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Israel to 'settle score' with Bangkok attackers

JERUSALEM (AP) -- An Israeli Cabinet minister says his country will "settle the score" with the perpetrators of a bombing attempt in Bangkok.

An Iranian man carrying grenades blew his own legs off in the blast. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Tuesday the explosion, which wounded four civilians, was an attempted terrorist attack backed by Iran.

Israel has also blamed Iran for a pair of attacks on Israeli diplomatic targets in India and Georgia on Monday.

Speaking on Israel Radio, Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch did not mention Iran explicitly, but strongly implied Israel would seek revenge.

"We know who carried out the terror attacks, we know who sent them, and Israel will settle the score with them," he said.


Sounds like it's about to kick off due to the bombings in Thailand this morning.

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It's 4 years this week since the red sea pedestrians slotted the head of Hezbollah in a Dubai hotel room. Reports said the guy in Bangkok was Lebanese so the assassination attempts yesterday plus this screw up may be linked to that. Or, the Iranians may just be getting pissed off that their nuclear scientists keep getting blown up with alarming regularity. If so the scale of the Iranian reaction might suggest they've finally taken out a high value target or two.

Any score settling by the Izzies is unlikely to take a conventional imo, but that said Mossad are as nasty as it gets so the response is likely to be ugly for those on the receiving end.

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It's 4 years this week since the red sea pedestrians slotted the head of Hezbollah in a Dubai hotel room. Reports said the guy in Bangkok was Lebanese so the assassination attempts yesterday plus this screw up may be linked to that. Or, the Iranians may just be getting pissed off that their nuclear scientists keep getting blown up with alarming regularity. If so the scale of the Iranian reaction might suggest they've finally taken out a high value target or two.

Any score settling by the Izzies is unlikely to take a conventional imo, but that said Mossad are as nasty as it gets so the response is likely to be ugly for those on the receiving end.

That. If you were important to Iran, you'd be shitting yourself for the forseeable, because Mossad will be out to put you in a box.

...if you're lucky. Plastic bag if you're not.

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Dont mess with Mossad!!! simples!

By virtue of my pastime I have encountered Mossad agents on a number of occasions in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Italy. In general they are pretty polite and inoffensive while they go about their job.

One encounter I had in China was the complete opposite though, aggressive and intrusive. It struck me that in a non-democracy, where they can do what the hell they like, they do exactly that!

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Battlefield 3 is quickly becoming a battle simulator

I look forward to copying real life US battle tactics on the Tehran map

Keep dreaming, a land war in Iran is not going to happen, at least involving the US.

Maybe some drones and naval skirmishes, but no Iraq-style invasion.

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Strange inflammatory rhetoric from the Israelis, considering it was a fairly low level suicide bombing in a country that is not much of a player in international politics, and certainly not one with an impact on Middle East politics.

It does suggest to me the Israel are trying to prepare it's allies for what Mossad will be engaging in.

But if things go really sour with Iran, I hope and pray that we let Israel fight it's own fight. I want nothing to do with them.

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Just waiting for HMRC to go after Iran.

Would that be aka Harry Redknapp style with an early dawn raid?

Neutral on bolotics but you do have to quiety ask why a nation can take such high moral ground over it's neighbours, when it thinks it's OK to fire white phosporous shells into the Gaza, now & then, just to shut the natives up?

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It's 4 years this week since the red sea pedestrians slotted the head of Hezbollah in a Dubai hotel room. Reports said the guy in Bangkok was Lebanese so the assassination attempts yesterday plus this screw up may be linked to that. Or, the Iranians may just be getting pissed off that their nuclear scientists keep getting blown up with alarming regularity. If so the scale of the Iranian reaction might suggest they've finally taken out a high value target or two.

Any score settling by the Izzies is unlikely to take a conventional imo, but that said Mossad are as nasty as it gets so the response is likely to be ugly for those on the receiving end.

Slotted a head honcho of Hamas, not Hezbollah.

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Slotted a head honcho of Hamas, not Hezbollah.

:thumb: Quite right, my bad.

Telebox now saying the Bangkok job was three Iranian men not Lebanese and the devices found were the same as those used in Georgia and India the previous day.

It's unusual for Iran to do something like this without using proxies because of the potential fallout if the op is compromised.

If the link is proven then the two countries are effectively at war. No democratic government could let multiple attempts to murder its representatives go unanswered, so the question is where, when and how the Israeli's respond. Somewhere other than my location, hopefully..

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Quite right, my bad.

I'm confusing assassinations now. Mossad killed the Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai in Jan 2010. They also killed the leader of Hezbollah's military wing, Imad Fayez Mughniyah, in Syria in Feb 2008.

Busy boys :)

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Yes. Given that a county stupidly rich in Oil has decided that nuclear is the way forward.... what on earth could they be doing? Especially since they already have the capacity to enrich to well beyond civilian requirements and are well on their way to weapons grade.

A new Iran/Israel war be go to the nukes very quickly.......

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Quite right, my bad.

I'm confusing assassinations now. Mossad killed the Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai in Jan 2010. They also killed the leader of Hezbollah's military wing, Imad Fayez Mughniyah, in Syria in Feb 2008.

Busy boys :)

Very busy boys indeed. Mughniyeh must have been particularly difficult to track down.

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Is Israel going to bomb these facilities?

It's under a mountain.

Conventional strikes won't do the job.

Israeli options are pretty risky: large scale incursion, covert operations, tactical nukes - ouch.

The US however do a line in bunker busting technology.

It's not beyond the realms of possibility that a couple of these might show up in Israel.

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