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Manchester Arena Explosion


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It's just devastating, my heart goes out to all the victims families and everybody involved.

There's always light in the darkness when something like this happens - taxis giving free rides, hotels taking kids in. There are wonderful people out there.

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1 hour ago, TrentVilla said:



Its impossible to put into words just how unspeakably evil this sort of action is, or how cowardly. To be able to justify this to yourself, it's really quite terrifying.



Pales in comparison with how many innocent Muslim children the various western governments (of which we have been very prominent) have killed with scant regard or justification over the past X years.

Yes, it's evil. But so have been the actions of our governments, which have caused the death of tens of thousands of innocent Muslim children. That's partial 'justification'. They see it as a war, and this is retribution.

It's an unspeakably vile, horrific act, but the perpetrator is not 'cowardly' in the way that say a Bush or Blair kill millions but don't get their hands dirty. This person sacrificed themself.

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14 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

There isn't really any sort of foundation for this sort of thing and it's not really helpful in this topic Dem.

 I haven't actually said it was I said IF key word

But lets wait and see. Its hard not to get emotional seeing the news. KIDS FFS. This is just pure evil 

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37 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

I suspect of if it is someone who snuck in as a immigrant from Syria we won't hear about it as close to an election could be ruin Theresa May 

The cynic in me briefly thought a terrorist attack is good opportunity to prove she is strong and stable, that is too horrific too entertain. 


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1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

 I haven't actually said it was I said IF key word

But lets wait and see. Its hard not to get emotional seeing the news. KIDS FFS. This is just pure evil 

I know but there is currently absolutely no reason for that sort of speculation either.

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1 minute ago, This Could Be Rotterdam said:

A quick look on facebook and there are countless posts being shared of kids that are missing. Its heartbreaking to think that there are parents somewhere still not knowing if their kids are coming home or not. Its just unimaginable what they are going through right now. 

AWFUL, that is heartbreaking. I cant imagine the pain and panic they are going through

I heard the emergency services were excellent in taking control and we sometimes we take for granted how hard their jobs are. 

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3 minutes ago, Nicho said:

The cynic in me briefly thought a terrorist attack is good opportunity to prove she is strong and stable, that is too horrific too entertain. 


Yep. They will be thinking secretly, this will be good news for the Maybot. Support for Jez was surging, and Maybot can now play the strong and stable card, and 'pull up the drawbridge' on immigration. This could be damaging for Jez's campaign, as he is all of the free movement of people.

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3 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:


Its cowardice.

Not in their eyes.

Suicide bombing is the ultimate sacrifice for their cause.

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15 minutes ago, Jon said:


It's an unspeakably vile, horrific act, but the perpetrator is not 'cowardly' in the way that say a Bush or Blair kill millions but don't get their hands dirty. This person sacrificed themself.

I would strongly disagree with that Jon, the person responsible is a absolute cowardly scumbag.  

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1 minute ago, Jon said:

Not in their eyes.

Suicide bombing is the ultimate sacrifice for their cause.

Well if you want to take that stance then the actions of Blair and co aren't cowardice through their eyes but you don't seem to be applying the same logic there.

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12 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

I know but there is currently absolutely no reason for that sort of speculation either.


But you've just done it yourself--


we will see more attacks like this here and across Europe and the West as ISIS lose their territory. Let's face it, it's almost certainly them


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Just now, maqroll said:


But you've just done it yourself--


Not the same thing.

Yes I've said the attack is likely to be ISIS linked/inspired. That isn't by any means the same thing as talking about people sneaking in from Syria and referencing Party politics.

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30 minutes ago, Jon said:

Pales in comparison with how many innocent Muslim children the various western governments (of which we have been very prominent) have killed with scant regard or justification over the past X years.

Yes, it's evil. But so have been the actions of our governments, which have caused the death of tens of thousands of innocent Muslim children. That's partial 'justification'. They see it as a war, and this is retribution.

It's an unspeakably vile, horrific act, but the perpetrator is not 'cowardly' in the way that say a Bush or Blair kill millions but don't get their hands dirty. This person sacrificed themself.



While discussing the first reason, ISIS says, “just as your disbelief is the primary reason we hate you, your disbelief is the primary reason we fight you, as we have been commanded to fight the disbelievers until they submit to the authority of Islam, either by becoming Muslims, or by... living in humiliation under the rule of the Muslims.”

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