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8 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I read an article on how Brexit could negatively effect the meat industry. it was quite scary to be honest.

(in short because we'd have to increase meat imports from the US and their food standards are appalling compared to ours, so we'd probably have to lower ours as a result)

It's a racing certainty that Brexit will effect food standards (of all kinds) on our shelves. The US will insist we accept their standards on food in any deal done, and we will be forced to accept it. Which will bugger the farming industry.

This is far more likely to change my diet than any vegan argument.

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11 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I read an article on how Brexit could negatively effect the meat industry. it was quite scary to be honest.

Hammond and Fox are quite happy to let the proles eat shit, and pus come to think of it.

Stupid, stupid Brexit.

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I'm not vegetarian but I don't think I eat a lot of meat. My main contribution though was on the whole cheese thing which seems to be most people on here's reason for not considering veganism. 

It turns out we have a baby who is intolerant to dairy (apparently it's common and they usually grow out of it). Anyway, because my wife is breast feeding she can't eat dairy either or the proteins will pass through to the baby. As a result we haven't bothered buying cheese for a few months now as I couldn't justify sitting and eating a load of cheese by myself (i'd probably feel a little bad about it too :P).

Despite loving cheese, it turns out if you don't eat it for a while you don't really miss it. In fact, I'd say the thought of eating a lump of Bree even sounds a bit overindulgent having not had cheese for a while, it seems a bit like eating a dessert spoon of butter.  

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29 minutes ago, Chindie said:

I wouldn't be either vegetarian or vegan.

I don't eat meat every day, and never have. As a kid every week had at least 1 'something on toast' night, for years my lunch was completely without meat. I could fairly easily reduce my current consumption even further. I don't eat much red meat as it is anyway. And I have sympathy for the need to reduce meat consumption for the environments sake

But I do like to eat meat (mostly - I don't eat lamb), my favourite foods are meat based, and I like animal products. I have absolutely no issue with the fact animals are killed to provide that food for me, or exploited. I've watched animals slaughtered and understand the process, and do not have a disconnect between the chicken in my fridge and how it got there. I do want that process to be as 'humane' as possible, given the chance I was would ban slaughtering methods that are unnecessarily cruel, and heavily fine businesses that do not maintain strict adherence to best practice for the animals welfare.

But ultimately I'm fine with animals being killed for my benefit. I can understand people not being ok with that, but I am.

That probably sums it all up for me, too. Save for the fact that I love lamb, all red meats and pretty much eat meat or fish every day.

Even when I was a veggie for a year or so when 17/18, I couldn't stand the proselytising.

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Just now, snowychap said:

I couldn't stand the proselytising.

I can't stand this either. From anyone, not just Vegetarians. 

Religion, politics etc. I'm probably guilty of doing it myself in some scenario, but in general I prefer to be passive in letting people believe what they want to believe.


Certainly if I do make the jump to Veggie I won't want to be trying to convert everyone left right and centre.

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4 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

Despite loving cheese, it turns out if you don't eat it for a while you don't really miss it. In fact, I'd say the thought of eating a lump of Bree even sounds a bit overindulgent having not had cheese for a while, it seems a bit like eating a dessert spoon of butter. 


I think the time without cheese has adversely affected your similes. :)

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1 hour ago, mjmooney said:


Cabbage, spinach, lettuce, celery, rice, fruit. 

Reading this, I'm surprised your favourite list wasn't potato smiley faces and sandwiches with the crusts cut off. ;) 

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36 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I thought about it, but any good deed I try to do by rescuing chickens will be quickly undone when my cat tries to hunt them. 

No chance. I have a cat and a dog, plus several visiting cats from neighbours. They are all terrified of the chickens. Cats very curious initially, but one peck on the nose and they don't go back. The chooks are most definitely the rulers of the garden!

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10 minutes ago, MrDuck said:

No chance. I have a cat and a dog, plus several visiting cats from neighbours. They are all terrified of the chickens. Cats very curious initially, but one peck on the nose and they don't go back. The chooks are most definitely the rulers of the garden!

Keeping livestock isn't permitted in my tenancy otherwise I'd be quite tempted to go at least part Tom & Barbara  but I'd have to construct some pretty serious ramparts otherwise the prowling fox(es) round here would put pay to them pretty sharpish.

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53 minutes ago, a m ole said:

"I don't like vegetables" just sounds like "I decided I didn't like them as a child and have never had that challenged" to me - no offence gentlemen ?

Sorry, but this sort of patronising comment really pisses me off. I get vegetarians telling me that they find the thought of eating meat nauseating, and how much they love a tasty veg curry. Fine, I believe them. I'm happy for them. I don't start telling them that their palates are unsophisticated, or that they aren't trying hard enough to give devilled kidneys a chance. No amount of dressing it up is going to make me enjoy eating a plate of spinach or spring greens. It's not some sort of childish predjudice, I'm not pretending, I just fecking hate the stuff - can't you understand that? 

I fully accept the animal cruelty arguments, I fully accept the health arguments. What I won't have is "But how can you possibly not like yummy greens?" 

As someone said upthread, food is to be enjoyed, it's one of life's great pleasures. I can eat a vegetarian meal every now and then, and it's - at best - OK. It never gets remotely near the enjoyment of eating a meal involving meat, fish, eggs, or dairy produce. Not within a million miles. The thought of spending what's left of my declining years living like that is too depressing to contemplate. 

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

Certainly if I do make the jump to Veggie I won't want to be trying to convert everyone left right and centre.

Do people actually do this though?

I know i've made comments in this thread, but that's purely because there's a thread on the subject. I would never actually bring this up in conversation myself and try to get someone to give up meat, nor have I ever really seen it happen? 

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1 minute ago, PieFacE said:

Do people actually do this though?

I know i've made comments in this thread, but that's purely because there's a thread on the subject. I would never actually bring this up in conversation myself and try to get someone to give up meat, nor have I ever really seen it happen? 

Yeah they do.

Not half as much as is made out though. Which is always the way with this kind of thing.

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FWIW, I usually keep my mouth shut and just do my own thing. But this thread is specifically about it, it's not the kind of discussion I'd have unless someone else brings it up.


21 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

Sorry, but this sort of patronising comment really pisses me off. I get vegetarians telling me that they find the thought of eating meat nauseating, and how much they love a tasty veg curry. Fine, I believe them. I'm happy for them. I don't start telling them that their palates are unsophisticated, or that they aren't trying hard enough to give devilled kidneys a chance. No amount of dressing it up is going to make me enjoy eating a plate of spinach or spring greens. It's not some sort of childish predjudice, I'm not pretending, I just fecking hate the stuff - can't you understand that? 

I retract my crustless sandwich joke. It was only meant as a lighthearted joke, no patronising intended, but must get pretty old, sorry.

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I could do the same as Stevo suggested, just the evening meal with meat, but I cook for the evening and the next lunch as well, so if I did it, I would never eat meat ?

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I completely understand and support Vegetarianism, Veganism on the other hand is a step too far for me. My mate did it about 6 months back and it always amazes me just how many things he can't eat or drink anymore. Food is one of lifes passions and no way would I restrict myself that heavily. You just have to let some things go and be happy that 90% of the time you are Veggie or Vegan. To go full on militant Vegan takes some doing and its no wonder people who do it won't shut up about it.

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2 hours ago, Rodders said:

It's always been done? Cows don't give a shit? ( though I know some dairy farms, could to put it mildly improve their practices)

It would be cruel not to milk dairy cows they produce to much milk if the claf was kept under her and she was NOT milked the calf would scour due to to much milk and she would get mastits.

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Im not against vegetarians at all but veganism is crazy it just a waste of food if we were all vegans what would happen to all these animals on farms?  Sheep wont live without sheperding lambs mating their mothers maggots fluke worms over population resultung in them dying of hunger! Multiple chickens with chicks no food so they eat their own egss and half incubated chicks,not all animals can be pets

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

I can't stand this either. From anyone, not just Vegetarians.

It doesn't appear so but I just wanted to make sure that you didn't think that I was saying that you were doing it. :)

21 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

Yeah they do.

Not half as much as is made out though. Which is always the way with this kind of thing.

I'm not saying that people in casual conversation often look to convert people from eating meat but if the ethics of not eating meat are important to someone's vegetarianism (and the non use of animal products to someone's veganism) then it's necessarily more likely to lead to people holding those views to try and push documentaries, videos, statistics, &c. supporting the stance which they take on others who don't - even  if it's just a 'watch this and see if you feel the same'.

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