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yeah season 3 of that probably had more going for it than JJ or LC to be fair

netflix have some weird hard to explain formula for cancelling shows, its data only they know too, they can see viewing trends, its not about reviews or how many people smash it over the opening weekend, its drop off rates and stuff like that

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Bree Larson apparently has a 7 film contract (same as Chris evans had). Guessing there will be cross over films in there as no way will it be 7 individual films. Obviously it doesn’t mean they will use her 7 times of captain marvel burns (let’s be honest it won’t)

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There are mutterings that Iron Fist will be resurrected on the Disney streaming platform. I hope they do, I was looking forward to having an Iron Fist that could fight. 

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for me its the crown jewel in marvel TV* so if this starts to dip in quality 2 weeks after they cancelled iron fist then they're in trouble

*at least until the punisher gets another series and a proper run, im still not 100% sure netflix wanted him to steal season 2 of DD or really know how good it is (again its hard to judge netflix shows on reviews because of their crazy top secret viewing pattern stats)

* and i include all of the tv shows outside of the MCU, so agents of shield, cloak and dagger**, legion etc

** i finished cloak and dagger last week, it was ok, watchable but nothing amazing, their powers aren't really something that is easy to portray, its also probably aimed at a younger audience than me, the main thing is with that kind of set up is they to get the 2 leads right and they do, they're both well written and good characters, from reading up on them its very different from their comic origins


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Watched the first episode.

It's a decent opener. Given where it begins, with the aftermath of the Defenders and where that left Murdoch, it has some unavoidable donkey work to get through but thankfully mostly seems to have been ticked off and dealt with by the credits rolling. Fisk is back and already there's some nice nods to who he was in the first series and the pieces are being set for them to play with some compelling stuff I think. There's also some gap filling with Karen, and an intro for a new character who is a blatant pawn in the making.

Otherwise it's a good Daredevil episode. The only thing that stood out to me is it seems to have had a bit more money spent on it than I recall from the older series. There were more cinematic shots, more interesting and thoughtful framing, and most noticeably a very movie-esque score to a scene late on which I really don't recall from older series, but I actually quite liked. It really does feel like there's been a bit bigger budget this time, or the show runner has a stronger vision for it. Either way I like it.

I'm looking forward to seeing how they decide to do Bullseye.

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i watched 10 episodes last night ?

its really good, not sure how they do bullseye but when they do bullseye its cool as ****, the first fight scene between him and daredevil is brilliant but probably not as good as the one shot fight scene in one of the early episodes which is as good as anything they did in the previous 2 seasons

i would say further to my earlier post about being glad kingpin being back it takes a couple of episodes for him to not sound like a lovelorn whiney bitch but when he's back he's even even better

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6 eps in now with Daredevil S3 and it's OK so far.

Not gonna lie, the ep dedicated to Dex bored the shit out of me. But I imagine it was necessary to build up to explain his future actions as B:E.

For me who isn't a "fan" it's all a bit too slow and drawn out over 13 eps. But for those who know and love the story I imagine it's just right. 

Agree on Fisk, good to have him back but the whole Vanessa thing is yeah. Anyone know what diagnosis he is supposed to have?

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9 hours ago, sne said:

Not gonna lie, the ep dedicated to Dex bored the shit out of me. But I imagine it was necessary to build up to explain his future actions as B:E.

Agree on Fisk, good to have him back but the whole Vanessa thing is yeah. Anyone know what diagnosis he is supposed to have?

I've only seen episode one so far, can I please request spoiler tags for anything major.

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i finished it Saturday, really enjoyed it


the way they showed bullseye with the DD suit rather than giving him own was an interesting choice, he's a cool character and the fight scenes with him were excellent, the kingpin's reach worked well and they made him a great realistic villain but i still dont think they capture his strength properly and some of the vanessa love stuff was too much, there were some little touches that worked and could have been developed more (like karen whispering to DD during the church fight, they should have done a lot more of that)

maybe because its a bit fresh i would put it on par with the best Marvel tv series to date, the bullseye fight scenes have been the best to date

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10 minutes ago, Zatman said:

Do i need to watch the Defenders before I watch Daredevil season 3? I gave it 2 episodes as was boring :(

I didn't and was wondering the same.

ended up skimming through the synopsis on Wiki and that is enough for me.

But there are others who can answer this better for you :D

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i think you need to understand why he is a broken man at the start to fully get why he is abandoning what he was in seasons 1 & 2, you might not fully get the DD character and some of the new darker elements to him but the rest of it, bullseye, kingpin, even foggy and karen, no you dont

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51 minutes ago, Zatman said:

Do i need to watch the Defenders before I watch Daredevil season 3? I gave it 2 episodes as was boring :(

You could everything you need from a paragraph synopsis -

Defenders spoilers


During the Defenders it emerges that Elektra, Matt Murdoch's estranged and mysterious ex-girlfriend, was also raised and trained by Stick. She is resurrected by the Hand to be used as a weapon, the Black Sky. The resurrected Elektra is unpredictable, and ultimately takes control of the Hand herself. The Defenders make a last stand to defeat her beneath a skyscraper, which ends with Murdoch holding off Elektra alone, and ultimately Matt and Elektra are inside when the building collapses. The series ends with Matt presumed dead, but the final shot shows him in a bed being looked after by a nun.

So Daredevil series 3 basically starts with Murdoch broken - he's believed to be dead, he lost Elektra and failed to save her, he has lost his friend, he has ruined his relationship with Karen, and everything has gone wrong. He has even lost his abilities due to his injuries. His life is ruined and as a religious man, his faith is gone too.


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Finished S3 of Daredevil, quite liked it.

Solid 6.5/10 although I liked S1 better.

13 episodes is a couple too many for me but in reality it only had 2 that i thought were genuinely boring.

As non comic book aficionado I do struggle with how these squishy superheroes and villains without real superpowers can survive in the same universe as Thor, The Hulk, Thanos and so on.


The amount of beatings a guy who is amazing at aiming can take to his unprotected jaw without even getting a bruise is impressive.

Once again D'Onofrio steals the show.

But I imagine the writing in the comics is a bit deeper and better than in the TV shows and movies as the latter are made to suit as broad an audience as possible.



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2 hours ago, sne said:

Finished S3 of Daredevil, quite liked it.

Solid 6.5/10 although I liked S1 better.

13 episodes is a couple too many for me but in reality it only had 2 that i thought were genuinely boring.

As non comic book aficionado I do struggle with how these squishy superheroes and villains without real superpowers can survive in the same universe as Thor, The Hulk, Thanos and so on.

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The amount of beatings a guy who is amazing at aiming can take to his unprotected jaw without even getting a bruise is impressive.

Once again D'Onofrio steals the show.

But I imagine the writing in the comics is a bit deeper and better than in the TV shows and movies as the latter are made to suit as broad an audience as possible.



I'm only about 5 episodes into the third series so not looked at the spoiler, but on the point about how the weaker heroes and villains survive in a world with much more powerful ones. It basically boils down to there not being much overlap. Daredevil's villains aren't on the same level as Thor's, and generally they operate in different theatres. Thor's stuff has always had the weird cosmic mystical stuff, Daredevil usually takes on more grounded villains. His biggest enemies are effectively a strong fat mob boss and a guy who's really good at darts. Meanwhile Thor is taking on gods and things like the Midgard serpent. Daredevil's biggest stories are ones where the stakes are mostly personal - crises in his faith, his dual life risking the safety of those around him, things like that. Thor is saving the universe.

Where there is overlap, in big events or team ups, they take different roles. Thor is inevitably the muscle, Daredevil takes on a less frontline role. Had Daredevil been in the first Avengers movie he'd have been in a role like Cap rather than the damage dealing like the Hulk.

Daredevil isn't a complete walkover though - while he isn't super strong or invulnerable, his enhanced senses give him advantages many other heroes don't have. His radar sense effectively means he can see everything around him at all times, he is always aware of what's around him, to an extent he can even predict actions  and he has a supreme sense of balance making him an excellent gymnast, meaning he can fight in some respects line Spider-Man. And he's an exceptionally skilled martial artist. He's basically the ultimate ninja, but one that can also handle himself in a scrap.

Daredevil is a really good character :). The Bendis/Maleev run is excellent and the Frank Miller run in the 80s (and later the Born Again arc) is some of the best stuff Miller ever did and completely redefined the character.

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