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Marvelous Nakamba


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The shirt is his to lose now, IMO. 

I have fallen in love with his tenacity. It has always been there, but all too often in his short past with us he has played like a deflating balloon. Now he seems far more tactically astute, even if it is still something he needs to keep improving on. Which I feel will only come if he is given game time. Which he should absolutely get more of. 

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27 minutes ago, DevonIsAPlaceOnEarth said:

Dare I say Nakamba’s passing and touch have improved a lot since last season. He’s never going to be as good as Dougie, but he’s as honest as they come.

He is superior to Dougie defensively right now, without a doubt. But generally I agree, Douglas is going to the top. 

It might be a case of horse for courses, but it would be a shame not to see more of Nakamba. He's got ability, it's just a different kind.

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2 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

He is superior to Dougie defensively right now, without a doubt. But generally I agree, Douglas is going to the top. 

It might be a case of horse for courses, but it would be a shame not to see more of Nakamba. He's got ability, it's just a different kind.

I still see Doug more as more of a box to box midfielder over a DM if I'm honest, but not many agree.

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23 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

I still see Doug more as more of a box to box midfielder over a DM if I'm honest, but not many agree.

Possibly. But when he's on form, he's soooo good at dictating a game from there. And he's not exactly a defensive liability. 

I wouldn't be averse to a Nakamba, Luiz centre mid next week tbh. 

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2 hours ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

He is superior to Dougie defensively right now, without a doubt. But generally I agree, Douglas is going to the top. 

It might be a case of horse for courses, but it would be a shame not to see more of Nakamba.I want love, it's just a different kind.

i'm still standing glasses GIF by Elton John

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1 hour ago, Stratvillan said:

Could we drop Ross, and play Dougie, SJM and marvellous.

One of our few week stats is shots conceded. Playing a number 10 like Ross (not blaming him), but it leaves us open. Marvellous sitting and the other 2 taking it in turns to go forward?

I wonder if this is actually what we should have done against West Ham?

In hindsight?

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It's always good to see a lad improve himself, Marv had is doubters but he has taken it head on and showed he can do a job. He and Dougie are totally different players and both can do a role for us so i can see horses for courses happening here and both playing their part in our season. Well done Marv for showing progress and work effort on the big stage. 

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6 minutes ago, zab6359 said:

Really don't get the Nakamba love in honestly think he'll be moved on in the summer, seems a really nice guy but just not good eniugh for where we want to be.

Ultimately he may prove not good enough for where we want to be but there is no doubt he has a role to play in getting us there.

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1 hour ago, AVTuco said:

Let's stay positive in our predictions, eh?

I'm not for one minute suggesting that's what will happen but its a scenario which might play out. 

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