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Jacob Ramsey


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3 minutes ago, Lord Willard said:

Crazy but how far is he from an England call up to the senior team. I know ESR is just breaking through 

Well, the best central midfielder not currently in the england squad is probably JWP and Ramsey is imo still clearly a level below that. Can't really see him dislodging any of the current England CMs in the near future either.

Still, he's young and in the England U21 team. So every chance he could make it eventually.

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2 hours ago, sne said:

There is an air of the US of A vibe with English commentators and experts as in "we are the best so why should be bother about the rest of the world". Guess it's a remnant from the Colonial days.

I’d say it’s nothing to do with Colonial days and more to do with the majority of commentators and pundits in English football are thick as pig shit and can’t spell their own name let alone do research on a different team. Most only know about the top 6 teams and wouldn’t know about Villa players (confusing Trez and Ghazi as a starter). 

As for Ramsey, he looks so comfortable on the ball, drives past someone and there is no catching up with him as whilst not lightening quick, has a good turn of pace. 

Edited by mikeyp102
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2 hours ago, allani said:

the Villa fans were singing "he's one of our own" to Jacob Ramsey

I always think that hearing that must be the greatest feeling for a local lad who's come from being a fan on the terraces to wearing the shirt at VP. John Deehan, Ian Taylor, Jack Grealish, Jacob Ramsey, many others. 

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3 hours ago, allani said:

Talking of which - I live in Italy and so when Villa are on TV it is with Italian commentators.  I am always blown away by how much these guys know about English football (my only previous comparison being British commentators talking about foreign teams).  The guy yesterday mentioned at least twice that the Villa fans were singing "he's one of our own" to Jacob Ramsey because he had come through the Villa academy and then talked about our academy and other players coming through.  He talked about how much Ramsey had improved this season and was leading the charge for the youngsters coming through.  Mentioned that Gerrard had said that Ramsey had more potential than he did at the same age, etc.  He had a similar level of knowledge / insight about the Everton players as well.  Considering that during Euro 21 half the British commentators didn't know which clubs most of the Italian squad played for it is insane.  For some reason an Italian commentator waxing lyrical about "one of our own" and our academy made me feel really proud and a little emotional.

Interesting clip. thanks.

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3 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

I’d say it’s nothing to do with Colonial days and more to do with the majority of commentators and pundits in English football are thick as pig shit and can’t spell their own name let alone do research on a different team. Most only know about the top 6 teams and wouldn’t know about Villa players (confusing Trez and Ghazi as a starter). 

I think it's the other way around, they pitch themselves at the super casual stupidest members of their audience and they think we're thick as shit as fans

There's a noticeable dip for England games and then again further in the tournaments as they are then pitching themselves to the fans that watch football every 4 years 

They only know top 6 teams because they think that audience is only interested in top 6 teams 

Its generally an insult to the intelligence of an average proper football fan 

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5 hours ago, Laughable Chimp said:

Well, the best central midfielder not currently in the england squad is probably JWP and Ramsey is imo still clearly a level below that. Can't really see him dislodging any of the current England CMs in the near future either.

Still, he's young and in the England U21 team. So every chance he could make it eventually.

Would you rather have ESR or Ramsay? Is have have Ramsay every time. And if harry winks can have multiple England caps then Ramsay is well worthy of one 

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I find it amazing how quickly Ramsey has developed. This time last year he was OK but he was yet to lay down a marker to prove who he was or what his game was about. He looks like one of the top prospects in the country now. I was thinking yesterday during the game how amazing it was that in a pitch with a £140m player it was a young lad from down the road who was our best player, and he was probably the key player in our Man U comeback too. I think he's still got a way to go before he gets an England call up (plus the extra 50% required due to the Southgate-Villa premium) but at the age of just 20 we can only hope in a couple of years he will be our next superstar. Looks like a sensible lad which will help him to get there too.

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18 minutes ago, david-avfc said:

I find it amazing how quickly Ramsey has developed. This time last year he was OK but he was yet to lay down a marker to prove who he was or what his game was about. He looks like one of the top prospects in the country now. I was thinking yesterday during the game how amazing it was that in a pitch with a £140m player it was a young lad from down the road who was our best player, and he was probably the key player in our Man U comeback too. I think he's still got a way to go before he gets an England call up (plus the extra 50% required due to the Southgate-Villa premium) but at the age of just 20 we can only hope in a couple of years he will be our next superstar. Looks like a sensible lad which will help him to get there too.

Yeah he looks just as good if not better than Grealish at 20. Grealish stopped development for a year or two when he was partying. 

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7 hours ago, allani said:

Talking of which - I live in Italy and so when Villa are on TV it is with Italian commentators.  I am always blown away by how much these guys know about English football (my only previous comparison being British commentators talking about foreign teams).  The guy yesterday mentioned at least twice that the Villa fans were singing "he's one of our own" to Jacob Ramsey because he had come through the Villa academy and then talked about our academy and other players coming through.  He talked about how much Ramsey had improved this season and was leading the charge for the youngsters coming through.  Mentioned that Gerrard had said that Ramsey had more potential than he did at the same age, etc.  He had a similar level of knowledge / insight about the Everton players as well.  Considering that during Euro 21 half the British commentators didn't know which clubs most of the Italian squad played for it is insane.  For some reason an Italian commentator waxing lyrical about "one of our own" and our academy made me feel really proud and a little emotional.

amazing, sounds like there are still some proper commentators out there who do their homework and understand the wider game.

Not like most of the current breed of reporters and commentators, who probably have trouble wiping their own a** or remembering their own name.

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15 hours ago, gwi1890 said:

I hope he never gets called up , England call ups ruin our players.

Has to though at some point to not push him to look for a move elsewhere.

The sweet sport we don't seem to manage is for our players to get called up early enough they are satisfied but not so soon that they immediately go looking for their next big move of their career to one of the super clubs

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15 hours ago, Laughable Chimp said:

Well, the best central midfielder not currently in the england squad is probably JWP and Ramsey is imo still clearly a level below that. Can't really see him dislodging any of the current England CMs in the near future either.

Still, he's young and in the England U21 team. So every chance he could make it eventually.

England midfield is too congested, but I'd say there is a gap for Jacob.

Rice, Philips and Henderson have the defensive positions locked down which is why JWP has next to no chance of pushing his way in, save for injuries. His form may allow him to get close in friendlies but end of the day he isn't getting in unless somebody else is injured.

In a more attacking sense we have Bellingham, Mount... and maybe Foden or Jack, but realistically it's going to be the former two with Jack&Foden wide. There is a gap for either Jacob Ramsey or Conor Gallagher to become the JWP of the more attacking CM position in Southgates lineup*. 

Jacob wants a call up and I think if between now and the end of the season he performs better than Gallagher then he'll be good value for a friendly call up ahead of the World Cup. He'll be OK with that too. He won't be expecting to be in the tournament squad just yet, but a call up in a friendly will tide him over.

* In big games, Southgate will always play Rice and Phillips together, but against minnows, in friendlies, he'll happily pretend he can play more adventurously and play a more attacking CM too alongside one of Rice or Philips. Mount is the favoured son but there's a gap in the squad that Jacob could fill.

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I actually thought he looked a bit leggy for Everton and hopefully he can have a rest at some point as it's easy to forget this is really only his first proper season as a fully-fledged starter. With that in mide there will need to be a run of games where he will need to be rested just for his own saje as much as anything. That will also allow the likes of Sanson and Chukwuemeka to get the minutes they also need.

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14 hours ago, Lord Willard said:

Yeah he looks just as good if not better than Grealish at 20. Grealish stopped development for a year or two when he was partying. 

He's a bit different from Grealish in that he likes to give and go whenever possible. As Don Hutchinson remarked, " he's an old school player".

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47 minutes ago, DJ_Villain said:

Yep… because in recent history, almost as soon as our players get called up to England, they aren’t our players for much longer…

Because they get called at their peak and when they’re from the best in the league. Darren Bent got called up and started but we even failed to sell him. Now Mings was called before Jack and went nowhere. 
It’s about quality. 

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