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Premier League 2019-2020 Thread


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3 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Thats what im getting at its a trend of collosal and basic defensive mistakes. Ive never seen so many stupid ones in a season.

Its costs ua bog time.  Smiths never been a great defensive coach. Ask brentford fans

I think it's the players we have rather than training.  Again that is on Smith but also the Management/Board for players we have brought.

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11 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Thats what im getting at its a trend of collosal and basic defensive mistakes. Ive never seen so many stupid ones in a season.

Its costs ua bog time.  Smiths never been a great defensive coach. Ask brentford fans

Do you watch all the games? I wouldn't pretend to know about the other teams because I only watch Villa. Are David Luiz's mistakes at every club he's been at down to coaching or is it because he makes mistakes. We're a budget team in most positions and you get what you pay for.  

Anyway, I'll leave you to it as you seem to have made your mind up despite some pretty reasonable counter arguments. 

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We keep changing our line up from game to the next, it seems we don't have a clue what our best side, only Grealish, McGinn, Mings, and Heaton if fit are certainties to start, as for the rest of the team we seeme to play a different combination of midfielders every game, and it's the same with the defence, Mings seems to have different partner each week, and Guilbert and Elmohamady keep swapping as first choice right back as well.

I don't think any of that helps with eradicating mistakes, players need to have a run in a settled team to get into their rhythm and develop a better understanding with teammates, so partnerships can be developed all over the pitch, which in turn would help with mistakes, as well as helping overall.

Edited by useless
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25 minutes ago, useless said:

We keep changing our line up from game to the next, it seems we don't have a clue what our best side, only Grealish, McGinn, Mings, and Heaton if fit are certainties to start, as for the rest of the team we seeme to play a different combination of midfielders every game, and it's the same with the defence, Mings seems to have different partner each week, and Guilbert and Elmohamady keep swapping as first choice right back as well.

I don't think any of that helps with eradicating mistakes, players need to have a run in a settled team to get into their rhythm and develop a better understanding with teammates, so partnerships can be developed all over the pitch, which in turn would help with mistakes, as well as helping overall.

I think the team we had last night is the best we have currently , unfortunatly all subs that came on turned the game i their favor , which is worring compact fixures for the next 6 means we need to rotate nobody who was on the bench is good enough

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I know that presently we've got no choice but to rotate the squad but previously I think it's been a problem for us and is in part why we've struggled this season. Unless you've got one of the best squads in the league, no club is going to do well if they chop and change as much as we do.

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7 hours ago, The Fun Factory said:

What I have found unbelievably nauseating is betting companies adverts telling everyone now its ok to bet again on football. 

Never mind that over 40,000 have died, that deaths are still higher now than before the lockdown and that we are charging headlong into a massive recession, come on  lads have a bet.

Have they no shame? 

But you could say the same about any advert. 

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I agree that we have lost many a game this season once the substitutes start to come into play. Liverpool at home specifically highlighted this for me. We were 1-0 up with a few minutes remaining and they brought on 3 top notch players whilst we brought on 3 who effectively weakened us. It tipped the balance and is why they went on to win in my opinion, especially when Guilbert was replaced by Elmo. Shortly after Robinson got through & scored the equaliser from that exact position and the pack of cards collapsed. That's just one example but there are others for sure. It seems like once we make our substitutions impetus is lost and we seldom create anything for the rest of the game..apart from on the very odd occasion.

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1 hour ago, danceoftheshamen said:

I agree that we have lost many a game this season once the substitutes start to come into play. Liverpool at home specifically highlighted this for me. We were 1-0 up with a few minutes remaining and they brought on 3 top notch players whilst we brought on 3 who effectively weakened us. It tipped the balance and is why they went on to win in my opinion, especially when Guilbert was replaced by Elmo. Shortly after Robinson got through & scored the equaliser from that exact position and the pack of cards collapsed. That's just one example but there are others for sure. It seems like once we make our substitutions impetus is lost and we seldom create anything for the rest of the game..apart from on the very odd occasion.

Agreed there.

Does seem any subs we make do make the game more in opposition favour. It then says alot doesnt it that we do not have the subs bench we need to be able to change games in our favour.

I do hope we get a second season in the prem to try rectify all this.

I know we are all mostly saying just buy a few players for quality, but because of how many of the players weve brought here to Villa this season have been very disappointing for one reason or another, we may find ourselves having to do another mass buy again.

We probably have around five or six first team players who have not done much all season that could easily be moved onto subs bench. Then we have the ones on subs bench that would be moved, sold or let go. Then you would want five or six decent quality players moving into first team spots, that can actually do the job that the five or six first teamers you plan on becoming the subs bench couldnt so.

I think if we survive then again for another season we could possibly be looking at another mass buy of players again unfortunately. Maybe then a third season into the premier and its transfer markets we really could have a decent team out of two seasons of signings. Also to mention a third season on the transfer market we could then finally buy a few decent quality players that cost 40-50 mill a pop, just can't see that happening in our second season because there is still way to much to do in finding a squad capable of surviving alot easier than it has done our first season.

Edited by Dave-R
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9 hours ago, gwi1890 said:

I think the team we had last night is the best we have currently , unfortunatly all subs that came on turned the game i their favor , which is worring compact fixures for the next 6 means we need to rotate nobody who was on the bench is good enough

We could’ve had a much better substitutes, Samatta for El Ghazi, Nakamba for Hourihane and Elmo for Konsa as it was. We need Samatta and Davis, El Ghazi or Trez are less needed. 

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Just our luck that just as FFP is relaxed for a year we probably won't even be in the premier league, so whilst all the other premier league teams will have a chance to strenthen as much as they like we will be limited to players willing to play in the championship, meanng even if we do come straight back up there will be a even bigger gap between promoted teams and the rest of the premier league.

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11 hours ago, gwi1890 said:

I think the team we had last night is the best we have currently , unfortunatly all subs that came on turned the game i their favor , which is worring compact fixures for the next 6 means we need to rotate nobody who was on the bench is good enough

I didn't have a problem with the subs for once, he used them at decent times and you'd think Samatta would've been a good impact sub but it didn't work out.

Problem was we pretty much started all the players who could perhaps make the best impact off the bench. With another team selection we could've put Hourihane, El Ghazi, Davis and Luiz all on in the second half to liven us up but perhaps we'd have been 0-2 down at that point.

Interested what the selection is on Sunday as you have to think Chelsea will start to fade in last 20 minutes and they will have options on the bench. I'd keep a few back and go with a conservative starting line up e.g. AEM on the right of midfield.

Edited by VillaChris
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So the talk is now about when crowds could be allowed back. It sounds like 'some' crowd may be allowed possibly from September.

Will that be reduced capacity? 50 or 25%? Who will get the tickets if capacity is lower than the existing season ticket holders? Would away support be allowed? Can public transport be used?

Frankly I wouldn't bother and probably just go to a local non league game if a 500-1,000 crowd is allowed. Views?

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12 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

So the talk is now about when crowds could be allowed back. It sounds like 'some' crowd may be allowed possibly from September.

Will that be reduced capacity? 50 or 25%? Who will get the tickets if capacity is lower than the existing season ticket holders? Would away support be allowed? Can public transport be used?

Frankly I wouldn't bother and probably just go to a local non league game if a 500-1,000 crowd is allowed. Views?

Alternating every other game for season ticket holders would see the attendance above 25% but below 50%. Probably only possible if social distancing is reduced to 1 metre.

I think away fans will be the very last addition. 

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