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General Election 2017


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1 minute ago, a m ole said:

I know I'm biased, because I despise her, but she appears to be floundering.

I think Corbyn probably keeps Semtex under his bed but still say he did better than she's performing so far! 

Caveat being he's defending his ideas, she's failing to defend her government's actions.

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Jesus... just had a text from a Tory supporting ex-worker. Basically said that she doesn't answer anything and Corbyn isn't like the media portray him. Will switch to Labour this time.

Have had so many debates with this bloke!

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Just now, a m ole said:

I'm confused, didn't she describe herself as the "bloody difficult woman"?

She made it sound like it was someone else words

I'm not sure mate I just found the question irrelevant. As her about the million plus people using food banks, ask her about the huge increases in children living in poverty and the huge increase in working poor, disabled people killing themselves due to benefit cuts, old people stuck in hospital beds as there is no social care provision for them. That guy must have been a plant surely to ask such a question.

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Paxman isn't interrupting much, like he did with Corbyn, but it's probably for the best.

The more May talks, the worse she'll poll, the audience are openly laughing at her. Strong and Stable.

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