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General Election 2017


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24 minutes ago, Jon said:

An awful lot of kipper vote was/is working class racist/get our country back.  That vote does not naturally go to the scum. 

To be fair, the evidence thusfar suggests that the Tories are exactly where that vote is going. 

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1 minute ago, HanoiVillan said:

To be fair, the evidence thusfar suggests that the Tories are exactly where that vote is going. 

What evidence? Opinion polls.  They certainly do not suggest that, as they don't delve into that level of information/ demographic.  

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54 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

I'm pretty confident sure that there is a lot more people voting Labour now than when this GE was announced.  Unfortunately there won't be enough time to swing it.

I wouldn't be so sure. A lot of people are turning on the Tories. Between those who vote Labour despite Corbyn, those who vote Labour because of Corbyn, and those who vote Labour because they're not Conservative it should add up to a lot. The large number of young people recently registered will mostly vote Labour, and now you can lump all animal activists, students, NHS workers, education workers and anyone else pissed off with how shit everything is.

It doesn't take much for public opinion to rapidly shift. In this case it will be enough people waking up to how ludicrous the Mail, the Telegraph and the Express are getting. 

It's going to be a very interesting 4 weeks. A lot may change during the audience debate. And I know who my money's on for that.

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1 hour ago, Wainy316 said:

I'm pretty confident sure that there is a lot more people voting Labour now than when this GE was announced.  Unfortunately there won't be enough time to swing it.

Who knows?

I think at last we're seeing the best of Jeremy Corbyn. He's running an excellent campaign, but like you I fear the damage is already done.

Theresa May is running a negative campaign where she is attempting to scare people into thinking Brexit needs to be hostile, that Labour will do this and that.

But what will the conservatives actually do apart from being "strong and stable"?

They're denying that there are any issues with the NHS, schools, poverty, inequality working conditions etc, etc

She taps into working class identity fears about immigration with Brexit, which will play well with the UKIP crowd. She might be underestimating that the people are disillusioned with immigration are also totally left behind by government as a whole and with the conservative offer.

New Labour was a long time ago now, the Conservatives are the establishment and things have got worse with almost all sectors of society, for alot of people.

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Yep, I agree with both of you.  People are evidently waking up, especially to the Sun and Mail's shite.  I was pleasantly surprised reading the comments section on a typically despicable Sun article the other day. 

3 months of a campaign like this one would see it set in stone for the good guys.

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Corbyn isn't popular. Polls this week showed Labours manifesto pledges play reasonably well (whether they win votes... another story). But Corbyn himself? Nope.

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3 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Corbyn isn't popular. Polls this week showed Labours manifesto pledges play reasonably well (whether they win votes... another story). But Corbyn himself? Nope.

Get Ant & Dec to front it then.  Everyone loves them for some reason.  Jezza can pull the strings.

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15 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Corbyn isn't popular. Polls this week showed Labours manifesto pledges play reasonably well (whether they win votes... another story). But Corbyn himself? Nope.

And yet no-one who dislikes him quite knows why*.. is it because it's people who are incapable of independent thought so just cling to what they think is en vogue? Like Dave in the pub? People like that tend to change their mind pretty quickly when they see others changing.

*Present company excepted

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14 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Corbyn isn't popular. Polls this week showed Labours manifesto pledges play reasonably well (whether they win votes... another story). But Corbyn himself? Nope.

I don't think manifestos mean much to most people, but perhaps they'll have increasing importance with the extra exposure and engagement social media is playing in elections. 

I read somewhere the other day, perhaps the Guardian, that most people think about politics for 2 minutes a week. So on this basis they'll vote on personality.

And apparently Theresa May seems popular. Lord knows why. I could understand Cameron, he was slick. 


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2 minutes ago, darrenm said:

And yet no-one who dislikes him quite knows why*.. is it because it's people who are incapable of independent thought so just cling to what they think is en vogue? Like Dave in the pub? People like that tend to change their mind pretty quickly when they see others changing.

*Present company excepted

Numerous people have been over and over and over why he's not popular.

It still isn't happening.

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Just now, Chindie said:

Numerous people have been over and over and over why he's not popular.

It still isn't happening.

Yes but no-one has given anything but subjective nonsense rhetoric. It's all 'because he's useless' or 'hes a terrible leader'. It means nothing. It's like saying a football manager is good or bad, you can't possibly know the context or the circumstances so everything is completely subjective. 

And really, is there any need for the patronisation? There's a few people on here I expect that of but I thought you were above that kind of stuff.

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1 minute ago, darrenm said:

Yes but no-one has given anything but subjective nonsense rhetoric. It's all 'because he's useless' or 'hes a terrible leader'. It means nothing. It's like saying a football manager is good or bad, you can't possibly know the context or the circumstances so everything is completely subjective. 

And really, is there any need for the patronisation? There's a few people on here I expect that of but I thought you were above that kind of stuff.

You saying it's subjective nonsense rhetoric doesn't make it so. I can't be arsed to reiterate the same stuff everyone's said dozens of times again. I wont deny some of it is nonsense, as anyone in a partisan field would get, but some of it isn't and has merit.

Apologies. I'm tired of the, IMO... naive, forlorn hope, positivity propaganda stuff. 

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