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Ezri Konsa


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46 minutes ago, MaVilla said:

his interviews are as bad as his on pitch performances.

I wouldnt roll out a players talking like that, he looked like he was going to have a breakdown.

He sounded ismilar when they rolled him out a couple of weeks ago.

Wheres frickin El Capitan?



My God, he is totally demoralised. What has Gerrard done to our players.

He really needs to go now to stop the rot.


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Surprised more isn't being made of his defending for Arsenal's opening goal. The positioning was just wrong, wasn't it? Dropped behind the rest of our back 4 (which, with VAR basically getting offsides spot on, is crazy) and gifted a relatively slow midfielder an easy run into the box. There was no need to not be tight to him as far as I could see?

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26 minutes ago, ozvilla28 said:

How he is starting instead of Chambers is puzzling.

I think Gerrard will ultimately blame his sacking on Diego Costa getting injured. But not giving more time to Chambers and Luiz will be a major factor, because they are the two players in their respective positions who are best at keeping possession.

His faith in Konsa has not been repaid. I just see a player whose basic defensive positioning is wrong, and who is neither a good ball player nor an old fashioned stopper.

He does have great pace, and when playing well he has that ability to win the ball cleanly without going to ground. There are the building blocks there of a very good centre back, and I think with the right coaching he could be an excellent player. But so much of playing in that role is holding shape, working as a unit, and reacting intelligently to what’s happening around you. Not much sign of any of that at the moment.

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Anyone else surprised that a weak block from Konsa was the cause of their first goal?

Anyone else annoyed at the way he jumps up and down and points at others when the problem was he didn't read the play and shut down the danger?

Anyone else confused why Gerrard seems to be focusing on Mings, when he's not the immediate problem in our defense?

Anyone else wondering why Konsa keeps getting picked over Chambers?

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targett and watkins you can make at least some sort of excuse for as their play was directly impacted by him...but its like konsa's head has inexplicably gone since we sold grealish, he's not the same player anymore, he marks space, woeful positioning

he's yet another villa player who needs to see a shrink to find out what the **** going on with him and if he cant fix it he's done here

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