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Do you already have some background on the group in question? Do you live in the U.S.? Would I be correct to conclude you are an SDA or have been one in the past?

I know of the group, but not their beliefs. U.S. and not an SDA or ever been. Say, do you think Beth will answer my questions?

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Do you already have some background on the group in question? Do you live in the U.S.? Would I be correct to conclude you are an SDA or have been one in the past?

I know of the group, but not their beliefs. U.S. and not an SDA or ever been. Say, do you think Beth will answer my questions?

Thanks Sparky. I don't know if Beth will answer or not, that is why I was checking into it. We have lots of people who have hounded us for years, throwing questions at us... etc. In reality they did not want answers, but rather, only wanted us to follow their agenda of how they felt we should live.

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I have not been reading this thread until now cause for some reason i thought it was an english Tv Serie..and wow..

This was a great thred..funny that someone from that cult would actually come on here and post lol

Well what can i say..i guess the internet makes the world a very small place :D

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Were the reasons for these divorces Biblical? I understand that short of adultry if a divorce occurs, they are not to be remarried and if they are, themselves and who they marry are commiting adultry. (reads an adulturing messiah)

Since you refer to the Bible, I will also.

Jesus said things that went directly against the "Bible" of his day, which was the Law of Moses. So did Paul. They were absolutely radical, revolutionary, and highly offensive to the religious folk of the day. What these "Christians" said that "God told them," did away with the sacrifice system, circumcision, and more; and those who were so sure they were following God and their Bible, thought it was all wrong, wrong, wrong. What authority did Jesus, and later the apostles, have to dissolve the established order that had been put into place by God Himself, and was all written in the Law of Moses? Answer this, and you will also know by what authority Michael and those with him do the present things.

Jesus said, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." Matt 10:34 So it is now.

The bottom line, Sparky, is, "Is it not lawful for Me to do what I will with My own? Is your eye evil, because I am good?" Matt 20:15

If the state does not have authority over your affairs, why bother with the legal transactions then?

Im curious, how does the following verse relate to your not recognizing the state having authority over you?

Ro 13:1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Additionally, if legal transactions were performed to obtain the divorces, were legal transactions performed to obtain new marriage liscences(s) by Michael? (ignoring the fact that one can only have one wife in the U.S.) I would venture to say that a messiah would be consistant.

We comply with the laws of the land, according to the very verse you quoted in Romans, insofar as that law does not violate the law of God which is written in our hearts -- His Voice of instruction to the conscience. There we draw the line; we obey God over man. When Peter and John were commanded by the law of the land not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus, they answered the authorities and said, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to obey you rather than God, you judge. But we ourselves cannot help but speak the things which we have seen and heard." Acts 4:19-20 Neither can we. No man can serve two masters; one either has the mark of the beast, or the seal of God.

Again, God sometimes instructed people in the Old Testament to do things that were clearly against the Law of Moses. That Law clearly said not to be publicly naked, and then God told Isaiah to walk around naked for three years. The Law clearly said not to marry a whore, and then God told Hosea to marry one. It said not to steal, and then God told His people to take the land of the Canaanites, that He had now given it to them. It said not to murder, and then God commanded them to kill certain of their enemies. One must not only know the written Word, but live in obedience to the Spirit Who wrote it. Only then, does one have eyes to see.

Finally, do you find in the Bible where Jesus would be walking the earth, living among the people when he comes back? (or is there indication of the opposite?)

This was written of the time of the Revelation, or second Appearing, of Jesus Christ:

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the abode of God is with men, and he will dwell (live, encamp, tent) with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. Re 21:3

For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. Job 19:25

P.S. Do you have any knowledge of anyone there having been in another cult before coming to strong city?

Yes, as a matter of fact all but one of our members were in another cult before this. We were in the world cult, which the title of the C4 documentary proclaimed the end of ("The End of the World Cult"). We were born into that cult, and it did not offer us the opportunity to experience anything else. Is that not criminal, and unfair to us, as we were just children, and had never known anything different? But strangely enough, each one of us was somehow able to decide what we really wanted, and to find it.

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I've missed this thread until now, because I thought it was about a tv programme, and I don't watch tv.

Having read it all tonight, I'd like to say thanks to everyone for the entertainment. I appreciated the approach of the strongcity crew in giving prompt, frank answers to what must often have seemed like disrespectful and baiting questions. I liked their assessment of the political situation, which seemed a lot more informed and realistic than that of many people who post on here. I also liked the engagement with adversaries. Someone (Clarry?) asked if it was a concerted effort. Clearly so, but a lot more honest and direct than eg the Labour Party or the Zionists, in that they engage directly with questioners rather than using threatening phone calls or internet intimidation. Maybe they just don't have that option, being but 48 souls, but I'm taking the charitable interpretation here.

I loved the soap opera in the last few pages, and the hints of all sorts of backstories we can only guess at. As Snowy mentioned, there was a darker side starting to come out just lately.

It's been a great glimpse into another world.

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I like the name Beth. I had a crush on a girl at school named Bethany.

She was hot but not in a way that everyone knew it :angel:

The question is did you whack her or not.

Alas, no... the too-goody minx.

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I like the name Beth. I had a crush on a girl at school named Bethany.

She was hot but not in a way that everyone knew it :angel:

The question is did you whack her or not.

Alas, no... the too-goody minx.

Ah well i hope you had a good imagination.

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Beth - You clearly don't understand the Bible. Bye bye.

And you clearly don't understand cults. The first rule is quote the bits of the bible that back up your argument, and ignore the bits that don't. The second rule is that all good cult leaders will shag about like rabbits on Viagara, then search around for a good biblical quote to justify their fornication. If all else fails, there's always the good fall back that earthly rules don't apply to them, so they can do what they want.

There, now go and start your own!

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Beth - You clearly don't understand the Bible. Bye bye.

And you clearly don't understand cults. The first rule is quote the bits of the bible that back up your argument, and ignore the bits that don't. The second rule is that all good cult leaders will shag about like rabbits on Viagara, then search around for a good biblical quote to justify their fornication. If all else fails, there's always the good fall back that earthly rules don't apply to them, so they can do what they want.

There, now go and start your own!

Cheers :D

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(Deuteronomy chapter 13, TEV)

12 "When you are living in the towns that the Lord your God gives you, you may hear 13 that some worthless people of your nation have misled the people of their town to worship gods that you have never worshiped before. 14 If you hear such a rumor, investigate it thoroughly; and if it is true that this evil thing did happen, 15 then kill all the people in that town and all their livestock too. Destroy that town completely. 16 Bring together all the possessions of the people who live there and pile them up in the town square. Then burn the town and everything in it as an offering to the Lord your God. It must be left in ruins forever and never again be rebuilt."


Think I might read this out on the coach to the next away game :winkold:

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