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Well folks.... it has been very enjoyable and educational to visit with you on your forum. Some of you have taught me that the atheist/infidel has a very big goal in life; it is to bring doubt into the mind of anyone who believes in the one true God and His Son. He is not curious as to this Being, but his questions are only meant to tear down and even kill the faith that one may have in this Divine Ruler. The atheist is not content to let others enjoy their “fairytale”, but must strive to bring them out of it. This was something I have never recognized before.

It may be that if someone reading this thread asks some pertinent questions in the future, then I would respond to them. Short of that, this will likely be my last post. Now, not only is the “End Of The World Cult” film available to misconstrue what our purpose has been; but as a fitting exclamation mark, Prudence was able to come on here and sling some more mud also. This is a perfect way to make an exit and let everyone make their decision about what is true, and what is the manufactured lie.

Snowychap, we certainly could go in circles about everything I say for the next five years, but it only makes me get dizzy, I’m getting off the merry-go-round.



Well, Terry, so long, chum.

I would countenance against comebacks after retirement - they rarely work out well.

I'm afraid that, to my mind, the last few pages of posts from you and your fellow farmers have started to show your true colours.

By their fruits and all that.

I don't hate you, I hope I have not mocked you (too much) but I do definitely pity you.

Having reread this whole thread, I find it very interesting that you have edited a large number of your posts over several days. A number of them do not bear a great resemblance to the original posts that I read and I don't think that goes, in any way, to your credit, I'm afraid.

One last thing - having clicked on the youtube link to your song, I am genuinely moved. I could be facetious about the lyrics and the song but I recognize an impassioned plea when I see one. I'm genuinely sorry that there seems to be such a hole in your life left by your split from your wife and, seeing the vid, I hope it works out for you. You're obviously hurting and another's hurt gives me no enjoyment whatsoever.

Bon chance,


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Bloody hell. Just read this entire thread. I think it's reaffirmed my hate for religion.

I have a genuine pity for the cult members. It is sad that clearly vulnerable people have been drawn to this for some form of 'completion' in their lives. I didn't see the documentary (might have a trawl round for it), and I'm sure that there has been some manipulation for effect, but the fact is, it's slander if its not true. And then you have a law case on your hands. It's interesting that this hasnt been pursued.

It doesn't quite add up. I'm sure you're all very happy and thats great. But I'd be wary of what lies behind the cult.

I am amazed how well this has worked out as a thread... it has a very disturbing tint to me. It contains an awful lot of preaching (that's almost ironic really), again it doesn't quite add up. There is no logical reason to defend the faith. It's cut off from the world anyway, why should it need to be defended it is indeed the true way? Nobody else can join... why do you need to defend it? It just doesn't add up to me.

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Having reread this whole thread, I find it very interesting that you have edited a large number of your posts over several days. A number of them do not bear a great resemblance to the original posts that I read and I don't think that goes, in any way, to your credit, I'm afraid.

It is true that I did go and proof read and edit most of my posts, but except for adding one line to one post as well as the song link, I only changed typos and bad grammar. The context of all but one entry remained identical as was posted. Isn’t that what the “edit” option is for?


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Having reread this whole thread, I find it very interesting that you have edited a large number of your posts over several days. A number of them do not bear a great resemblance to the original posts that I read and I don't think that goes, in any way, to your credit, I'm afraid.

It is true that I did go and proof read and edit most of my posts, but except for adding one line to one post as well as the song link, I only changed typos and bad grammar. The context of all but one entry remained identical as was posted. Isn’t that what the “edit” option is for?


Which post's context did not remain 'identical' according to you?

I'd say that the edit option is so that one can remove something which one realises should not be there, one can edit typos and grammar errors and one can clarify obvious mistakes. I would be worried that it seemed to have been an obsession rather than a hobby for you, Terry. Also, to have done it several times over a 5 period might imply something more calculating?

Anyway, I thought you had retired?

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I wrote my original post purposefully and in such a manner that one would have to be on drugs or inebriated to not know I was with Strong City. No one could have said what I said unless they were here. It was a no brainier.

In your post on page 5 you implied I was being deceptive in my first statement. In my united response to you, I stated that there was no dishonesty (deception) involved. So by adding the sentence, not for you, but for future readers, I only clarified what was already stated by me - there was no deception involved. In this light, the context of the post did not change in the slightest.

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Sorry, Terry, you do talk crap.

You stated that your edits changed the context of all but one post and then that 'in the light of your clarification' your edit did not even change the context of that post in the slightest.

You need to sort yourself out if you are going to try and pass off guff like that, really!!

Your style is as much to do with truth as Alastair Campbell, David Frum et al. only not as good, sorry.

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I prevously stated a few posts above, "The context of all but one entry remained identical as was posted. Isn’t that what the “edit” option is for?"

I admit that I spoke to hastily and will change that to "the context in all entries remained identical".

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Terry, could you give us a small update on Matthew? He was portrayed as a lonely figure (perhaps unfairly?) in the documentary and I've not seen him post anywhere as far as I know. Perhaps you can tell him that Pluto has now been declassified as a planet if he didn't know already. :)

Infact, will any of the children undergo any exams so as to obtain recognized real-world qualifications......just in case?

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Terry - Do you accept, as it is widely, that great swathes of the Bible (James1 version) are pure fiction, written by priests on instruction for the purposes of fear and rule?

I am a christian and occasionally attend Church of England services.

Terry - Why did you not answer my question ??

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I only changed typos and bad grammar.


With an attitude like that you should post more often! Alternatively you could join my "Grammar Police" sect. ;)
Indeed it is a rare trait on these boards where people accept that they were wrong and address their mistakes.
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