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Gareth Southgate


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5 hours ago, Zhan_Zhuang said:

Toney is an extra attacker to throw on when you are needing a goal...

Also he takes a penalty if it was to get that far...

Even the greatest attacker in the world deserves more than 60 seconds, what was Southgate expecting from him


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10 minutes ago, sheepyvillian said:

It's the condescending comment regarding Toney's attitude in bringing him on so late. That disrespectful smugness which, quite frankly, is a complete insult to any England fan having to endure that awful performance.


And of course, to Toney


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3 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

And of course, to Toney


But he was of the view that all was forgiven when Toney realised what a masterstroke of a decision that was, in bringing him on so late. Declan, himself, rallied the troops with the cry of, "We would do anything to protect this manager." I'm sure a few had to constrain themselves from uttering in reply, "Who the feck is "We"??

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9 hours ago, Zhan_Zhuang said:

Toney is an extra attacker to throw on when you are needing a goal...

Also he takes a penalty if it was to get that far...

I think that's why he came on instead of Ollie, don't necessarily it was to "create chaos" but he's more physical to occupy skrinnair however you spell his name and in the event that we did snatch a goal back the next likely outcome was that it would do to penalties, it's a decision made not necessarily expecting the second goal 

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1 hour ago, sheepyvillian said:

But he was of the view that all was forgiven when Toney realised what a masterstroke of a decision that was, in bringing him on so late. Declan, himself, rallied the troops with the cry of, "We would do anything to protect this manager." I'm sure a few had to constrain themselves from uttering in reply, "Who the feck is "We"??

Yeah, I bet they will never forget him. When he quits after the tournament i'm sure they will all be out on the piss with him, visiting him and his family, go an play for his new team. F*** me, in 2 years time they won't even remember who he is.

He treats the team like royalty, like a dad, that's how these players love to be treated. But in reality Southgates a bore, an I very much doubt not one of these players would be bestest buddies with him off the pitch.

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I've listened to Talksport and the media all day. An not one is on his side, most were saying the subs were far to late.

Then you got Faye Carruthers, so called England correspondent on Talksport saying his subs were spot on as they changed the game. So biased and so far up Southgates arse she should be taken out the job, terrible reporter.

Ohh and @Daveburnside 😂

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14 hours ago, foreveryoung said:

I've listened to Talksport and the media all day. An not one is on his side, most were saying the subs were far to late.

Then you got Faye Carruthers, so called England correspondent on Talksport saying his subs were spot on as they changed the game. So biased and so far up Southgates arse she should be taken out the job, terrible reporter.

Ohh and @Daveburnside 😂

Its coming home!

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On 01/07/2024 at 13:21, R.Bear said:


All that said, he's in the QF with a nice draw and three games away from winning it.

I don't think we are in the QF because of anythink he has done, so I cant bring myself to think "he's in the QF" I believe the team is in the QF despite the fact that his tactics are useless, we got lucky and scraped through, but I do get what you said 🙂


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Reading back through posts, and keep seeing the same words.

Fraud. Bastard. Anus. Clown. Smug. Condescending. Conman. Bellend. Knob. **** Wet Wipe (?). And let's not forget: Words removed. Words removed. Words removed. Words removed.  etc.

Sometimes, people merely express superlative shock: Wow or Incredible or Stunning. Etc.

I get the idea. It hasn't varied much. It's remarkably consistent if nothing else. Still, the burning, unquenchable intensity of it is sort astounding for someone who lives far away from it all. I find it fascinating and sickening all the same.

Is Southgate really worth such cathartic negative energy, I ask myself? To me, it’s obvious. No! But to so many, he’s the bad vibes machine that keeps indulgers happy. And who am I to judge that fun? I don't have the right. But what's being fashioned through all this, I have to wonder? Some new rough beast? I ask myself that, but that doesn't matter, really. It’s a journey of loathing, not the destination. And it's based on something interesting, it seems to me: A sort of English belief in integrity. It's a ruthless value. I think it all really went "south" when Southgate started to come across like a dick. A fool, England will tolerate. A fool with the smell of arrogance -- nope. It's over.

We actually have articles coming out in the States now on how much the English hate Southgate. I can't get away from this shite. Can you please keep this shite contained? We have enough over here, thank you.

You lot have got Nigel Farage running around and yet found a way to locate someone more hateful, more invidious, more of a "fraud." Really? Yes. Why would I even ask that? When Starmer and company come in, it won't take away the bad taste of fourteen years of freely elected Tory awfulness in the UK. Britain gorged itself on that, and is now spitting it all out. For an outside observer, somehow Southgate seems sadly connected the process.

I'm an England supporter, but I can't imagine the reverse with one of our national team coaches here in my second country, tbh. I don't think it's ever happened, not quite like this.

Something about the vitriol morphed this week. It reminds me much of the Ten Hag criticism and Man U fans constantly whinging about themselves. It's become a Southgatephobia Scene That Celebrates Itself. It’s grown legs. It never stops. England's wins may bely the Scene, but who cares? Not really the point, I gather.

No, criticism of Southgate didn't cause England to play like shit (and then win), but I’m starting to think the vitriol has probably finally poisoned any modicum of confidence that had been there in the players. I wonder if that’s the point? To sort of get it out of England’s system, like the Tories.

It would be hilarious if England somehow survived Switzerland, but I don't think the England of yesterday will survive England this time. Which is, really, very English.


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9 hours ago, Marka Ragnos said:


Reading back through posts, and keep seeing the same words.

Fraud. Bastard. Anus. Clown. Smug. Condescending. Conman. Bellend. Knob. **** Wet Wipe (?). And let's not forget: Words removed. Words removed. Words removed. Words removed.  etc.

Sometimes, people merely express superlative shock: Wow or Incredible or Stunning. Etc.

I get the idea. It hasn't varied much. It's remarkably consistent if nothing else. Still, the burning, unquenchable intensity of it is sort astounding for someone who lives far away from it all. I find it fascinating and sickening all the same.

Is Southgate really worth such cathartic negative energy, I ask myself? To me, it’s obvious. No! But to so many, he’s the bad vibes machine that keeps indulgers happy. And who am I to judge that fun? I don't have the right. But what's being fashioned through all this, I have to wonder? Some new rough beast? I ask myself that, but that doesn't matter, really. It’s a journey of loathing, not the destination. And it's based on something interesting, it seems to me: A sort of English belief in integrity. It's a ruthless value. I think it all really went "south" when Southgate started to come across like a dick. A fool, England will tolerate. A fool with the smell of arrogance -- nope. It's over.

We actually have articles coming out in the States now on how much the English hate Southgate. I can't get away from this shite. Can you please keep this shite contained? We have enough over here, thank you.

You lot have got Nigel Farage running around and yet found a way to locate someone more hateful, more invidious, more of a "fraud." Really? Yes. Why would I even ask that? When Starmer and company come in, it won't take away the bad taste of fourteen years of freely elected Tory awfulness in the UK. Britain gorged itself on that, and is now spitting it all out. For an outside observer, somehow Southgate seems sadly connected the process.

I'm an England supporter, but I can't imagine the reverse with one of our national team coaches here in my second country, tbh. I don't think it's ever happened, not quite like this.

Something about the vitriol morphed this week. It reminds me much of the Ten Hag criticism and Man U fans constantly whinging about themselves. It's become a Southgatephobia Scene That Celebrates Itself. It’s grown legs. It never stops. England's wins may bely the Scene, but who cares? Not really the point, I gather.

No, criticism of Southgate didn't cause England to play like shit (and then win), but I’m starting to think the vitriol has probably finally poisoned any modicum of confidence that had been there in the players. I wonder if that’s the point? To sort of get it out of England’s system, like the Tories.

It would be hilarious if England somehow survived Switzerland, but I don't think the England of yesterday will survive England this time. Which is, really, very English.

i think you've missed the point

the stuff about his personality and him being a dick isn't mainstream, I would say the vast majority of your average football fans like him, its heightened here because of Grealish and the hypocrisy that surrounded southgate when he spoke about him

you then have something deeply ingrained in English football that you might not have in other countries, the belief that every English manager picks his favourites rather than the players that he should be picking, this is something that has become increasingly apparent with Southgate and why the tide has turned, if he was fit maguire would be playing here, his comments of phillips are bizarre and no one in the country was on the same page as him, this is a criticism that every england manager in my life has suffered from, its just a thing here

then you have his qualifications as a manager, which frankly he doesn't have, he was terrible at boro, he wasn't that good with the U21s, he's basically been given the job because he was a suit who walked down the halls of the FA as he got a cushy number overseeing elite development or something, i don't know this for sure but you could say he did actually do something really positive with st georges park and then set the blueprint for how successful we've been at youth level in the last 6 years

but then that's the next problem...we've been successful at youth level, we have the players, more specifically we have attacking players....and yet we play absolutely **** terrible football... if you are an average football fan who doesn't care about his interviews, doesn't care about his team selection, doesn't care about his CV you will still watch this and see that the football is bad, we've stunk this tournament out, we played scared and it does stem from southgate and his tactics, we play how he wants us to, he openly admits we play to snatch games with moments of magic and for too many of us that's simply not good enough

if you look at the build up to the swiss game you'll see plenty of comments on here and in the media about their front 3 having enough about them to give us problems - those 3 got 8 goals between them in club football last year, how many did our front 3 get? and yet the swiss pose more attacking threat than we do? and you wonder why people are pissed off?

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