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General Election 2017


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5 minutes ago, andym said:

From what i remember it was all cleverly worded by the Vote Leave campaign, they kept saying stuff like 'we will retain access to the single market'. I can see how different people may interpret that in different ways.

Anyway, back to the general election, watched a few clips of May on LBC radio taking questions/comments from listeners. There was one guy talking about how she failed to sort out a contract with the police federation, and failed to deport terrorists as Home Sec, so how could she be trusted with Brexit negotiations. There was a brief flash of anger, a curling of the lip and a rolling of the eyes as she listened - you can see why they are not going to risk her in a live TV debate with other leaders. She also dodged a question on whether she would increase taxes for high earners at least 3 times.

She has to face some of the public on the question time special in a couple of weeks. But I don't trust the BBC in any way not to fill the audience with sycophants.

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5 minutes ago, darrenm said:

She has to face some of the public on the question time special in a couple of weeks. But I don't trust the BBC in any way not to fill the audience with sycophants.

"Ma'am, do you accept that what the country really needs at this difficult time is strong and stable leadership?"

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4 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

"Ma'am, do you accept that what the country really needs at this difficult time is strong and stable leadership?"

I honestly wouldn't be surprised!

Then they'll get the same people to face Corbyn.

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'as a vicars daughter, do you enjoy seeing dogs rip foxes apart?'

'do you agree with Idiot Duncan Smith that there is such a thing as low value people?'

'can you foresee a problem getting more trade and investment from China and Asia whilst dramatically reducing the numbers of Chinese and Asians allowed to come here?'

'you've said the leaks from your recent talks with the EU were gossip you didn't recognise and also a deliberate leak of confidential talks, which one is true?'

'if you win the election, will there be cabinet role for Michael Gove?'

'do you think it's more of a sin to have the word easter in small print on an advert, or sell bombs to Saudi Arabia?'

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2 minutes ago, Awol said:

That was the part of Fallon's interview on Today that had me spitting. 'Saudi is defending itself from attack by Houthi rebels.' That'll be the Yemen that Saudi has been bombing, shelling, invading and starving for the last two years then.. Of course he wasn't challenged on that either. 

Utterly shameless from him and the BBC. 

Tsk, details

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1 hour ago, darrenm said:

She has to face some of the public on the question time special in a couple of weeks. But I don't trust the BBC in any way not to fill the audience with sycophants.

Where is it? I think it was last weeks show that was in a seemingly very pro labour Wigan, I'd be surprised if it wasn't held on a Tory patch

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56 minutes ago, Awol said:

That was the part of Fallon's interview on Today that had me spitting. 'Saudi is defending itself from attack by Houthi rebels.' That'll be the Yemen that Saudi has been bombing, shelling, invading and starving for the last two years then.. Of course he wasn't challenged on that either. 

Utterly shameless from him and the BBC. 

I don't know whether it's ignorance or whether it's just not giving a shit about what's happening in Yemen, but the British media's failure to accurately report the situation in the country should shame the nation. 

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14 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

I don't know whether it's ignorance or whether it's just not giving a shit about what's happening in Yemen, but the British media's failure to accurately report the situation in the country should shame the nation. 

They can't spin it in a way to evoke fear so it's not newsworthy

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59 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Where is it? I think it was last weeks show that was in a seemingly very pro labour Wigan, I'd be surprised if it wasn't held on a Tory patch

York. They'll probably bus a load of people up from Hampshire.

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45 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

I don't know whether it's ignorance or whether it's just not giving a shit about what's happening in Yemen, but the British media's failure to accurately report the situation in the country should shame the nation. 

From experience the only people who care less than the media are the entitled of Whitehall.  

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Just now, Awol said:

From experience the only people who care less than the media are the entitled of Whitehall.  

I'd be interested in why you think this particular issue has been ignored by the media?

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10 hours ago, darrenm said:

She has to face some of the public on the question time special in a couple of weeks. But I don't trust the BBC in any way not to fill the audience with sycophants.

Its funny how the Tories think the BBC is left leaning and Labour think the opposite. Not sure what the Lib Dems think.

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12 minutes ago, mockingbird_franklin said:

studies have confirmed that the BBC is neither biased to the left or right, they are biased to whoever is in government, a cynic might suggest its to do with who holds the reigns to the gravy train.


Mixed metaphor of the Week! :)

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7 hours ago, PompeyVillan said:

I'd be interested in why you think this particular issue has been ignored by the media?

Same reason the UN aren't hoping up and down in rage, it's Saudi Arabia. Those oil reserves combined with brazen threats to withdraw financial support from countries/international organizations and unleash your homegrown hell hounds buys a lot of influence. 

Personally I think there's a kind of omertà in place with the western press, but even independent outlets like Vice (excellent reporters) suffer problems of access. Yemen is hard to get to and harder to operate in without very strong local contacts. Many of them don't exactly welcome unbiased scrutiny of the multiple agendas in play inside the country.


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10 hours ago, darrenm said:

BBC caught planting Tories?


This infuriated me yesterday, that that it is a surprise anymore.  Just cannot fathom how the BBC and the Conservatives are getting away scot free with their bias and propaganda.  

Seriously need to consider about cancelling my licence, just use catch up services maybe.

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