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1 hour ago, Demitri_C said:

And this proves what exactly??

Answer this was he good last year??

He was a complete shadow of the player he is now. Utterly pointless bringing this up posts from 12 months ago.

It proves that you couldn’t see the flashes of potential and are impatient, looking OK is all a young player breaking through for the first team needs to be. A lot of us here defended the criticism last year and got shot down. Did you expect him to burst onto the scene as this version of JJ is that what you expect of every young player we blood? Personally when I see a young player coming on being introduced to senior football and remaining disciplined completing passes and not losing the ball, with the odd moment of brilliance that’s good enough, youth development takes time and it pays off in the long term.

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44 minutes ago, gwi1890 said:

It proves that you couldn’t see the flashes of potential and are impatient, looking OK is all a young player breaking through for the first team needs to be. A lot of us here defended the criticism last year and got shot down. Did you expect him to burst onto the scene as this version of JJ is that what you expect of every young player we blood? Personally when I see a young player coming on being introduced to senior football and remaining disciplined completing passes and not losing the ball, with the odd moment of brilliance that’s good enough, youth development takes time and it pays off in the long term.

You didnt answer the question. was JJ good last year?

Edited by Demitri_C
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Must be a proper mindfuck for the kid…

This time last year, he was making occasional appearances, cutting his teeth with the senior squad, managed by a Villa fan, playing alongside a captain and fellow academy graduate who claimed to be a Villa fan…

Fast forward a year, scoring two goals - assisted by Phillips Coutinho… and being managed by one of the greatest midfielders in modern memory

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I both love and hate when a Villa player starts to get this amount of attention! 
It usually leads to an England call up. A few caps and the player leaving for big money. 

I’ll just enjoy JJ in the here and now. Looking forward to see the game on Sunday! 

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4 minutes ago, Herman22 said:

I both love and hate when a Villa player starts to get this amount of attention! 
It usually leads to an England call up. A few caps and the player leaving for big money. 

I’ll just enjoy JJ in the here and now. Looking forward to see the game on Sunday! 

He'll be given a few caps by Southgate to give him a taste of international football, told he needs to play for a bigger club to feature for England regularly, be tapped up at an international tournament and then move for big money.

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4 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

And this proves what exactly??

Answer this was he good last year??

He was a complete shadow of the player he is now. Utterly pointless bringing this up posts from 12 months ago.

Or maybe you should not write players off after so little game time or for being so young 

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1 hour ago, duke313 said:

He'll be given a few caps by Southgate to give him a taste of international football, told he needs to play for a bigger club to feature for England regularly, be tapped up at an international tournament and then move for big money.

And yet Conor Gallagher and Smith Rowe were straight in and will now be regulars to the squad with no comments from the fraud. 

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listened to the ringer podcast for the first time in a while so not heard them talk about him before, kind of went along the lines of

"coutinho and James were the MOTM"

"wait a minute, no mention of Ramsey?"

"i tuned him out because he's just kind of that MOTM level every week isn't he?" 

his level of performance at the moment just kind of nonchalantly brushed off as of course ramsey was brilliant, it had grealish vibes

they go on later to discuss him properly, the best way they describe him is "smooth" makes everything look so easy with a huge skillset range

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1 hour ago, Zatman said:

Or maybe you should not write players off after so little game time or for being so young 

Or maybe people need to stop bringing up posts 12 months ago to try point scoring?

And saying a loan might benefit him how is that writing off a player?


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3 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Or maybe people need to stop bringing up posts 12 months ago to try point scoring?

And saying a loan might benefit him how is that writing off a player?


Well maybe give players a chance to make a mistake. Its not point scoring it just shows impatience from some people. Like the Buendia thread 

I went back as curious and found you wanting Chuk to start ahead of him and now your criticising Chuk in his thread that he didnt bully Leeds😂

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Just now, Zatman said:

Well maybe give players a chance to make a mistake. Its not point scoring it just shows impatience from some people. Like the Buendia thread 

I went back as curious and found you wanting Chuk to start ahead of him and now your criticising Chuk in his thread that he didnt bully Leeds😂

It is when people are bringing up posts from 12 months agao where JJ was nowhere as good as he is right now. Show me a post when anyone predicted he would be this good? He was really poor last year so him benfiting from a loan is not showing "impatience" its saying he would benefit from a loan. So people are showing an impatience with barry JPB and all the other kids out on loan yhen 😂

As for chuck, i have no idea what your talking about as i didnt say that 😂 i said chuck was brought on to bully the Leeds midfield but it didnt work. I think anyone can see leeds won the midfield battle on Wednesday.  So your wrong on that one

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7 hours ago, Follyfoot said:

The fella who continuously cheated on his wife whist she was dying of cancer. Amazes me filth like him can even voice an opinion 

Did he, I know it didnt take him long to replace her but Im not one to judge. 

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I know we're a long way from it ever happening, but have three brothers even been in the same match day squad for a Prem side? 

Just imagine if the 'his younger brothers are better' talk is true. Ye gods.

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