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2016: Worst Year Ever?


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52 minutes ago, maqroll said:


Big challenges this year, no doubt. And much to be learned, like you said. I've quit my job and decided to head to North Dakota and help with the Standing Rock resistance. Amazing that the US govt. is still violating treaties and brutalizing Native Americans. A friend of a friend is part of the medic team there, and she says it's bad. The Army Corps of engineers said they were planning on evicting the protesters next Monday, an announcement that has mobilized a lot of people, including over 2,000 veterans who are asking people to bring body armor and gas masks. Now law enforcement is saying they won't evict, but these are people who have been firing rubber bullets at heads and genitals and setting attack dogs on teenagers, so **** them, you can't trust them. So I think the time is right for me to go there and add to their numbers, and resist this emerging police state. 

My job sucked anyway. :D

Way to go, Mike. Respect. 

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Grandson born. Dog died. So half and half. That said, realistically, outside of my dog dying its been exceptional. My grandson's birth is up there with daughters birth, her university graduation and my wedding day. 

I of course and peed off with Trump, the EU referendum etc, but its the things at home that have the impact. Celebrity deaths although saddening, didn't have any impact.  

Edited by Seat68
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7 hours ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

That said, I've done a sterling job of finding the positives in the negatives. My dad dying helped me reconnect with my extended family with whom I had lost touch with over a decade before. We're all spending Christmas day together now and it will be a treat to have a full on family Christmas, something a lot of people take for granted I guess.

The protests were a pretty **** cool achievement and I worked with and connected with some sound people through them, each one of them a hero to me who I now consider friends. It also helped unite a depressed and battered fanbase through an extremely difficult time, of that I'm proud.

My various injuries and illnesses have helped me appreciate my health a little more, I feel like my eyes are open at last to how precious life is. 

So all in all, a tough year but I've learned a lot.

Good attitude that. 

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Good year in the main. Improved my golf game, rebuilt two cars and my family are as brilliant as always. My cat is still amazing. Loving going to the Villa games again after a long hiatus. 

Could do with getting myself back into dating - loneliness is setting in a bit and I feel I am ready to settle down again. I am not enjoying my job at the moment but I can help that by just working my hours and enjoying the time outside of it to help the sanity. 

Home to my folks in Liverpool for Christmas should be a good end to the year. Looking forward to it.  

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57 minutes ago, knoppy1987 said:

Could do with getting myself back into dating - loneliness is setting in a bit and I feel I am ready to settle down again. I am not enjoying my job at the moment but I can help that by just working my hours and enjoying the time outside of it to help the sanity. 

Same re: the dating. I need to get back in the game. 

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10 hours ago, maqroll said:

Sorry for your losses. I lost my dad to lung cancer a few years ago, it is a brutal thing to witness to a loved one.

Sorry for your loss too mate. Cancer is vile and I lost both my Grandparents on my Dad's side to lung cancer. Smoking has had a very bad impact on my family. 

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Met a girl, fell in love, we bought a house, I feel happy for the first time in my adult life :)

On a personal note, 2016 has been the best year of my life.

However, outside of my bubble, it's been horrendous. 

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2015 my father in law who we were very close to had a heart attack and passed away very suddenly one Sunday afternoon. 

Later in the year my wife's mother took her and her brothers to court over his inheritance (they were divorced). Horrible horrible situation for all concerned. Basically lost two parents in 6 months. 

So whatever happened 2016 was always going to be better. 

Politically it's been the worst in my life time. Personally I've got a healthy 10month old girl who smiles all day every day (not at night though!). The legal case got settled which was something. 

Yeah we got relegated but I count that as part of the 2015 disaster because it was done by Xmas really. 

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Same as most on here, it's certainly had it's ups and downs globally.

Personally I'd say it's been mostly good.

We moved into our second home and we've had a bit of equity to play with, so we've purchased some things which we really like, like lights, sofa's and other silly bits that we'd never dreamt of doing in our old house - so that's been really fun. 

My son is growing up nicely, it's silly to be proud, but they do 'get to ya' sometimes with the things he says and does.  The happiness he brings to others is something to behold, makes you feel complete happiness/euphoric.

Paddys wedding was something I was immensely proud of, being such a big part of (in my head :)) - I was his best man which I took very seriously, and organised a stag do which opened up a few new friends.  Looks like I'll only get to be "best man" to @Rob182 now, then that's me done.. Going to have to make it a special one! :D 

No deaths in the family (still got December to go) so that's been great after 2013/14. 

Been to Ireland and had a couple of nice family weeks away in Norfolk and Cornwall! :) 

So can't complain too much really!


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16 minutes ago, Morley_crosses_to_Withe said:

A piss poor year in which nothing seems to have gone right for me. Add in two family bereavements on top of that. 2016 can suck my balls. 


Likewise . Lost my mum this year so this will be my first xmas without any parents :( . 2016 has been one long shitefest AFAIAC .

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Really sorry to hear of those that have lost family this year. I have had those years and it certainly puts any other issues into perspective.

Been a quite year really on a personal level with the biggest thing being my eldest daughter doing fantastically well in her A levels and getting into Birmingham University. I am so proud of her especially after the years of abuse I have inflicted on her by subjecting her to 13 years and counting as an Aston Villa season ticket holder :)

I do think the older I get the more my ambitions lie in seeing my children do well and worrying about the world they will live their lives in and on that level I think it has been a very disturbing year.

Also this year has absolutely flown by for me to the point I cannot believe it is almost Christmas and I don’t know if getting older makes you become more aware of time ( I am 42) but the older I get the faster time seems to go.

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It definitely does, I'm sure of it. I'm a spring chicken of 31 but lately I've come to realise I'm unlikely to win Wimbledon or tour Australia as an all rounder superstar. Not playing cricket for 13 years didnt dampen my spirits too significantly but my inability to enjoy more than a couple of glasses of plonk without consequence has had a rather sobering effect. Still, there's always darts and snooker.

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6 hours ago, markavfc40 said:

Also this year has absolutely flown by for me to the point I cannot believe it is almost Christmas and I don’t know if getting older makes you become more aware of time ( I am 42) but the older I get the faster time seems to go.

It's to do with your brain not creating as many unique memories, allegedly. Even when you think you're doing something 'new', you've basically been there done that and worn the T-shirt.

Though we understand so little of the brain, take that potentially spurious fact with a massive pinch of salt. 

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7 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

It's to do with your brain not creating as many unique memories, allegedly. Even when you think you're doing something 'new', you've basically been there done that and worn the T-shirt.

Though we understand so little of the brain, take that potentially spurious fact with a massive pinch of salt. 

There could well be something in what you say here Dave as I stayed in exactly the same job based in exactly the same place with exactly the same people, I didn't move house and went to places on holiday that I had been before. Maybe that is something to try and change.

I also think it may have gone so fast as I did have some really great times but I am also a sod for saying and thinking roll on the weekend or roll on next week, next month etc when I am doing so and so and almost wishing my life away.

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1 hour ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

It's to do with your brain not creating as many unique memories, allegedly. Even when you think you're doing something 'new', you've basically been there done that and worn the T-shirt.

Yep. Which is why it's advisable to keep learning new stuff, travelling, having an active social life, reading, doing sport, playing a musical instrument, whatever, as you get older. My old man retired and sat in front of the TV all day. Next thing you know, Alzheimers. 

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