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Premier League 2019-2020 Thread


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Everton winning with that goal will be funny. We have been absolutely caned by VAR this season.

Wow, next three are the bottom three.

Simple question to the players before the next three. Do you want to be Premier League players? This is the whole season.

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17 hours ago, Laughable Chimp said:

We don't need to spend 240mil pounds just to build a squad to stay in the PL for ****'s sake.

We didn't have a squad is the problem. Could imagine Jedinak, Hutton, Adomah and Whelan playing vs Liverpool or City

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2 minutes ago, Zatman said:

We didn't have a squad is the problem. Could imagine Jedinak, Hutton, Adomah and Whelan playing vs Liverpool or City

We still don't need to spend 240 million pounds to replace them is my point. If you have to spend that much, than you're not spending very well.

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To be fair i don't think Jedinak would be much worse than our current midfield.

At least he is a physical presence. And we struggle on defensive set pieces.

I think we are the team who concede the most on corners.

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Just now, Laughable Chimp said:

We still don't need to spend 240 million pounds to replace them is my point. 

What players would join a newly promoted club. The going rate for an average Premier League player is about 20 million, you would need pay 50 or 60 for a good striker

We had about 12 positions to fill as well

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25 minutes ago, Zatman said:

What players would join a newly promoted club. The going rate for an average Premier League player is about 20 million, you would need pay 50 or 60 for a good striker

We had about 12 positions to fill as well

Uh, pretty much every player out there who isn't playing in the top leagues currently would join a newly promoted top league club if they could. As well as players who are on the fringes of their team in a top league club. Yeah they're not the best players, but there's definitely gems in there that can be found that's why scouting for us is so important.

We're not even going for average though are we? Battling relegation is not the average for a PL team, all our players don't need to be that good if that's our goal. And we're only getting that kind of price if we shop purely for average first team players in the PL which we aren't doing. As evidenced by the fact that we only ever actually paid 20 million or more for 2 of our players yet I would think our squad has a lot more than just 2 average level PL players. Is Heaton not at least an average keeper despite not costing anywhere near 20 million? Is Engels not an average defender? 

We don't need to pay 50 or 60 mil for a good PL striker, we need to pay that money for a good, young and established PL striker. Young is important, which is why no one is gonna spunk anywhere near that money for the likes of Pukki.

And established is the other important one, because if you're comparing the market values of players who have already shown their worth in the PL, they're definitely gonna be way more expensive. Their value ges inflated because of it. That doesn't mean you have to pay that amount of money to get a player of that quality as you can definitely get good strikers for far less than 50-60 mil, you just can't do it on a young, established and good PL striker.

We had about 8-9 positions in the first team to fill. The rest were backups we didn't need to pay a lot for.

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The worrying thing is it's looking like teams have already figured out how to play us yet we never got many points on the board when we were a 'new' team. As opposed to say Sheffield who I think will have a similar season to 2 years ago but have a lot more points on the board before the collapse. 

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17 hours ago, villalad21 said:

I'm starting to get to the point of not minding Championship anymore.

This constant worry of relegation and losing every week is mentally draining for me. Hate this league.


We were in a much worse situation last Christmas and January.

The constant worry is an issue whenever you're playing for something. It's when you're in midtable which can make you not think a lot.

The pressure in winning the league, Europe places, relegation, Promotion, playoffs all are the same. The differences are, in the last three it might depend heavily on your club future. The first two are also more important in other terms, especially for teams like Plop who didn't win for too long.

The thing is, I feel more relief than we were in the championship.

I remember winning at Ipswich two seasons ago. I was at Portman Road. Although I had a nice day, had three friends who don't know about Aston Villa before that with me. They liked it. But in reality, it felt like a friendly, as we've secured playoffs, and needed a miracle for automatic. So in reality nothing to play for by then.

Leeds won most of their games last season, but it meant nothing compared to Brighton who only got 35 points and stayed up!

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17 hours ago, dudevillaisnice said:

It's got to the point where I think maybe it's best we get out the cups altogether but even then I'm not sure that will be enough, we look mentally shot.

Its not as being in cups will guarantee our PL place. If we win against Liverpool, We'll be in the semi's. With a bit of luck we could get Everton, or an EFL club (if somehow one of them got one of Manchester teams out). Anything could happen, who knows, we might find ourselves in Wembley again!

Last time, we had a big task for Sherwood, yet we managed to qualify to Wembley, and stayed up two weeks before the season ending!

Yes we can't keep playing every players in every game, but all CL clubs are playing two games a week and it can be handled.

Cups are the best chance for trophies, and the easiest way to Europe.

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Southampton is going to be the biggest game since the play off final.

We simply can't afford to lose it. We do that and we'd be 3 points off just 17th if Everton get a draw with Arsenal (I expect Arsenal to lose that given how bad they are). Unthinkable scenario given Newcastle game was just three weeks ago.

That dosen't mean we should just stick 11 behind the ball and grind out a draw as Southampton defence isn't great when you run at it.

4 points from next two home games would keep us away from bottom 3 and get us going again.

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2 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

Southampton is going to be the biggest game since the play off final.

We simply can't afford to lose it. We do that and we'd be 3 points off just 17th if Everton get a draw with Arsenal (I expect Arsenal to lose that given how bad they are). Unthinkable scenario given Newcastle game was just three weeks ago.

That dosen't mean we should just stick 11 behind the ball and grind out a draw as Southampton defence isn't great when you run at it.

4 points from next two home games would keep us away from bottom 3 and get us going again.

I think Norwich are more dangerous.

They are playing with nothing to lose hence the performance against Leicester.

They spent nothing in the summer and the players knows it's no pressure. It makes it easier for them to perform.

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