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Aston Villa Women


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Yeah obviously this probably isn't the case at all but it definitely just feels as if the club isn't putting much attention towards the women's side at all. Things were already pretty grim, don't sign anyone until our best young player is snatched away from us and then we hurry in a loan only then to be back at square one with 3 midfielders because Staniforth is now injured for the foreseeable. We must have one of the smallest budgets in the entire league. 

Just a bit depressing all round.

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I'd be very surprised if the club is losing interest in the women's team as it would be a strange time to do so with what's coming, I think the situation with the squad after the transfer window, is more a mixture of poor decisions, bad luck, and not wanting to just sign random players in January for the sake of chasing what might be a lost course anyway, when if we wait until the summer we can sign much better, so basically sacrificing this season, for the sake of the future

Letting McLoughlin go out on loan was a mistake, I think it was also a mistake not giving her more game time earlier in the season, she's more than good enough, truth be told I don't think she's far off Blindkilde's level, if the club want to generate some positivity amongst the fans after the transfer window disater, then giving her a new contract and making a big play about how she's big part of our future plans would probably be a good way of going about it

There has been some bad luck too, Parker and Staniforth ruled out for the season, and Jill Roord getting injured is what prompted Man City to make the late move for Blindkilde, might be that we tried to bring in replacements, but other clubs refused to sell in January, I would rather we wait until summer to bring in preferred targets, than sign just anyone. although if we didn't have such a small squad coming into the season in the first place, then these injuries wouldn't be as damaging, so again it could be said that that's another poor decision, but also it could have been a budget thing.

Hard to think of a positive at the moment, other than if we can somehow miraculously avoid any more injuries, we might still be able to do okay, and then I think we will be in for an interesting summer



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It’s easier to attract in summer on the back of a good season - we having fallen behind in that regards, summer just gone we would have been an appealing offer for players - next summer that won’t be the case.  You can dress it up as what you want, but it’s piss poor across the board - recruitment, communication, tactics, Image - everything this season screams amateur.  I stand by my quote after the first game this season, we didn’t even tread water in summer and have just gone backwards, that’s not down to bad luck - massive lack of progression..

We should be pushing the women’s game, it’s good for the club overall - there seems to be a massive disconnect with the rest of the squads.

We have a good following, always comes across in games - we/they are the ones being let down. Maybe I am over critical, as I want us to be a success and was generally excited in what we looked to be doing last season.  



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You obviously haven't read my post properly, as I haven't tried to dress anything up, i pointed out poor decision making, and have done in so i other posts in this thread today, but it's just plain dumb to completely ignore we've had bad luck with injuries, so it's only fair that I point that out as well, if I'm also going to point out bad decision making, which I did do

If some are so adamant that this season has been such a disaster, then it would follow that rescuing it in order to make us a more attractive proposition in the summer is too late, if it's not too late for that then the season hasn't been as a big of a disaster as is being claimed, can't have it both ways.

Pointless signing a bunch of players for the sake of it this window, when we can attract better in the summer, and yes we can attract better in the summer, as we will have much more money to spend, owing to a lot of money being freed from released players, and the Blindkilde money will help, it's just logical than any club for the most part will be able to attract better in in a summer window rather than in th winter, we attracted Daly and Dali after we had finished nineth, if the club are willing to spend then players will come in the summer, regardless of what kind of season we've had.

And no our recruitment wasn't bad in the summer we didn't stand still far from it, Parker, Patten Van Domselaar, Hanson, Salmon, Leon, and Poor were all top signings for where we were and are as a club, funny how not one person was saying we'd had a bad summer recruitment wise when we were signing these players, quite the opposite in fact, but after a difficult start it was suddenly a bad window, I mean if anyone was so knowledgable about our signings and thought them bad ones, then sure wouldn't have had high expectations for the season in the first place.

Other than Hanson not hitting the heights of last season our new signings haven't even been what's gone wrong with this season, they've done pretty well, it's more some of the players who were already here have had bid drop offs in form, again easy to say now after the fact that they should have been replaced, but no one was calling for that in the summer, and we already made six first team signings, only so many are possible, unless asking the club to buy an entire new side after they had just had their best season ever

It was a bad start to the season, but we've recovered well since the Chelsea defeat, we're fifth in the form guide since then, same points won as Man Utd, so a respectable league finish shouldn't be out of the question, or shouldn't have been, now we need a lot of luck with injuries, we're also in a Cup-Quarter final, with a tough but winnable game, we had worst performance ever against Everton in the FA Cup, the transfer window has been a disaster pretty much, some of it our own fault some of it bad luck, some of it the club probably taking a calculated risk, I talk about the good and the bad things, not just come on here to have a rant when something negative happens


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The problem is, there has been so little to be positive about.

Apart from DvD, who I really rate, I can't think of any other positive.

Recruitment was ok, but apart from the DvD master stroke (I genuinely worry that we'll lose her) I don't feel we brought in any player to help us move forward. Is Leon any better than what we had/have? And she's over 30. Salmon is a bench player (admittedly young so ok), Parker we seemed to shoehorn into the midfield. The one player who I think really needed replacing (Mayling) wasn't.

And it continues. Maritz has been brought now, but she seems to have replaced Pacheco, with Mayling still starting.  That in itself seems strange.  I felt Pacheco was a real positive of last season but she has been on the bench regularly this season.

Our coaching seems poor. Ball retention and picking basic passes (an example would be Mayling's mistake for Man U's first goal on Saturday) I think are a particular issue.  More concerning, I can't think of a single player who has improved this season (apart from the one who just jumped ship), some have regressed and too many are simply at the wrong end of their careers. Contrast that to the men's team where, since Unai's appointment, pretty much every player, even those who would be considered a weaker link in the team, have developed.

Add to that the shambles of the Sunderland game, the strange decision to loan out Olivia McLoughlin so far before the end of the transfer window and the loss of Rabjohn earlier in the season, and it's hardly surprising that supporters who were so optimistic at the end of last season are a negative.

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11 hours ago, useless said:
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You obviously haven't read my post properly, as I haven't tried to dress anything up, i pointed out poor decision making, and have done in so i other posts in this thread today, but it's just plain dumb to completely ignore we've had bad luck with injuries, so it's only fair that I point that out as well, if I'm also going to point out bad decision making, which I did do

If some are so adamant that this season has been such a disaster, then it would follow that rescuing it in order to make us a more attractive proposition in the summer is too late, if it's not too late for that then the season hasn't been as a big of a disaster as is being claimed, can't have it both ways.

Pointless signing a bunch of players for the sake of it this window, when we can attract better in the summer, and yes we can attract better in the summer, as we will have much more money to spend, owing to a lot of money being freed from released players, and the Blindkilde money will help, it's just logical than any club for the most part will be able to attract better in in a summer window rather than in th winter, we attracted Daly and Dali after we had finished nineth, if the club are willing to spend then players will come in the summer, regardless of what kind of season we've had.

And no our recruitment wasn't bad in the summer we didn't stand still far from it, Parker, Patten Van Domselaar, Hanson, Salmon, Leon, and Poor were all top signings for where we were and are as a club, funny how not one person was saying we'd had a bad summer recruitment wise when we were signing these players, quite the opposite in fact, but after a difficult start it was suddenly a bad window, I mean if anyone was so knowledgable about our signings and thought them bad ones, then sure wouldn't have had high expectations for the season in the first place.

Other than Hanson not hitting the heights of last season our new signings haven't even been what's gone wrong with this season, they've done pretty well, it's more some of the players who were already here have had bid drop offs in form, again easy to say now after the fact that they should have been replaced, but no one was calling for that in the summer, and we already made six first team signings, only so many are possible, unless asking the club to buy an entire new side after they had just had their best season ever

It was a bad start to the season, but we've recovered well since the Chelsea defeat, we're fifth in the form guide since then, same points won as Man Utd, so a respectable league finish shouldn't be out of the question, or shouldn't have been, now we need a lot of luck with injuries, we're also in a Cup-Quarter final, with a tough but winnable game, we had worst performance ever against Everton in the FA Cup, the transfer window has been a disaster pretty much, some of it our own fault some of it bad luck, some of it the club probably taking a calculated risk, I talk about the good and the bad things, not just come on here to have a rant when something negative happens


So if someone doesn’t agree with your claret and blue tinted view they are either ignorant or their view is dumb (I only wish I had your knowledge of all the players etc it’s commendable - but doesn’t make other views less important or right) - I was talking about progression, every club (and in any part of the game from Sunday league to top) gets injury’s in a season - having a squad so bare is the problem, not the 1 or 2 injury’s, but even then on the pitch we look so tactically inept and have no real pattern of play - the fundamentals of football. 

We didn’t make 6 first team signings,  DvD was effectively a swap for HH,  Patten/Hansen were already here on loan, Salmon has made 1 WSL start - so Leon (who I agree has been ok, but wrong side of 30 and no real improvement on stats from last year) and Parker who was shoe horned into the team before injury - so I would say 2 at best maybe 3 - but they replaced 13 in total (of which 6/7 played some part in last season)  - so yeah I stand by my stance we didn’t standstill let alone progress - I said this before the window shut.  We didn’t strengthen in the areas we needed - 3 wide midfielders when we needed a DM/CM and maybe a FB.

So my expectations were mainly high due to form of last year (team bond, the way the fought etc) and those coming in were to support and give us more options, and the buzz around the team (everything being pushed out by club, players, media etc). 

Most talk about the good or bad things, unfortunately there is very little or any good things this season.  A few results against poor or championship teams is nothing to write home about.  I hope we can improve our overall play and keep the form going, god knows a cup run to final would be nice - but if I were a betting man (which I’m not) I can see no more than 3 further wins in WSL and prob 7/8th place finish and a humbling defeat in the semis if we can beat Brighton (manger less as they are).



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I didn't say if anyone disagrees with me they're ignorant or dumb, I didn't even use the word ignorant, so that's making things up, but  it is dumb to ignore that injuries to Parker and Staniforth ruling them out for the season will affect us negatively, and that's just bad luck, so too the injury to Jill Roord meaning that City triggered Blindkilde's release clause, pointing that out isn't a 'claret and blue tinted view', if anyone has a one sided view it isn't me, I pointed out that there had been poor decision making, and that the club were taking a calculated risk, I also called the window a disaster and what ever else, but just because everything I write isn't totally negative doesn't mean I have 'claret and blue tinted view, or that I'm trying to 'dress things up', how am I trying to dress things up when I pointed out poor decision making, just comes across as jumping on my post and having trantrum just because I dared to say something that wasn't 100 percent negative

I talked about the size of the squad in my post and quite clearly pointed out that it was or could be read as a poor decision to have it as small as it is knowing we would get injuries, but for balance sake, I also pointed the squad being as small as it is could be budget related

The signings we made weren't standing still, most would say van Domselaar is better than Hampton, just because a player replaces a player we already had doens't mean it isn't progression, last season our only attacking options were Hanson, Daly, Lehamman, and Magill as backup, now we've got Salmon and Leon, so our options in attack are way beyond anything we've had previously, and signing was a clear sign of progression in of itself, she had been one of the best attackers in the WSL last season was nominated for player of the season, signing a player like that one a permanent isn't something a club standing still does, you have to also remember where we've come from in such a short space of time, we've made massive progress, and the signings last summer were an indication of that, yes maybe we needed more, but again were probably constrained by budget, and we had just had our best season ever, so weren't going to replace every player

Saying the only good thing is a few good results against Championship teams is clearly being negative for the sake of it, we've been fifth best team in the WSL since early November, we've taken the same amount of points as Man Utd in that time, we've reached the quarters of a major competition, and have had a draw that gives us a chance of progressing, funny how not one person gave mention to that draw on here, after having a meltdown about playing a cup tied player and how it would cost us


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Tomorrow's game has taken on more importance than it did have, I didn't consider us to be in any kind of relegation battle, and never thought we were in that situation, but if Bristol City beat us tomorrow and close the gap to four points, and our squad being as it is now, I could see some getting nervous, ultimately even if we were to lose tomorrow, I think we would be okay as we probably need just one more win to guarantee survival, a win tomorrow would definitley guarantee it, we might even already have enough points.

Not going to be easy as our record at Bescot is poor to say the least, not just this season, but every season, I think if we win there tomorrow it will be the first time we've won twice in the league at Bescot within one season, that's how bad our form is there, added to all that all Bristol City's points have come away from home, hopefully we can find a way, if we play like we did against Leicester and Brighton we should be okay

The shame of it is we could have looked upon  this fixture a week or so back with a degree of optimisim, there was no notion that we would be without Staniforth or Blindkilde, the possibility of a couple of new signings to give the squad a lift, a win would put us just three points behind Liverpool and Spurs with them playing each other, so we would close the gap on at least one of them, but now because of the state of the squad there's not much hope even if we do win that we can mount much of a challenge on those above us, of course would have been difficult anyway, but there was more hope than there is now

Starting eleven isn't actually that bad, and I'm actually more worried about losing Staniforth, in the short term, than I am Blindkilde, Blindkilde has massive promise and when she's good she's very good, but also inconsistent, understandably so being as young as she is, so in terms of the starting eleven Nobbs and Dali can do what she does and better, but Staniforth was such and important and underrated player, and we have no other options like her, just have to hope Taylor can replace her well and If she can stay fit and available for all our remaining games that would be a big help as well.

We're short in midfield, but have an abdundance of attackers, I think maybe time to play a formation that allows us to make more use of them, whatever that might be

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Van Domselaar, Mayling, Patten, Corsie, Pacheco, Maritz, Nobbs, Dali, Hanson, Leon, Daly

Subs: Poor, Leat, Lehmann, Gregory, Salmon, Mullett, Magill, Taylor

I think that must be 433 with either Corsie playing as the DM and Martiz playing central defence, or Martiz playing as the DM, was actually thinking Martiz would probably actually be pretty good in that position, as good defensively obviously, and very composed on the ball, but I think it will probably be Corise as has played there quite a few times for us already

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Such a good start, but undone with really sloppy play. Second game running a defender has passed the ball straight to an attacker resulting in a goal.

We're clearly the better side, but that's so frustrating.

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Can't say we've been particularly bad, but we've had a few too many sloppy moments that are costing us, first giving away a poor goal, after an excellent start, not only did that cost us our lead, but killed our momentum somewhat, and then in general play, giving away possession too easily at times, despite that we're still getting into good positions, just poor decision making at the crucial moments.

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