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Police state or the state of policing


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Btw, literally on the uk government website, an article outlining the suffragete movement, and (although maybe this is my poor comprehension) but writing it out like this, this is celebrating the movement and what they did for women's rights?



Militant action
Initially the WSPU's tactics were to cause disruption and some civil disobedience, such as the 'rush' on Parliament in October 1908 when it encouraged the public to join them in an attempt to invade the House of Commons. 60,000 people gathered but the police cordon held fast.

However the lack of Government action led the WSPU to undertake more violent acts, including attacks on property and law-breaking, which resulted in imprisonment and hunger strikes.

These tactics attracted a great deal of attention to the campaign for votes for women.

Plenty of these women had a baton taken to them, and probably people thought they were annoying or shouldn't protest or cause disruption. Bloody worked though didn't it? And their actions are taught as a positive in history.

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I do wonder how he new law will affect the fascists that try to march in Liverpool.

They should have the right to do it just as we should have the right to do exactly what we normally do, chase the f***ers out of the city

I do wonder which side the police would see as the victims. The 12 virgins filled with hate or the hundreds and thousands that turn up to prevent them marching

It would take an awful lot of police to stop the counter-demonstration, I'm not sure they have the manpower

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So forgetting the Republic protestors for a minute. Not much has been said about the the Westminster Council night time volunteers arrested for giving out rape alarms in Soho at 2 am.

Now these people were wearing council emblazoned  high viz vests and giving out rape alarms in a programme that is done in conjunction with… The Met

Instead of admitting their mistake they kept them in a police station for hours on end and released  them on bail pending further enquiries, they’ve since doubled down on that and claimed hey had justification because hey’s rcieved information that people were going to disrupt the procession using rape alarms to frighten the horses… presumably these are the same horses that are looked after by the military and are trained to be used to unusual and sudden sounds like you know… gunfire and artillery from all those 21 gun salutes etc

The Met are trying to improve their image, especially with respect to sexual misconduct and the reporting of sexual assault / rape perpetrated by both serving police staff and the wider public. Arresting people for giving out rape alarms in clubland at 2am in a volunteer programme that the Met is a partner of is just so insanely stupid in he first place but then to hold them for a considerable number of hours and try to justify it after the fact just shows that so far they've learned he sum total of f*** all and that the current measures and people put in charge of carrying them out aren't fit for purpose.

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Oh and here's another one of the arrests from yesterday, this time a journalist (with professional accreditation) arrested whilst filming a protest


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3 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

Btw, literally on the uk government website, an article outlining the suffragete movement, and (although maybe this is my poor comprehension) but writing it out like this, this is celebrating the movement and what they did for women's rights?


Plenty of these women had a baton taken to them, and probably people thought they were annoying or shouldn't protest or cause disruption. Bloody worked though didn't it? And their actions are taught as a positive in history.

The suffragette's actually committed terrorist acts with arson and bomb attacks = 5 killed + 24 injured.

The suffragists were a separate group who believed in a slower transition, a bit like the Fabians when it came to socialism.

Women should have got the vote a lot earlier, along with the eligibility to be conscripted.😎



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2 hours ago, MakemineVanilla said:

The suffragette's actually committed terrorist acts with arson and bomb attacks = 5 killed + 24 injured.

The suffragists were a separate group who believed in a slower transition, a bit like the Fabians when it came to socialism.

Women should have got the vote a lot earlier, along with the eligibility to be conscripted.😎



Mandela was labelled a terrorist and took part in a few terrorist acts.

This whole thing stinks, we can see the future with what's happened at this coronation.  The powers that be do not want us to protest, as far as I'm concerned,  'he's not my king' should become a trend that destroys this shambles once and for all. 


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12 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

If 99.9% of people go to an event to enjoy it , should the .1% have the right to deliberately ruin that enjoyment under the guise of “it’s my right “ ? 

That's the key word in that question and it's entirely subjective. One man's ruined is another man's annoyed.

12 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

if I turned up at a vegan rally with “eat more meat” banners whilst giving out bacon sandwiches cause I’m exercising my right to protest , would that be cool , or would it be blatantly trying to antagonise and provoke…  and should I be removed ?

Assuming you had somewhere ticketed to cook stuff that was up to standard then I'd very much take a bacon sandwich, which would be very cool and at the same time blatantly trying to antagonise and provoke and of course you shouldn't be removed.

Be a hard sell to the Judge that you were arrested for handing out perfectly good food in the street for free. This scenario sounds like a Not the 9 O'Clock News sketch.


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Something I've been wondering this afternoon at work, to the posters who seemingly have no issue with illegal arrest and detention - if we did happen to descend into fascism in all it's glory, would that bother any of you? Do you at least understand the concerns of people in this thread? Or would you welcome it with open arms?

Genuine question.

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2 hours ago, VILLAMARV said:

Something I've been wondering this afternoon at work, to the posters who seemingly have no issue with illegal arrest and detention - if we did happen to descend into fascism in all it's glory, would that bother any of you? Do you at least understand the concerns of people in this thread? Or would you welcome it with open arms?

Genuine question.

We won’t descend into fascism ….

but to answer your question , I’m not concerned about protestors being arrested , most of the protestors were left alone , we saw them on the tv with their banners … it seemed to be identified trouble makers who despite protestations of innocence  on Twitter  that were removed … one protestor whose Twitter handle was phileggsking and has a previous conviction for egging , is bleating  away at how he did nothing wrong … yes because you were taken away before you got a chance to  .. you can argue it’s like minority report but i’d rather a few  activists were given a few hours in detention than allow them to run amok on the streets .

I’m aware this won’t be a popular view on here though but  I’m aware of the concerns of those people , maybe in some circumstances I’ll even join them on the streets , but oil or republicanism  isn’t that cause for me 



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On 07/05/2023 at 14:36, StefanAVFC said:

Not a great analogy is it?

People have a choice not to eat meat, we don't have a choice to not live under a king.

What are you actualling achieving in protesting a vegan rally? You still have the choice.

A better analogy would be enforced veganism throughout the country, and you showing up protesting that. And yes I'd fully support your right to do so, and be strongly against pre-emptively arresting you.

I was trying to make an analogy more at people deliberately provoking and the reaction of such an event but your point is a valid and fair  one , nobody is forcing veganism on us … yet !


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