading I'm doing the old fold the corner down instead of using a bookmark, and I swear every other page has been folded down.


I've been reading the border trilogy since January and I'm still only on the second book!

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LA Confidential at the moment.

Great stuff.


Indeed. Working your way through the L.A. Quartet?



No, I picked up LA Confidential in a sale. It was an impulse buy as i'm a big fan of the movie and had always heard good things about Ellroy. So far it's lived up to the hype.


I'll probably pick up the other three at a later date (although I do understand they run chronologically).

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Finished Cloud Atlas. Enjoyed it mostly, though found the jump to the next bit annoying initially, but tbf Mitchell is very good at quickly drawing you in to the new world. Found the style in the post apocalyptic world more of a struggle with the wriiten dialect, its why i can never read irving welsh but was as said overall pretty good.

Now onto the latest Rankin rebus novel, for a more straightforward read!

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LA Confidential at the moment.

Great stuff.


Indeed. Working your way through the L.A. Quartet?



No, I picked up LA Confidential in a sale. It was an impulse buy as i'm a big fan of the movie and had always heard good things about Ellroy. So far it's lived up to the hype.


I'll probably pick up the other three at a later date (although I do understand they run chronologically).



They do, but it's not that big a deal with the first three (Black Dahlia --> Big Nowhere --> LA Confidential). White Jazz does start off with an immediate postscript to LAC, though.


They're all great, his best work IMO.

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I've been reading the border trilogy since January and I'm still only on the second book!

I'm just finishing Blood Meridian. What a writer. I expect to be haunted by images such as buzzards eating a dead baby for a long time.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ellroy's The Cold Six Thousand (Hardback) £1.25


:unsure: Can't believe how bad my charity shop bargain is. Random excerpt:


Pete stood up. Pete cracked his thumbs. Pete flexed his hands. Pete grabbed the chair slats. Pete pulled. Pete ripped the chair to sticks.


It's similar throughout. Ellroy admitted he made a mistake going too far with this style. 

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Yeah, I think I mentioned that before. Drove me a bit mad. Finished it, though. I can't not finish a book, no matter how bad/infuriating.


I'm catching up with some new books, with 'Hope: A Tragedy' by Shalom Auslander (I'd recommend it for Woody Allen fans), and then 'The Teleportation Accident' by Ned Beauman.


After that I'm going to go on a history binge. Fancy some stuff on the British colonisation of India, having just read A Passage to India.

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Just finished "The Passage" by Justin Cronin.


Quite a long book but I really enjoyed it.  I would give it 9 out of 10.


It's about a experiment that goes very wrong and the earth pays a heavy price for this.


1 girl holds the key to it all and what starts out as a description of her and her mothers early life turns into a story spanning a 100 years give or take.  There is a point in the book where I was speechless and had to put the book down for 10 minutes to contemplate what just happened,  absolutely brilliant.


I could not put this book down and there is a follow up book to this also.

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Ellroy's The Cold Six Thousand (Hardback) £1.25


:unsure: Can't believe how bad my charity shop bargain is. Random excerpt:


Pete stood up. Pete cracked his thumbs. Pete flexed his hands. Pete grabbed the chair slats. Pete pulled. Pete ripped the chair to sticks.


It's similar throughout. Ellroy admitted he made a mistake going too far with this style. 



Hmmm, yeah. I LOVED the LA Quartet. But started Underworld USA with American Tabloid, and didn't enjoy it nearly as much. Been putting off Cold Six Thousand precisely because I fear the mannered style may have gone too far. 

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I've been reading the border trilogy since January and I'm still only on the second book!

I'm just finishing Blood Meridian. What a writer. I expect to be haunted by images such as buzzards eating a dead baby for a long time.


I started reading Blood Meridian a couple of years ago, still got it on my shelf.


I hate McCarthy's style so much it pains me to read it. I just about dragged myself through No Country but as much as I've heard Blood Meridian is fantastic, I got about 100 pages in and gave up on it.

Edited by Chindie
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Just finished Dune for the umpteenth time. There's no point in reading anything else  :wub: .


Loved it when I read it in my teens. Never re-read it, suspect it might be a disappointment now. 


I did start reading the (first) sequel, Dune Messiah - thought it was crap and gave up. 

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