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National ID cards - good idea?


Are you in favour of a national identity card?  

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  1. 1. Are you in favour of a national identity card?

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I tell you what then........

Lets do bugger all because it's all too hard to do! I think not knowing how many people are in the country syphoning money from our economy is quite the the most wonderful liberal lefty way to live? No id card - no rights and "turrah".

And public fear is one thing. What would you be thinking if you really knew what a state we are in? Though I do tend to think the id cards are ill thought out and knee jerk.

But, if you do no wrong, what's the problem?

The airport stuff is a nonsense - villains lie!

No really - they do!

Bottom line:

The politicians can't work it out so they just look after themselves and have great big wages and daft expenses! Nothing will happen until the next "big event" perish the thought we have rioting like France recently and then....worse!

Oh happy thread!

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I tell you what then........

Lets do bugger all because it's all too hard to do! I think not knowing how many people are in the country syphoning money from our economy is quite the the most wonderful liberal lefty way to live? No id card - no rights and "turrah".

And public fear is one thing. What would you be thinking if you really knew what a state we are in? Though I do tend to think the id cards are ill thought out and knee jerk.

But, if you do no wrong, what's the problem?

The airport stuff is a nonsense - villains lie!

No really - they do!

Bottom line:

The politicians can't work it out so they just look after themselves and have great big wages and daft expenses! Nothing will happen until the next "big event" perish the thought we have rioting like France recently and then....worse!

Oh happy thread!

Somehow I don't think you've smelt the bacon this morning

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I tell you what then........

Lets do bugger all because it's all too hard to do! I think not knowing how many people are in the country syphoning money from our economy is quite the the most wonderful liberal lefty way to live? No id card - no rights and "turrah".

You're losing me - are you for the ID card? Should we pursue it despite Solvoes essay and that letter from those 'boffins' that Gringo posted? Maybe the next paragraph will clarify the point...

And public fear is one thing. What would you be thinking if you really knew what a state we are in? Though I do tend to think the id cards are ill thought out and knee jerk.

Ah right. You think it's i'll thought out and knee jerk. Me too, amongst numerous other things.

But, if you do no wrong, what's the problem?

The airport stuff is a nonsense - villains lie!

No really - they do!

Er, you're losing me again.

Bottom line:

The politicians can't work it out so they just look after themselves and have great big wages and daft expenses! Nothing will happen until the next "big event" perish the thought we have rioting like France recently and then....worse!

Oh happy thread!

Nope, I've gone



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Whether first class?

I didn't know there was another class of air travel ?

Most , if not all , of this information is already known to them , when I flew into Miami the other month the bloke had my entire flight schedule including all the internal flights in Peru that I made ... and he asked me where the other 2 people I was travelling with were

waste of time having to repeat it ..and how exactly would it stop terrorism ??

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Whether first class?

I didn't know there was another class of air travel ?

Most , if not all , of this information is already known to them , when I flew into Miami the other month the bloke had my entire flight schedule including all the internal flights in Peru that I made ... and he asked me where the other 2 people I was travelling with were

waste of time having to repeat it ..and how exactly would it stop terrorism ??

It'll stop terrorism because it'll all be stored on a nice massive database, they can then send it out in the post to whoever wants to steal it,.

This time though, the spotty oik at the airport who gets paid peanuts and is really bored in his job has all the details he needs to tell his mate Harry the cat burglar, where the rich people live, if the whole family has gone on holiday, how long they will be away for and when they are due to return, might even be a few important dates knocking about to turn the alarm off with too

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That kind of info is available anyway aint it?

Can you imagine the cost to Sleazy Jet / Ryan O'Air of actually having to stop and record which seat every customer actually has sat in? That ifo isn't available ever because they simply don't know nor do they care, you sit where your arse is allowed to sit and off you go

Can you also imagine the outrage if this was implemented Europe wide at land borders? There'd be at outcry the likes of which you've never seen before. the whole idea of the EEC is free movement across borders.................

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I've listned to the debate for some time now and have been mulling the idea of id cards in my head. I have voted no to id cards for a couple of simple reasons. None of the arguments for have convinced me we need them, I am not convinced that the issues the cards are supposed to be solving are genuine or that the cards if implimented would solve said problems.

I have complete faith in this and all future govenrments ballsing up the implimentation and running of such a system. It would almost inevitably run over budget, not be fit fur purpose and over time used for corrupt, inapropriate and incompetent purposes.

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  • 1 month later...

All running according to plan then!

Britons' ID cards 'to be delayed'

Plans for a wider rollout of identity cards to British nationals appear to have been delayed for three years.

ID cards will be introduced for foreign nationals this year and "Phase II" of the scheme to introduce them for UK citizens was due to start in 2009.

But documents leaked to the Tories suggest it has been put back to 2012.

The Tories say the ID card scheme is "in the intensive care ward" but the government said the plan had always been to introduce them "incrementally".

When he was prime minister, Tony Blair promised to legislate to make it compulsory for all Britons to have - but not to carry - an ID card.


Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has said he would take part in a campaign of civil disobedience if legislation is passed.


Home Office documents leaked to the Conservatives set out an illustrated timeline for introducing biometric ID cards.

It includes the "Borders Phase I" introduction of ID cards for foreign nationals, which will begin later this year.

Then it indicates that people in positions of trust - like security guards - will be issued with cards in 2009.

But the "Borders Phase II" rollout to all UK citizens will not begin until 2012, the document says.


An Identity and Passport Service spokesman replied: "We do not comment on leaked documents."

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They're probably glad to delay it. It was a move for the sake of courting an opinion poll rating, not for any genuine well thought out reason, IMO.

Now with all the exposure of how unsafe "our" data is, it's (unsurprisingly) a vote loser overall. Result - bin it, but don't actually say so.

Absolutely inevitable. It might get dragged out again at some point, but the practice and the theory are miles apart, and the theory isn't exactly lacking in flaws anyway.

The more you find out about how it all works, the more sceptical, even cynical, you become of the whole rotten system.

As you say, burn them all.

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aren't they on the US axis of evil / Oil we want to control hit list

better pick another destination ..... :-)

I'm too lazy to get into how

another bloody student on the forum :-)

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aren't they on the US axis of evil / Oil we want to control hit list

better pick another destination ..... :-)

I'm too lazy to get into how

another bloody student on the forum :-)

lol i'm not a student, i'm at work, hence the laziness :P Venezuela seems to be a good place to avoid capitalist influence for the moment :winkold: Until America instigates another coup that is.

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Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has said he would take part in a campaign of civil disobedience if legislation is passed.

is he advocating breaking the law ??

Some times you have to, if no-one broke the law, change would rarely occur and unjust things would be allowed to happen to a populace controlled by a government

Sometimes, breaking the law is completely justified

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Doesn't the idea of introducing ID cards incrementally just mean that it will be done in such small chunks that we won't notice that the law is in place until it is too late? Make each bit so small that it makes you look small and petty every time you make a stand. Eventually we are told that we are 90% of the way there and might as well finish the job off as so much has been invested in getting us this far.

Sounds a bit like amending existing European treaties until it looks like a European Constitution without having to go through the nasty inconvenience of referendums. Why prevent perfectly useless and unwanted legeslation from passing just because the unwashed masses don't want it? Poiliticians all know better than us anyway, after all that is why we voted for them isn't it?

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They're not compulsory unless you want to go to University - Compulsion by stealth

No student loan without ID card, says government

Students will be "blackmailed" into holding identity cards in order to apply for student loans, the Tories have warned.

According to Home Office documents leaked to the Conservative party last night, those applying for student loans will be forced to hold identity cards to get the funding from 2010.

Anyone aged 16 or over will be expected to obtain a card - costing up to £100 - to open a bank account or apply for a student loan.

The govt can't make cards "compulsory" without a vote in pariliament which they would lose, and so instead are using the "abolition of parilament" powers (see VT passim) gained last year to amend existing regulations to withhold certain services to those not holding cards. A most untrustworthy govt.

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