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Cameron Archer


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19 hours ago, sir_gary_cahill said:

I think you are right here, don’t forget about Keinan Davis too, he’s doing well in The Championship for Nottingham Forest too. Scoring goals in The Championship and scoring goals in The Championship are 2 different things entirely, I have seen many score a bucket load in The Championship but then couldn’t step up to The Premier League

I think Keiran Davis is not natural striker as he didn't got finisher or poacher killer instinct as I see him as is more forward type cos he is more support type and can score championship as his level.

Your're right championship some level can't score like I see one player he is definitely premiership level in end he worse forward in premiership - Jordan Hugill he is good all round striker but in end he never live up this level and R.McComirck, Hogan.

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23 hours ago, Villa87 said:

Definitely something about him that makes you take note. His movement is absolutely fantastic. Missed an absolute sitter though. 

His first touch always gives him instant control. Looks like he will have a very decent career in football . Whether that is with us or someone else is in the lap of the gods.

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50 Cent, Human League & scoring goals - Why Steven Gerrard will be buzzing about Cameron Archer - Ashley Preece - Birmingham Live (birminghammail.co.uk)

Nice little feature: 

This bit stood out to me as well.


What one thing would you say he needs to work on, would you say?

GH: His technique is superb and the way he has adapted to the Championship, for someone of his age and inexperience is admirable.

If he keeps working hard off the pitch and in the gym, that will build up his power and athleticism naturally, to make him an even bigger threat.

Archer has great team-mates to learn from at PNE - Emil Riis is devastating on the counter attack with his lighting pace and Ched Evans is an old school centre-forward, who Archer will enjoy playing alongside no doubt. I certainly haven't seen a clear weakness to really be concerned about.



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24 minutes ago, useless said:

Archer is a VIlla fan, his dad and one his brothers support Wolves.

That's what they all say* when they've been in an academy for a period of time. I've seen a few pictures of him as a kid in Wolves shirts though.

*no idea if he has actually publicly claimed to support us 

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When he was very young I think he played for a Wolves affiliated pre academy team hence the Wolves related jersey.

He definitely supports us, there's a poster on the Heroes and Villains forum that used to teach him and knows him and his family personally, who says that he's a Villa fan, this poster is definitely legit in his claims as well, I've seen them post about when Archer is going to be involved in U23 friendly games and sometimes when those games aren't even made public beforehand, I've also seen them post about Archer's injuries before they've been made public and they've turned out to be correct.

I'm pretty sure he's also stated in one his interviews that he's a Villa fan, sometimes youngsters wear tops of other teams doesn't mean to say that they support that team.

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'Cam isn't'... As can be seen by him wearing the whole strip and football boots, it seems he's playing for them or one of their affiliated junior teams, doesn't mean to say he supports them. He joined us as a seven year old, but at that early age can still play for other teams, not sure how old he is above.

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