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Your Top 10 gaming list of all time


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46 minutes ago, AJ said:

7. Resident Evil 4 - The last truly great game of the PS2.


21 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

 or the only truely great game on the gamecube ;)

Definitely not true on either count! :P The PS2 was still going strong for at least another 3 years after that. As for the GC, it had a bunch of great games, although i may concede RE4 was the very best.

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i think RE4 will go down as the only entry to a series where the GC game was the pinnacle, mario sunshine was good but galaxy was better, wind waker was very good but others were better, metroid was garbage IMO, maybe f-zero (not sure why the ridiculously fast racing games like f-zero and wipeout died out) paper mario, smash brothers etc all better entries on other formats

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On 15/11/2016 at 12:06, ender4 said:

PS4 - Witcher 3, GTA 5.

PS3 - Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted 2, Far Cry 3.

PC - Red Alert: Command & Conquer, Civilisation 3, Max Payne.

Amiga - Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge, Lemmings, Secret of Monkey Island, Sim City.

Commodore 64 - Prince of Persia, Jet Set Willy, Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade.

(I realise thats 16 games, but a max of 4 from each platform and i can't cull it anymore)

To comply with the rules, i have culled the 16 into 10:

Skyrim, Uncharted 2, Far Cry 3, Command & Conquer Red Alert, Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge, Sim City, Secret of Monkey Island, GTA 5, Civilisation 3, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. 

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As someone who goes right from Commodore 16 through to PS4 with all in between and having read through the posts this thread has given me lots of memories. Genuinely interesting seeing others choices and many i agree with. On the flipside, it has made me feel old but the antidote is, you're all old too! Or some of you are anyway. 

Here;s one for the fellow elders (aside from Streetfighter 2). Waiting for your go on one of these two, then feeling like a king when it was your turn. Both of these i had on the Amiga too! 






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22 hours ago, darrenm said:

Did someone seriously just post a picture of outrun as a bonus question?

That's like posting a picture of a green square and saying name the colour.


Discriminating against us colourblind Outrun fans :(

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1 - Final Fantasy IX - My favourite game of all time.

2 - Half life 2 - Quite simply the greatest fps ever made. Re-defined what a shooter could be.

3 - WWF No Mercy - The greatest wrestling game of all time and yet to be bettered imo. 

4 - Mario Sunshine - Will never understand why this is not regarded as the pinnacle of mario games. A proper world to feel connected to instead of the weird voids/spaces/dioramas that have no place from most mario games, it's so colourful, expertly designed levels, originality, character, charm and great controls.

5 - TES: Oblivion - Better world, better dungeons than Skyrim. I loved Morrowind but it was wonky and clunky, Oblivion less so and it hooked me.

6 - GTA VC - 3 was groundbreaking and jaw dropping at the time and represented the single biggest change to gaming I can ever remember but VC fine tuned it and perfected it imo, the vibe of that game was awesome plus interiors!

7 - Duke Nukem 3D - The first game I ever became obsessed with. Loads of levels with tons of secret areas, gory violence, masterful one liners and tons of boobs! What more does a young lad need growing up?

8 - Halo CE - The original and best of the series to me. Vast open spaces, ships, amazing graphics. I'd never played anything like it.

9 - Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 - like GTA VC it perfected the genius formula that came in its previous release. Sublime and the game that defined my school yard conversations.

10 - Tiger Woods 2003 - The game I spent a lot of my GameCube owning time on. Fantastic golf game and the best EA made. The graphics may have gotten better since but the gameplay has gotten progressively worse each year. The soundtrack was great too.

Edited by Ingram85
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Showing my age , and new games suck as they require far to many button pushes  


1 - Civilisation - PC - More addictive than the Fappening

2 - Command and Conquer  Red Alert - PC  - used to send armies of Zeppelins that were so bloody slow by the time they made it across the map , only 1 had survived  ,  such a great addictive game though , my lad has just got the latest version on Steam , it looks pants (too polished ) compared to the game I used to play

3 - Golden Eye  - Nintendo 64 -  curses Pete you spawny git , you won , Ok  one more game   , wait what , it's 5 am I have to get  a train to work in 38 minutes ..anyway , one more game

4 - Sensible Soccer - Amiga  - Playing as Kaiserslautern just so you could get "Kuntz " to come up on the screen when he scored :) 

5 - Speedball  - Amiga  - I used to get far angrier with the cheating computer than was healthy   , once you mastered the art of brutality (and a bit of help from upgrades ) , it was great

6 - Rise of the Triad - PC  - multiplayer FTW , the single player game sucked a little , but the ability to taunt your opponent after you killed him made it the best multiplayer of it's time ...into Heretic game along with the ability to turn your mate into a chicken :) 

7 - Doom - where it all began on the PC and multiplayer shoot em ups (ok , Wolfenstein did the work but it wasn't multi player) .. This was pre- internet , so 3 or 4  of my mates would bring their PC's around and we'd link up a 10 base T network in my the house to link everything together  

8 - Football manger - Spectrum 48k  - the first real addictive game I played on a home PC  , those highlights with the pin men were so advanced for their time !!

 9- Elite  - PC used to play this on an IBM XT at work after hours , realise it was 2 am and that we'd be locked in the building !! once I found out that slavery was profitable I was hooked :) 

10 Marathon - Macintosh   - Back to the early 90's and the company I worked for had 3 office locations and for that era of dial up 14.4  modems  , we had decent high speed open  link , used to play marathon sessions of errmm Marathon over this network , no work ever got done on a Friday afternoon  .. or any afternoon for that matter

Edit  -

And a huge special mention to NARC ... it was an arcade game where you had to round up druggies and armed clowns who would throw hypodermic needles at you  , was quite gory for it's time  , probably the first game to get the "think of the children " brigade out in force :) 


Edited by tonyh29
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On ‎15‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 21:30, darrenm said:

Do we have a retro gaming thread? Lots of retro fans here it seems.

we do a joint party for all the NCT kids that were all born around the same time as my lad ( now 12)   .. nice group even if some of them are a bit to woolly liberal for my taste :) 

we've done bouncy castles, picnics , soccer skills and what not but obviously at 12 going to a play pit full of balls isn't going to be well received 


I found this place near me in Egham  , so put it down as a suggestion , and the others went with it

After getting Asteroids on the Atari to about 95 ,000 with 12 lives left  I got bored ( how on earth did I get hooked on that game as a 10 year old , it sucks )   and  fired up Leisure Suite Larry on the Amiga   .... the arcade version of Space Invaders was popular with the kids  , though eventually the 12 year olds kind reverted back to Mario Kart , mind you it was 4 player on a screen the size of your average Americans arse  .

The already want to go back and have another retro game afternoon

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1) Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Re-introduced me into 1st person shooters after I got bored of them years before.  BF3 was very good, BF4 not so good, BF1 is brilliant. 

2) Toejam and Earl - I loved that it was random, funny, the presents were cool, hubba hubba man

3) Sonic 2 - I had a Mega Drive as a kid, so played this hundreds of times.  Supersonic music still goes through my head from time to time.

4) MGS 1 - Turning games into cinematic movies, great story lines, cool gadgets and stealth.. fantastic.

5) GTA 3 - The door opening of true 3d gaming.  Can still picture myself driving to 8-balls garage to fit that car bomb after getting outta prision.

6) FIFA 12 or 13 - Probably the best FIFA's I played.  I got to 83rd in the world on FIFA 2005.. Valeron was a God. Never saw him play in real life though :) 

7) SOCOM Navy Seals 2 - came with a headset and you had to buy a peripheral for the PS2 to get it online.  Talking to people across the world and working in clans was amazing.  I remember being in 1 clan match, 6 on 6, they killed 5 of my team mates and it was 6 v 1.  I bi-podded a m249 on a hill as they ran for me, and I got 5 before a grenade landed by me.  One of my favorite gaming memories. 

8) Command and Conquer Red Alert - I liked all the C&C's up to Generals when EA picked it up from Westwood.  But this was my favorite.

9) Gran Tourismo - Not really a huge fan of cars or anything, but I spent ages and ages on this.  Really remember some weird Suzuki Mountain climbing car which had 700bhp and using it for almost everything.  Dodge Viper looked great but handled like a bag of beans, a big disappointment.

10) Super Mario Brothers - A game which I played late due to having a Mega Drive, but I loved it and played it on the Wii also.  Whenever I get my old SNES out we give it a blast.  Tempted to make it my sons first venture into gaming when he's older.

Honorable mentions:

Pikmin, streets of rage MD, Wing Commander 2 pc, CM games pc, Die Hard ps1, EA Hockey MD, Madden 95 MD, Syndicate wars pc, Worms pc, RDR Ps3

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Really hard to rank a top 10, but I'll give it a shot.

1. Banjo Kazooie (Nintendo 64)

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)

3. Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nintendo Entertainment System)

4. Kingdom Hearts (obviously :D ) (Playstation 2)

5. Pokemon Blue (Gameboy)

6. Super Smash Bros. Melee (Gamecube)

7. Street Fighter 3 (whatever arcade system it came out on :lol: )

8. Gran Turismo 3: (Playstation 2)

9. Def Jam: Fight For NY (Playstation 2)

10. NBA 2k6 (Playstation 2)

Honorable mentions: 

Super Mario Bros, Mario Party 3, NBA Street Vol. 2, Metroid Prime trilogy, Street Fighter Alpha, Mario Kart 64 and 8, Mario Party 3, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Duke Nukem

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23 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

1) Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Re-introduced me into 1st person shooters after I got bored of them years before.  BF3 was very good, BF4 not so good, BF1 is brilliant. 

2) Toejam and Earl - I loved that it was random, funny, the presents were cool, hubba hubba man

3) Sonic 2 - I had a Mega Drive as a kid, so played this hundreds of times.  Supersonic music still goes through my head from time to time.

4) MGS 1 - Turning games into cinematic movies, great story lines, cool gadgets and stealth.. fantastic.

5) GTA 3 - The door opening of true 3d gaming.  Can still picture myself driving to 8-balls garage to fit that car bomb after getting outta prision.

6) FIFA 12 or 13 - Probably the best FIFA's I played.  I got to 83rd in the world on FIFA 2005.. Valeron was a God. Never saw him play in real life though :) 

7) SOCOM Navy Seals 2 - came with a headset and you had to buy a peripheral for the PS2 to get it online.  Talking to people across the world and working in clans was amazing.  I remember being in 1 clan match, 6 on 6, they killed 5 of my team mates and it was 6 v 1.  I bi-podded a m249 on a hill as they ran for me, and I got 5 before a grenade landed by me.  One of my favorite gaming memories. 

8) Command and Conquer Red Alert - I liked all the C&C's up to Generals when EA picked it up from Westwood.  But this was my favorite.

9) Gran Tourismo - Not really a huge fan of cars or anything, but I spent ages and ages on this.  Really remember some weird Suzuki Mountain climbing car which had 700bhp and using it for almost everything.  Dodge Viper looked great but handled like a bag of beans, a big disappointment.

10) Super Mario Brothers - A game which I played late due to having a Mega Drive, but I loved it and played it on the Wii also.  Whenever I get my old SNES out we give it a blast.  Tempted to make it my sons first venture into gaming when he's older.

Honorable mentions:

Pikmin, streets of rage MD, Wing Commander 2 pc, CM games pc, Die Hard ps1, EA Hockey MD, Madden 95 MD, Syndicate wars pc, Worms pc, RDR Ps3

That would be Nobuhiro Tajima's Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak. 

It does actually exist.




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