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The Video Assistant Referee (VAR)


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2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

They won’t vote to scrap it. 

I wish they would. But they won’t. 
Aston Villa certainly won’t be voting to scrap it

Think Sweden approved scrapping it so could happen

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2 hours ago, HongKongVillan said:

The tech it's fine it is those brain-dead monkeys on and off the field that's the problem. Remembered on Monday night Liverpool managed only just one booking from all their fouls, that booking for just kicking the ball away. Same thing happened towards the end of match nothing was given. This sort of incompetence officiating has nothing to do with tech.

Perhaps making the whole thing transparent would help.

One of the independent podcasts so not Villa biased said Liverpool players were trying to remove McGinn ribs with the heavy tackles

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3 hours ago, Rightdm00 said:

Just being implemented very poorly. It's supposed to act as a backstop to correct "clear and obvious" errors by the ref and the ARs. Currently it operates as an all seeing God correcting the ref on even subjective calls. If VAR can't quickly determine if an obvious error has been made then either go straight to a pitch side review or play on. 

See I think it's the opposite. It's the RELUCTANCE to be an all seeing god is the problem. It's the interpretation of what's clear and obvious that's the problem. And their reluctance to override the ref is mind blowing. Unless a chainsaw is used they won't call a physical assault as a foul if the ref didn't. 

Or if the ref gives something because someone tripped over his own feet they let it go. 

The whole thing would be so much better if they just said what they see instead of worrying about making their mate look poor. 


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2 hours ago, foreveryoung said:

Our referees have got worse because they are so Reliant on VAR.


Yep. Many have stopped making judgement calls - thinking if they've missed anything obvious or got it wrong, VAR will intervene. VAR then doesn't want to over rule the on field decision by the referee. So, what would have previously been given as a likely  foul or handball, for example, is then missed completely.

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7 hours ago, Zatman said:

Think Sweden approved scrapping it so could happen

We never implemented it and now voted against implementing it in the (near) future.

There are dubious calls and decisions on a weekly basis in that league but it's worth it IMO. Much rather have that than having VAR and still having the same issue with dubious decisions.

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44 minutes ago, sne said:

We never implemented it and now voted against implementing it in the (near) future.

There are dubious calls and decisions on a weekly basis in that league but it's worth it IMO. Much rather have that than having VAR and still having the same issue with dubious decisions.

Yeah this is it for me. They can say all they want that standards are improving or they’re catching more errors, but their ‘independent panel’ back them either way mostly. 

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10 hours ago, sidcow said:

The whole thing would be so much better if they just said what they see instead of worrying about making their mate look poor. 

How long before they do away with human judgement entirely, and let AI run it? 

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16 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

How long before they do away with human judgement entirely, and let AI run it? 

Developed by a Saudi owned company 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, mjmooney said:

How long before they do away with human judgement entirely, and let AI run it? 

That would be better.  Let a committee of fans from all clubs analyse hundreds of situations and call it until the machine learns to recognise a correct decision by the majority.  Then all subsequent decisions judged in a similar way.

Edited by sidcow
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No chance it's scrapped. You can't have VAR in European and international football but not in domestic football. What it needs is competency from those dicks at Stockley Park.

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I still think a "challenge" based system could work better than the complete lottery that VAR is now. Seems to work in other sports. But it would be marginal.

Don't think it's the correct solution to the problem. I've said it before but i'd almost scrap anything that can't be achieved by technology. Keep goal line tech and automated offsides. Wait for AI to be advanced enough to figure out subjective decisions. 

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10 minutes ago, stewiek2 said:

No chance it's scrapped. You can't have VAR in European and international football but not in domestic football. What it needs is competency from those dicks at Stockley Park.

It's already been scrapped in Sweden, what happens when other European league start rejecting it.  VAR is also not in the EFL as far as im aware.

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I'm a bit mixed on the whole VAR thing, to me it's more the numpties using it that's the issue rather than VAR itself.  Also, there were plenty of teams getting shafted before pre-VAR.

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Get it in the bin.  It's not the technology it's the idiots using but enough time has passed now for it to be clear that they will ever become any less idiotic.  

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15 hours ago, Davkaus said:

People would be screaming about it when there's a howler that they think VAR would have prevented, but yeah,. I'm another who'd happily see it gone, it frustrates me so much in almost every game, even when they get it right, I don't think it's worth the downsides.

I'd actually like them to just keep it but improve it, but what are the chances?

I think it's really hard to set a threshold for correcting subjective decisions without it overstepping the line and re-refereeing the game. I think on balance, if I had my way I'd keep it for serious missed incidents where the ref has either completely missed something, or asks for a review because he didn't get a proper look.

There's way more moaning and scrutiny with decisions now than there was before VAR. It basically has its own TV show each week.

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13 hours ago, sidcow said:

See I think it's the opposite. It's the RELUCTANCE to be an all seeing god is the problem. It's the interpretation of what's clear and obvious that's the problem. And their reluctance to override the ref is mind blowing. Unless a chainsaw is used they won't call a physical assault as a foul if the ref didn't. 

Or if the ref gives something because someone tripped over his own feet they let it go. 

The whole thing would be so much better if they just said what they see instead of worrying about making their mate look poor. 



We are sitting on opposites sides of video replay review.  Which isnt a problem because both methods of video review are employed successfully by various other professional sports.  Is the ref in charge of all field decisions or is VAR a co-equal partner.  The PL is trying to have it both ways without explicitly stating where VAR sits on the decision chain. 

In the NBA, VAR doesn't interfere from outside of the arena. The refs review their call on in arena video and make an announcement to the arena explaining their call and the decided outcome.  The NBA does release a report stating calls the refs got wrong at the end of the game. I think most fans acknowledge that reffing a basketball game is very difficult and the goal is a high degree of accuracy not getting every call right.  

The NFL determines some calls from a video replay headquarters and allows others of a more subjective nature to be reviewed in stadium by the head ref. Once again the refs makes an announcement to the stadium once the decision has been made. 

The PL needs to come out and say where VAR sits in the decision making process.  Is it the all seeing God of the NFL or the backstop to prevent egregious errors like the NBA and MLB. I would even be okay with giving a PL manager a challenge per half and let them decide when VAR steps in, otherwise the onfield decision stands. Any thing is better than the current system which equally undermines the onfield ref and leaves the entire stadium and most TV viewers in the dark on what's actually happening during a review. 

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