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That's fair enough mooney but it aint just a book about his mad moments. Very complex and detailed book trying to understand the man. Great book but also tragic. Starts from his childhood up until he died and beyond.

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I considered it, but too there's much competition on the unfeasibly long short list.

try it, I think you will find it a great read. Obviously he was as mad as a hatter but it looked into all areas of his life, not just the drunken tales. Very long book, well it was for me ha
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I have been reading The Border Trilogy for, no lie, about 15 months. Mainly due to my complete lack of reading these days.

However, my new bus to work arrangement has blessed me with about 90 minutes of reading time a day, and its an absolute pleasure.

So I'm racing through the Border Trilogy now. Just about finished "The Crossing" and aim to have finished the lot by next week.

Its really very very good. But it comes in waves. There will be pages and pages of what seems like nothing and then something huge will happen... Then it slows back down again..

Anyway, I'm loving it, despite all the flipping Spanish!

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"The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared" by Jonas Jonasson became a huge hit over here. Made a movie of it too. I kind of liked it myself but not close to being an all-time favourite. Story is kind of stolen from Forrest Gump but is more funny.
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I liked 'All the Pretty Horses', but I much prefered 'The Crossing'. There is a scene involving an eyeball which lives with me to this day...

Yeah that's pretty harrowing.

There's just a load of moments in that book that creep up on you and stay with you.

when he first catches the wolf, when Boyd gets shot, when his horse gets stabbed etc

Really enjoyed that one. Got 90 pages of Cities of the Plain left and its going to have to go some to beat The Crossing so that's definitely the pick of the bunch

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I'm on the last book of Stephen King's Dark Tower series, appropriately named The Dark Tower. 


It'll be weird saying goodbye to these characters that I've been with for the best part of a year, but I'm looking forward to wrapping it all up at the same time.


After that, I'm not sure what to read. I've always wanted to give The Road a shot but never got round to it. I assume plenty of you well-read VTers will have gotten through it at some stage. Any good? I've avoided the film because I've heard it's a pretty naff interpretation so I'm pretty much going in blind.

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The Road is superb but it is indeed harrowing. Probably the most stressed out I've been reading a fictional book. Thought Viggo and the kid were great in the film.  

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I enjoyed 'One Hundred Years of Solitude', but it does work its magic very slowly. There are some utterly horrific scenes dotted throughout, more so in the latter half of the book. I'd say stick with it if you've got that far already.


That said, his 'Love in the Time of Cholera' is a much better book, and one of my favourites.

I'm one on the ones who says One Hundred Years is one of the world's great works. It has a remarkable ending, and pranks by Marquez on the reader. But you do have to put some work in.

I thought Love in the Time of Cholera had far too much love and not nearly enough Cholera. That one was a bit dull.

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I'm on the last book of Stephen King's Dark Tower series, appropriately named The Dark Tower. 


It'll be weird saying goodbye to these characters that I've been with for the best part of a year, but I'm looking forward to wrapping it all up at the same time.


After that, I'm not sure what to read. I've always wanted to give The Road a shot but never got round to it. I assume plenty of you well-read VTers will have gotten through it at some stage. Any good? I've avoided the film because I've heard it's a pretty naff interpretation so I'm pretty much going in blind.


After not reading any of King's stuff for years i've recently started reading The Gunslinger. Enjoyable so far.


As for The Road, I thought it was superb. The film was a very good attempt to bring it to the big screen in my opinion.

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The Gunslinger is very good and one of my favourite books in the series. I'd like to go back and re-read it at some point after I've finished the series to see if I can pick out anything that you wouldn't spot without reading the later books. 


Are you planning on reading the whole series? There's a few books that tie-in with the seven books in the series that I would recommend reading as well.


I'll watch the movie of the road after I've read the book, I think. I just remember hearing a lot of bad things about it, but perhaps it was just misunderstood.

Edited by Ginko
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Are you planning on reading the whole series? There's a few books that tie-in with the seven books in the series that I would recommend reading as well.


Yes, although i'm far more intrigued at this point by the world building rather than the story which seems a little one-note. Although i'm sure it will get fleshed out a little more as the books progress.


Which are the other books? I was a huge fan of King until around the time of Geralds Game (urghh) so if it's anything before that i've probably read it.


My fave McCarthy is Blood Meridian. 


No Country for Old Men for me.

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