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Israel, Palestine and Iran (and Lebanon)


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2 hours ago, Glarmorgan said:

OK, so here's a link from CNN, stating the Hammas leader claimed that 50 of the dead were Hammas operatives. I am sorry, you can't just claim "MEMRI might be lying" just because it contradicts your opinion or thoughts. MEMRI is built on being credible. If you, or I, will find out it's lying, we will both ignore it. The problem is that the Palestinians tend to say things clearly enough. The western world tend to try and give its own interpretation to these words, as it's inconceivable that someone will say things so bluntly. Just listen to their words. If you wish for me to bring other sources to give such examples - I will do it. I am using "Google" and things come up.

I'm sorry but you have absolutely failed to grasp what I was saying.

I haven't claimed that MEMRI 'might be lying because it contradicts my opinion or thoughts'. I didn't claim anything. I did some research in to the organization that you were getting all of your videos from and the first thing that came up led me to post what I did, so I'll quote the post again:


I don't understand Arabic (I'm guessing that's what language the interviews were conducted in) so have to rely on the translation of thia 'Memri TV' lot. I know nothing of them so I had a look at the Wiki page on them (you were fine with Wiki as a source earlier) and it says this in the opening:


The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is a nonprofit press monitoring and analysis organization with headquarters in Washington, D.C. MEMRI publishes and distributes free English language translations of Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Pashto, and Turkish media reports.[2]

MEMRI states that its goal is to "bridge the language gap between the Middle East and the West." It has been praised as an "invaluable" resource[3] and for helping to "shine a spotlight on hate speech wherever it appears".[4]Critics charge that despite portraying itself as neutral,[5] it aims to portray the Arab and Muslim world in a negative light through the production and dissemination of incomplete translations and by selectively translating views of extremists while deemphasizing or ignoring mainstream opinions.


You link to CNN but they've taken it straight from the same place, haven't they ( i.e. they've taken the translation made by MEMRI as fact)?

I'll quote the final bit of my previous post for your reconsideration:


Maybe, maybe not.


It may suit your prejudice to write off my comments in the way in which you have but I'm afraid that you've utterly missed the point.

Edited by snowychap
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13 hours ago, Glarmorgan said:

Oh. I can easily argue with this - it won't happen. 

The current political situation is as follows - Netanyahu, Bennet and Lieberman are fighting for the same voters. They are right wing people so they have to cry out right-wing sayings. Adding 2500 news homes is a part of these sayings, but this involves other stuff you are unfamiliar with.

For example - these three are fighting a war of "who'll get the harshest stance against the Supreme Court rulings", since the right wing parties try to draw the Supreme Court as a body which holds them from fulfilling their policies. This is untrue, but it's easier to blame the Supreme Court rather than admitting of their inability to rule properly.

I can give you a bunch of other examples, but I hope you get the picture right now. Lieberman, according to the latest surveys, hangs on a thread. If elections would take place today, he might not get into the parliament due to lack of voters, so he's trying to change the laws, to allows smaller parties to get in (hence, increasing his chances). 

2500 homes? Give me a call when this will happen. I'll buy you a pint of anything you'd like (as long as it can be done via Paypal...) 



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I used to judge and belittle people who just stayed indoors, watched gogglebox and went  out to the garden centre now and again while trying not to upset their little bubble of a world but with the amount of depressing shit going on I’m starting to understand it more. I’m tempted to bury my head in the sand a bit as the amount of true evil in this world is overwhelming. You can only try and understand so much and it makes you feel helpless. The biased and blinkered views of people like Glamorgan are just sickening and they say this crap with a straight face or in the cases of the leaders themselves with a wry smile as children are killed in the name of some mumbo jumbo sky fairy bullshit from retards who made the shit up thousands of years ago to oppress.

The amount of injustice that goes on and these sick **** get away with it day in day out all in the name of money/power/religion, it’s all so unrelentingly hopeless. It makes you wonder if the ostrich type people are right, maybe it is time to switch my brain off and ignore the atrocities of this world. Nothing will ever change. People will always be word removeds. People in power more so and 90% of the time they get away with it. 

Makes you feel really small doesn’t it. I’m not limiting this post to this thread either, genocide around the world, Trump, our evil bastards in charge, Russia etc....

To the people who believe in these evil regimes and doctrines, hatred, division etc... including posters on here, **** you all the way to hell. 

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So to get a broader understanding of  this horrible conflict , I did a bit of research as I didn't have a clue as to the creation of Israel or Britain's part in it. 

The fact I didn't know this history is slightly shameful to me and a good indication that in the UK we will only teach/publicly discuss history that isn't too unpalatable. 



Edited by PompeyVillan
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On 25/05/2018 at 03:23, Glarmorgan said:

OK, so here's a link from CNN, stating the Hammas leader claimed that 50 of the dead were Hammas operatives. I am sorry, you can't just claim "MEMRI might be lying" just because it contradicts your opinion or thoughts. MEMRI is built on being credible. If you, or I, will find out it's lying, we will both ignore it. The problem is that the Palestinians tend to say things clearly enough. The western world tend to try and give its own interpretation to these words, as it's inconceivable that someone will say things so bluntly. Just listen to their words. If you wish for me to bring other sources to give such examples - I will do it. I am using "Google" and things come up.


Link to CNN

This sole example should bring anyone who thought that Israel massacres innocent women and children, to at least understand there are aspects which they are unfamiliar with. 

Is the correct translation of the Hamas guy that they were "50 operatives"? Members of a political organization would be much less nasty and evil and menacing and etc., etc.

Because that sounds an awful lot like it has been translated for the benefit of Hollywood/CoD indoctrinated audiences. Of course, I'm just some sort of conspiracy nut or anti-"semite".

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13 hours ago, PompeyVillan said:

So to get a broader understanding of  this horrible conflict , I did a bit of research as I didn't have a clue as to the creation of Israel or Britain's part in it. 

The fact I didn't know this history is slightly shameful to me and a good indication that in the UK we will only teach/publicly discuss history that isn't too unpalatable. 



It's a fascinating and horrible story. It's interesting to look at with the benefit of history - it's odd to see Jewish terrorism for instance.

Well, aside from the state stuff we see all the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What a nice gentleman, and part of the ruling party no less.


Israeli MP invokes the supremacy of ‘Jewish race’ in bizarre pro-Netanyahu tirade

The ‘Jewish race’ is the smartest in the world and possesses the highest human capital, so Israelis ought to be skeptical about the current corruption probes into Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu, a Likud party lawmaker has claimed.

“I can tell you something very basic,” MK Miki Zohar said, during a debate on Radio 103FM on Wednesday, as cited by the Times of Israel: “You can’t fool the Jews, no matter what the media writes. The public in Israel is a public that belongs to the Jewish race, and the entire Jewish race is the highest human capital, the smartest, the most comprehending.”

Citing opinion polls showing widespread support for Netanyahu, Zohar said that statistics clearly show that the “Jewish race” is too smart to be fooled by extensive media coverage of the multiple corruption probes. The somewhat clumsy attempt to defend the Israeli PM immediately landed the ruling party member in hot water.

Was Einstein racist? Travel diaries reveal shocking truth about physicist’s views on Asians

The loud statement about Jewish supremacy struck a nerve with Ahmad Tibi, an Arab-Muslim Israeli politician and leader of the Arab Movement for Change party, who, on Twitter, accused his Israeli counterpart of devising his own racial theory. “An elected official in ‘the Jewish state’ presents: race theory,” he tweeted, along with a portrait of Zohar.

The Arab politician then followed up with a tweet of him reading Amos Elon’s book “The Pity of It All: A Portrait of the German-Jewish Epoch, 1743-1933,” which outlines how a small minority came to be perceived as a deadly threat to German national integrity.

Zohar hit back, tweeting: “And on the back cover there is a photo of Albert Einstein, another Jew who brought great news to the world.” To which Arab MP replied: “What’s the connection between you and Einstein? It isn’t even a relative relationship.”

In an attempt to quell criticism and clarify what exactly he meant to say, Zohar gave an interview to Hadashot TV – but only made his case worse, denying that he’d mentioned the supremacy of the Jewish race, until he was furnished with a recording of his statement.

‘Despicable lie & smear’: Israel fires back at UN’s ‘apartheid regime’ report

“The Jewish people and the Jewish race are of the highest human capital that exists,” he then reiterated. “What can you do? We were blessed by God… I don’t have to be ashamed about the Jewish people being the Chosen People; the smartest, most special people in the world.”


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More than a few of his fellow party members, not to mention his countrymen, would agree with him.

When you have a country defined by a religion that has as one of its main tenets that it's followers are 'the Chosen People', it's no shock some believe it.

Vile regime.

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Its refreshing to know that if I choose to be religious, I can change my race at the same time

Thats a great deal of bigotry dealt with in an instant, lets all be the same race

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  • 4 weeks later...

A BILL PROHIBITING the importation of Israeli goods produced in settlements in Palestinian territories has been passed in the Seanad today.

The government opposed the Bill and lost the vote.

The Bill aims to prohibit Ireland from trading in goods and services from Israeli-occupied territories by prohibiting “the import and sales of goods, services and natural resources originating in illegal settlements in occupied territories”.

The Journal

Go on Jeremy, follow the Irish lead rather than sucking up to the loathsome slug Trump, the fat prick Boris way.

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  • 1 month later...

Nice read about that charming club Beitar Jerusalem in a Swedish paper.


After decades of hate, violence and shame, a classic football club stands at a crossroads.

Is Israel's most racist club going to be it?

Or is it time for Beitar Jerusalem to be something else?

David Mizrahi was fourteen years old when he obtained his first tattoo. It represents Beitar Jerusalem's sticker with the menoran, the seven-dimensional Jewish candlestick, next to a declaration of love: "Beitar Jerusalem, I was born for you, I will die to serve you."

Things supporters say? Yes, but for David Mizrahi it was a truth.

In the magazine the Blizzard, he has spoken of his childhood as a child of two parents who were begun to begging (Dad missing a hand, Mom was afflicted with epilepsy), how he smashed away from his boarding school as a little boy and found a whole new world on Teddy stadium stadiums. Cohabitation, singing, bulging hearts.

- Beitar gave me a warm embrace, a sense of belonging, an anchor in life. Afterwards, I felt I could lead people that I could control them, they listened to me and I meant something.

Mizrahi grew up in the shadow of the Second Intifadan, in a Jerusalem wrecked by terrorist attacks in protest against the state of Israel.

It was no good time for grayscale and diplomacy, it was a great time to radicalize a teenage boy who found home in a nationalist ultra-environment.

Beitar Jerusalem fans during a match 2012

Beitar has always been a big, popular club, a working club that at the same time has strong ties to power - but in the 21st century they have been characterized by other driving forces. The group that controls the eastern attic where David Mizrahi found home is called La Familia, and is rather a right-wing mafia, an ultranationalist militia with enormous violence.

For most, a stamp that was obviously racist had been stigmatizing, but La Familia has taken the grade as a diploma. Before the matches, the rams have eaten at the Teddy Stadium:

- HERE ARE WE, the most racist club in the country!

- Death to the Arabs! Let the villages burn!

David Mizrahi was not just the man in that stands. He did not just sing with. He was one of those who led the song.


In 2016 an Israeli documentary film spread across the world. In Forever Pure we will follow Beitar Jerusalem through the chaotic crisis season 2012-2013.

The film focuses on how the then club owner, the Russian-Jewish businessman Arkadij Gajdamak, decided to win two Chechen players to Beitar. The nineteen slopes Dzjabrail Kadijev and the more routine striker Zaur Sadajev made no special impressions as players - but they chose a whole club all over just by being Muslims.

Gabriel Kadiev to the left and Zaur Sadayev to the right along with then coach Eli Cohen

Beitar is the only elite club in Israel who never won an Arab player. Two Muslim men in yellow sweater were enough for La Familia to declare war against their own club.

While judging the world over the celebration of the Holocaust Memorial Day, La Familia went to the Teddy Stadium and scandalized "Death to the Arabs." The documentary film's title ("Forever Reindeer") is a reference to one of the banners that they held on the eastern stand.

It was difficult not to see it as an echo of other kinds of persecution, from another time.

- They mean "free from Arabs". No matter what ideology you have, regardless of your political attitude, you can not use such expression as Jew. Not with our story, Itzik Kornfein sighed.

"If we do not want to see Jews being violated just because they are Jews, then we must value Muslims or Christians in our teams. This is not just about football, it's an international Jewish question, said Mayor Nir Barkat.

Mayor Nir Barkat

Just Itzik Kornfein was one of Beitar's biggest goalkeeper heroes, a legend that took over as CEO. It did not help. Just as it helped for captain Ariel Harush to be goalkeeper star and national team player.

In the moment they welcomed two Muslims to Beitar came the war declarations. "Our captain is a horror" was scanned from the stands. La Familia drove the conflict all the way, and brought the supporters into a boycott of Beiter's matches. The Teddy Stadium was emptied, the most important fighting had moved elsewhere.

Goalkeeper Ariel Harush during a U21 match

Beitar's game room was burned in a murder fire, the Chechen players fled to the airport right after the season's last match, all major club leaders left their posts after the season.

"It was a sort of civil war even among the fans, because we attacked supporters who did not join our boycott," David Mizrahi has said.

If there was a war about the club, the management would have just lost it.

At the same time, Mizrahi had become a name even in wider circles in Israel. A news magazine in the national television used to send an element where they brought together various political extremes to film the meeting, and decided to let Mizrahi visit Mohammed Ghadir, talent in the national team and attack star in Arab Bene Sakhnin.

"It's hard for me to accept that there is an Arab team in our league. When an Arab is making a goal against Beitar, it feels like I'm getting a knife in the heart, "said David Mizrahi. Beitar Jerusalem against Sakhnin is a world war, it's not just about two teams but about the whole country's essence.

Ghadir does his best to meet him, to make a call. It's not possible. Mizrahi glows with contempt and hatred, and does nothing to hide it. He refuses to take the Arab into hand, spitting out insults.

- What are you here, more than hummus and lice? Asking him.

The tv cameras did not turn on or off, hated and racism was nothing he wanted to hide.

Would like to welcome a new time

For Forever Pure, we can see how a group of Beitar supporters gathered outside Itzik Kornfeins House to protest against the attempt by Muslim players in the Beitar shirt. The hot picture against Kornfein is deemed to be so strong that he gets the help of a security police to even get to work. On the pictures, we see how a guy in a yellow hoodie leads the hats to the club leader and his family.

- "Eti Korenfein", he sings, directed to Itzik's wife. "We want you to know that the next cock you're gonna be mine".

Murder, abuse, rape and threats to family members ... after a year's war, La Familia had hunted all those who wanted to welcome a new time to Beitar.

It does not appear in the documentary, but the guy in the yellow hoodie is easy to recognize. His name is David Mizrahi, he was born to serve Beitar.


The sharpened line plowed straight through Beitar Jerusalem is an extreme form of many of the fate of Jerusalem that brings with it. Questions about coexistence and humanism, about forgiveness and peace.

The young angry men in Beitar's eastern curve have not found the Palestinian conflict, but they also have no desire to try to influence developments elsewhere.

The crisis season 2012-2013 was characterized by the civil war in the club, and by the waves after a few hundred Beitar fans stormed a shopping gallery after a match to harass and abuse Arab workers.

Sportingly, it went wrong. Economically as bad. Sponsors got concern for fear, fewer would be linked to "the most racist club in the country".

Kaos - after the promises

In came Eli Tabib, a businessman just hunted away from Hapoel Tel Aviv, but who would now try to cast oil on the waves of Beitar. He promised to remedy the debts, promising to try to build a strong Beitar again.

After a couple of seasons, he had been exposed to a couple of attacks, shot once, been fired for abuse in a court, criticized for trying to shovel himself at the club's expense - and given up more than once.

In the summer of 2015, Beitar played the European League qualifier against Charleroi in Belgium. For the Swedish backing Joakim Askling, it was one of the few entries from the start in Beitar, but the match he barely started before shooting bengal fires and bangers from the away section. When the match was over, two Beitar players had got red cards, Charleroi had won 5-1, Uefa had started an investigation on racist races.

Chocked by the fans

And Eli Tabib had for the first time decided to sell his club.

"I'm ashamed and shocked by how part of the audience behaved tonight. The whole world saw this embarrassing disaster, staged by the radical group who are not real Beitar fans in my way of seeing. This is the end of my time in Beitar.

This spring, three years later, he still remained - with the same conflicts, the same war, the same critics and the same struggle.

And the same sense of enlightenment.

"The club struggled for life when I took over. They had a debt of 60 million. I would never hurt Beitar, so I step aside until a suitable owner pops up. I'm not the type that gives up, but probably enough.

Beitar had watched a league title for the first time in a long time, but ended the season unseenly and shattered in the table. Sportingly, things started to go in the right direction.

And else?

In recent years, Beitar has on the one hand continually received fines and deductions for anti-Arab racism on the stands. At the same time, they have won the club's work against racism.

"Beitar is a club facing challenges unique to Israeli sport", it was stated in the motivation when praised. "This year the club has shown it is ready to take a uncompromising fight against racism in their own arena and that they are prepared to pay the price for it."

Want to add Trump to the name

Fight continues, racism is to be crushed? Beitar Jerusalem suddenly stood without owner, among the last Eli Tabib made everybody go out and announce that the club now renamed. Donald Trump had pushed through the extremely controversial decision to move the US Israeli embassy to Jerusalem - and now Tabib wanted to pay tribute to the president.

"President Trump has shown courage and true love for the Israeli people and its capital," he explained.

"We have decided to add the president's name to our club name, from now on we will be called Beitar Trump Jerusalem.

It is still very doubtful if the name change will go through, but the gesture marked with all the desirable clarity that Beitar was still a propaganda tool.

The question was just what direction the club would choose for it.


If the name change was most received as a lustification in world pressures, there was another that showed the explosiveness of playing soccer in Jerusalem.

Diplomatic Hell

A couple of weeks before the World Cup, Argentina would meet Israel in a training match, but when the organizers wanted to move the match from Haifa to Jerusalem, the whole diplomatic hell broke loose.

Palestine protested against what they perceived as Israel trying to pick political points by letting the Argentinian stars in general, and Leo Messi in particular, play soccer in Jerusalem. Israel turned to all the threats that rained against Argentina, calling it "a victory for terrorism" when Argentina finally chose to set the match.

"This is the same terror that was behind the murders of Israeli athletes in Munich in 1972. It was their threat to Messi and his family who ruled," threatened Israeli sports minister Mirri Regev.

Messi never came to Jerusalem, but it did not mean he would not play a role in Jerusalem.

A couple of months before the set-up match, he set up a picture together with Israeli hi-tech entrepreneur Moshe Hogeg. He had just signed a contract to set up as a global ambassador for Hogeg's company Sirin Labs, world-renowned for launching the super-fast, super-savvy smartphone Solarin, and for working with cryptovalutors.

"I'm pleased to join Sirin Labs as an ambassador to make block chains more user friendly through a new smartphone operating system," Messi announced on Facebook.

It may not be his own words. But there was evidence that Moshe Hogeg wanted to enter the football world.

Bars on the shoulders of the fans

The 37-year-old has made a rocket career as a venture capitalist through a mix of streaming services, apps, cryptovalutors and smart phones. He has challenged Instagram (and lost) with his own social media app, he has been doing business with Leonardo Di Caprio, Serena Williams and Carlos Slim (the second richest man in the world).

And he has just bought one hundred percent of Beitar Jerusalem.

Last Sunday he appeared on the shoulders of the support team - with a Bengal fire in his hand - when the team held its traditionally-season start for the fans. The following day, the deal was approved by the Israeli Football Association.

Shouted by the representative

In a chronicle on the net ONE, Eli Tabib welcomed his successor.

"If I did not think he could make the team better and change the negative image that the club received because of violence and racism, I would not have sold it to him," he wrote. "The crucial is not Moshe, but La Familia. The group that for years has ruined everything, if they continue in the same way, the club will lose its right to exist. "

Eli Tabib finished his farewell crown with a greeting:

"I want to thank the supporters who supported me and the club most of the time. Too bad that you did not stand behind me during the violent period, because together we could have defeated violence and racism. "

And now?

During his first press conference as Beitar Jerusalem's owner, there was a question that Moshe Hogeg neither could nor wanted to duck.

He has grown up with the Israeli football's modern dominants Hapoel Be'er Sheva, been a member since childhood and sponsorship for many years. He has stood on their stands, he has celebrated their gold. Now he will take over another kind of club, with other challenges and other opportunities.

"Beitar is not a racist club," he concluded. Beitars supporters are not racists. If things happen in the future, I think I know how to handle it. As of today, religion is no longer a factor in playing for Beitar.

Do not believe in slogans

Hogeg talked about his failures, about his success, how he eventually achieved the most he wanted to achieve.

"When you realize a dream, the drive disappears in a way, and you have to find it back. I concluded that what interests me is social change, affecting people - and Beitar combines those things. The love of the game and the ability to influence many people.

Moshe Hogeg says he does not believe in slogans, but there is an action plan to change the image of Beitar Jerusalem. The supporters see him as an asset, he faces the stigmatization of them but also says that he will not accept any violations on their part.

A 37-year-old entrepreneur can buy one hundred percent of the shares in a club, but it does not automatically mean that he owns the club. The question of who decides in Beitar Jerusalem is not determined by money and business agreements, it goes deeper than that.

Hard penalty for La Familia members

Can it change?

After the civil war in the club, a group of supporters who were tired of racism, violence and Islamophobia in Beitar Jerusalem chose to launch their own member-owned club, which they named Beitar Nordia and open to all. There are those who think another way, another world, is still possible.

In February this year, eight La Familia members were sentenced to long prison sentences for theft, abuse and preparation for various crimes. Among other things, they had beaten a Hapoel Tel Aviv supporter with a hammer. In the police investigation, they had used badly hidden camera and infiltrators to be able to lead the crimes in evidence. The prosecutor was clear in his description when the judges had fallen:

- The breaches were carried out for ideological reasons, in an organized and systematic manner without any provocation elsewhere. This is the first time members of La Familia are sentenced to jail for crimes they performed as part of an organization.

Reached the bottom - and thought about

It is up to the police to face La Familia's violence capital, it is up to the new owner to try to save the image of a dirty institution.

The most important way, however, will always be the one that an individual chooses when he sees his own mirror image.

Just two years ago, three years after he gave face to the blind race in La Familia, David Mizrahi pushed down the enter button on his computer to post a post on his Facebook page.

He had reached the bottom.

After the threat to the Kornfein family, he had been convicted and sentenced to pay large damages. His marriage had crashed. He was pank, he was convicted, he had nothing.

He had grown up in western Jerusalem with beggars like parents and two sisters to take care of, and he had formed it.

"I learned early to be ashamed," he says. And I learned to hate others for it.

Recognized: "Everything was my fault"

During Jom Kippur, the Day of Atonement when believing Jews contemplate their mistakes and apologize for their mistakes, he saw himself in the mirror, and he did not like what he saw.

- I realized that everything was my fault, that a man is responsible for his actions.

David Mizrahi escaped prison sentences, but had to work on a date plant to pay compensation. There, for the first time, he met Arabs in an environment that was not about conflict. That's what he told you about in that Facebook post 2016:

"That's when I met Arabs for the first time and realized they were not monsters, as I thought. Most would live normal life, have a job and earn money, that their lives were not easy. I realized that life is not black and white. "

Mizrahi wrote about how he was characterized by growing up in Jerusalem during the Intifadan, having used to seeing blown buses and seeing every Arab as a terrorist.

He also wrote about that time when, as a 23-year-old, he was expected to talk to an Arab for the first time. The television broadcast meeting with Mohammed Ghadir had influenced him basically.

Ghadir then found out that he had never met a more hateful person. Mizrahi had, in his own distorted way, felt exactly the same.

Shows that change is possible

Three years later he had become another. He took the step from being a leader in the La Familia to travel around and talk to Israeli and Palestinian youth about tolerance and prejudice. It has made him hated on a football hunter, but it has also shown that another road is actually possible. He finished his post with a warm greeting:

- I'll meet Mohammed Ghadir, I'll shake his hand and talk to him. I am the happiest person in the world.

On Monday night, Beitar Jerusalem plays his first league match during a season that will show in what direction the club is heading.

They have a new owner, a new management and new players. They have a new chance to become something else.



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On 25/05/2018 at 08:11, Glarmorgan said:

Give me a call when this will happen. I'll buy you a pint of anything you'd like

Another 1400 on the way



The Israeli government announced a further enlargement of its massive colonial project in the occupied West Bank. Plans were now advanced, it said on Wednesday, for a further 1,000 “homes” in Jewish “settlements” – still the word we must use for such acts of land theft – and final approval had been given for another 382. Today, 600,000 Jewish Israelis live in about 140 colonies constructed on land belonging to another people, the Palestinians, either in the West Bank or east Jerusalem.

There is a state of normalcy about all this, the world’s last colonial conflict; a weariness with the figures, a lacklustre response to the huge construction enterprise on Palestinian territory. Charting the spread of red roofs across the hilltops of the West Bank, the swimming pools and the lawns and smart roadways, the supermarkets and orchards – all encircled by acres of barbed wire and now also by the grotesque Wall – has become not so much a “story” for us reporters covering the Middle East, but a tired routine, a tally, a scorecard of land theft, a tale to be updated with each new “settlement” announcement and subsequent protest from Palestinians whose land is taken from them, and from the woeful and corrupt Palestinian Authority. The same is true of the small Israeli activist and leftist groups – B’Tselem, for example and Avnery’s own Gush Shalom – who have bravely fought on, when even Israel stopped listening, to tell the truth of this unique form of aggression.

Never in the field of human rights has so much been owed by so many, to so few. The number of Jewish colonists living on Palestinian land – illegally under international law – rose from 80,000 at the time of the Oslo agreement in 1993, to 150,000 within seven years. Every one of those 70,000 new Jewish colonists was making a forbidden “unilateral step” – to use the Oslo prose for continued land seizures – when he or she crossed the threshold of their new home, but it mattered not.

Article 49 of the International Committee of the Red Cross’s 1949 Geneva Conventions is quite specific: “The occupying power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” The UN security council and general assembly, the ICRC and the International Court of Justice agreed Article 49 applied to Israeli-occupied territories. This too, mattered not.

Enlarging the colonies in the West Bank was sometimes publicly stated to be not just a return to the Biblical land of Israel but a punishment for Palestinians. The Israeli government specifically stated in 2012 that an announcement of 3,000 new “settler” homes in the West Bank was a response to the UN decision to grant Palestine non member observer status. This week Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s defence minister – whose language has embarrassed his own right wing colleagues – said he would build 400 Jewish housing units as a response to the murder of an Israeli civilian by a Palestinian in the Adam colony.



more will follow, as night follows day.

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The thing is, I wanted to write something sarcastic about needing living space.

Something just made me pause and think, 'isn't there something sinister about the term living space?'.

Sure enough, under the new rules we are all to adopt, it would be racist to use the term living space.

So we have to stick with murder, theft and ethnic cleansing by the state Israel and those that vote for its government.

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