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Racism Part two


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6 hours ago, Seat68 said:

Interest rates got close to 20% in the 70s I think. That would probably financially cripple most now. 

People were encouraged to save in those days. Nowadays people are encouraged to spend. A totally different mentality where people have more possesions but have less money in the bank 

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30 minutes ago, PaulC said:

People were encouraged to save in those days. Nowadays people are encouraged to spend. A totally different mentality where people have more possessions but have less money in the bank 

More possessions but are they happier? I doubt it. 

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10 hours ago, Xela said:

More possessions but are they happier? I doubt it. 

Kids today have no sense of achievement in saving for something for weeks, maybe years or months and finally getting whatever it is. Got to have everything now, this second, it really is quite vulgar 

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4 hours ago, 3_Penny_Opera said:

Don't know much about Charlie hebdo...but if i saw him in the street Id knock him down, and then kneel on his neck.

Cartoon w/ Meghan was pretty disgusting.

Pretty poor form this, considering some Muslim extremists took the same view as you (a cartoon I don't like justifies violence) and attacked the place. 

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49 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

Kids today have no sense of achievement in saving for something for weeks, maybe years or months and finally getting whatever it is. Got to have everything now, this second, it really is quite vulgar 

Insulting and bollocks.

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47 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

Kids today have no sense of achievement in saving for something for weeks, maybe years or months and finally getting whatever it is. Got to have everything now, this second, it really is quite vulgar 

I hate these kind of arguments. The one size fits all approach to labelling a generation of people is lazy at best.

The world is a very different place for kids today as it is in any generation growing up. Things are readily available now that wouldn't have been for previous generations of kids and the internet and social media in particular make the world a very different place for kids growing up. 

But I guess its always fun to generalise against a group of people with absolutely no basis for the opinion which is held.


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4 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

Especially considering, even with saving, younger generations often can't get close to buying the most basic, and essential thing. A home.

I did start typing this as well but thought the three lines which I'd already typed were probably more of a response than the original post was worth!

But yes, younger generations want everything and don't know the achievement of saving for something? Try telling that to the people who have had to fork out rent (often at a higher price than future mortgage payments would be) for a tiny place to live whilst saving up to buy a house for a number of years.

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Older person slags off the younger generation. A pattern that has been happening for centuries and will happen for centuries more.

Humans are the same. There is no massive difference between generations. It's confirmation bias to align with your opinion that your generation is the best

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In my opinion, the growing schism between generations is another symptom of a break down in communication that seems to be more than ever affecting race, politics, gender, sexuality, and nationality.

This isn't true of everyone, but if you look at social media and the media in general imho nobody is listening to people with a different opinion to them, it's just a case of who can shout the loudest or is the most belligerent.  I've been guilty of this in the past as well I'm sure. If we could get people from opposing sides to talk to each other, listen, and ultimately learn and compromise, this shitty world wouldn't be in the state it is.

This doesn't mean that everyone with an opinion is wrong, it's just that if we better understood why people were coming from different view than us, we'd be in a better position to educate them, or learn ourselves. Maybe too simplistic, but if we started from a position of what we have in common rather than what's different or we don't like then this might help too.

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4 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

Insulting and bollocks.

I’m talking about kids, minors, below 16. I assume you don’t have any so are not really the best to spout bollocks you know nothing about

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5 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

Excuse me?

So all kids under 16 are 'vulgar' and don't have to save everything and want everything now?
Once again, total bollocks and insulting. Sad you have such a low opinion of your own kids too.

And I'll ignore the name-calling.

Are you a parent? Do you mix and communicate with parents the same age as your children? What opinions do they have ??Funnily enough my children have to work in my office to earn money to buy things that they want so they know the value of money moving forward as I learnt and did very well for myself because of it. You are the one who is insulting providing an opinion on a subject  you know nothing about.

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23 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

Are you a parent? Do you mix and communicate with parents the same age as your children? What opinions do they have ??Funnily enough my children have to work in my office to earn money to buy things that they want so they know the value of money moving forward as I learnt and did very well for myself because of it. You are the one who is insulting providing an opinion on a subject  you know nothing about.

My lad is 6 and saves his pocket money to buy something for himself (i.e Minecraft coins for the game, a magazine/book, he recently saved 4 months so he could buy a Pokemon figure that he wanted). I know some parents at school who are teaching their kids the same thing. Sure, there are SOME parents that just buy their kids everything going (Fortnight skins and packs being the most popular on the playground at the moment) - but not ALL.

So yeah, you're talking bollocks mate.

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12 hours ago, Xela said:

More possessions but are they happier? I doubt it. 

On this point, I don't think the younger generation's lack of happiness is anything to do with possessions.

More to do with crippling expectations put on them with a ridiculously connected world, and often no future to look forward, be it through climate change, lack of jobs, housing prices.

When I was a kid, I remember kids being mocked for having cheap shoes at school; imagine that x100000 with social media, influencers, more wealth inequality.

I wouldn't want to be a teenager now, even with all of the stuff they've apparently got. 

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I don’t get the hate on @Follyfoot’s post.

We live in an ‘everything now’ culture, kids growing up know nothing but next day delivery (or even same day), entire TV series’ being available all at once, music and media on demand, sport highlights available in real time.

No idea why people feel the need to round on it other than it being a good opportunity to appear ‘woke’.

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