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Your Top 10 gaming list of all time


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After listing my favourite games from last gen it got me thinking, what is my top 10 list of all time? Toughie. Nostalgia obviously plays a big part in my memories of early games in my younger days so I've overlooked my Mega Drive experiences. It was over 20 years ago so can't really choose IMO.

1. Mass Effect 2 - The setting, the story, the characters.. Everything about ME1 but better. As a stand alone game I would have to say that this is my all time favourite. Can't beat a bit of Commander Shepard.

2. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - Everything about this game screams AWESOME. The customisation, exploration, quests, I could spend (and have spent) hundreds of hours just roaming the lands.

3. Final Fantasy X - My favourite Final Fantasy, and not because it featured voice acting. I loved everything about this game. The Sphere Grid, the story, the locations, the baddies, even Blitzball.

4. Dragon Age: Origins - I've played and completed this countless times with different builds, classes, routes through the game etc.. DA2 and Inquisition didn't have the same charm as Origins.

5. Shadow of the Colossus - For a relatively simple game, it's executed to perfection. I was in awe each and every time I hit a new area and it was a fun challenge to take down each of the Colossi.

6. Devil May Cry - I love the DMC series (except 2, 2 can suck it), but the original is what hooked me in the first place, this one gets my vote. Dante, awesome combos, interesting bosses (Lava spider). SSS

7. Batman: Arkham Asylum - The first Batman game in the trilogy and the best IMO. So much charm. The characters and voice acting are spot on. Everything you want in a Superhero game.

8. Red Dead Redemption - A wild west GTA style game? Whats not to like? The story was gripping, the graphics were amazing, and the gun play was fun.

9. Borderlands - Had so much fun with this game with my mates. 4 player on-line co-op? Yes please. Funny dialogue, great game play, bazillions of guns. Plus Moxxi

10. Final Fantasy VII - A number of games to choose from, but FFVII has to get this spot due to the sheer about of time I put into the game since it's release. I still to this day play through it once a year. Intricate story, colourful characters, mini-games, huge map.. It's got it all. It's probably the original game that got me into JRPGs in the first place (Shadow Hearts, Suikoden, Dragon Quest all became favourites of mine after playing Final Fantasy VII)


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Hard to pin them down and will regret not picking ones that jump into my head after pressing submit, in no particular ordeR:

1- Borderlands 2 - ps3 + ps4

2- Red Dead Redemption - ps3

3- Elite 2 Frontier - Amiga

4- Skyrim - PS3+PS4

5- Football Manager (&Championship Manager) across all years of Amiga and PC 

6- Streetfighter 2 (Super Nintendo)

7- Goldeneye - N64

8- Sensible World of Soccer - Amiga

9- Fallout 4- PS4

10- GTA V- PS4


edit- someone's probably reading this thinking w t f is Amiga. 

Double edit

11- Kick off 2 - Amiga

Edited by Midfielder
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World of Warcraft. The rest of this list is in no specific order, but even though I haven't played in a while, this game will always be #1. I don't think a single game will ever come close to the level of obsession that I, and millions of others, had with this game. I still remember getting the Zepplin from Thunder Bluff to Orgrimmar for the first time and being stunned at the size of the world, and realising that was just a tiny portion of it. The real friendships forged by spending months, years taking down raid bosses. The highs of beating a new boss for the first time with 39/24/9 other people, the lows of wiping again and again on something you'd comfortably beat last week.. I don't even want to know what my /played time was before I finally logged out for the last time.

Red Dead Redemption is definitely up there. I bought an Xbox just for that game, no regrets. That's a masterpiece.

I'm copying DA:O and ME2 as well.

Baldurs Gate 2 is still the RPG that will probably never be topped. Partly some rose tinted glasses, as I believe it was my first proper RPG, it sure gave everything that followed it a lot to live up to.

In a few years time I might look back on this and laugh, but I have to put Rocket League on there. It's an incredibly simple game which anyone can pick up and play in a few minutes, yet few people will ever master. A simple idea executed to absolute perfection.

Dark Souls. After years of games becoming a lot more 'user friendly' and adapting to the changing expectations of the average player, who expects a bit of guidance, and to be able to walk through most games in their sleep, Dark Souls decided to just bitch-slap people who didn't take it seriously. I'm only slightly ashamed to admit I'm nowhere near as good at games as I thought I was before DS broke me. 

Morrowind: The game that Skyrim wishes it was.

GTA III: I played and lvoed the first two, and even the London version, I could never have imagined the sheer level of immersion of it being translated to 3d, it was just a sense of awe, walking around a real, breathing, living city. I don't care for the new ones. :P 

Half Life 2: I don't think it needs any comment, really.



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Elite (C64)
World of Warcraft (PC)
(these two are way ahead of the others)




GTA 3 (PS3)
Minecraft (PC/PS3/PS4)
Monkey Island (Amiga)
Kick Off 2 (Amiga)
Doom 2 (PC)
Ni No Kuni (PS3)
Skyrim (PS3 / PS4 / PC)
Dark Souls (PS3)



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18 minutes ago, Designer1 said:

Elite (C64)
World of Warcraft (PC)
(these two are way ahead of the others)




GTA 3 (PS3)
Minecraft (PC/PS3/PS4)
Monkey Island (Amiga)
Kick Off 2 (Amiga)
Doom 2 (PC)
Ni No Kuni (PS3)
Skyrim (PS3 / PS4 / PC)
Dark Souls (PS3)



Elite on the Commodore 64... 

You've just earned yourself a man hug

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1. Halo1 (Xbox)

2. Halo 2 (Xbox 360)

3. Championship Manager / Football Manager (PC)

4. Battlefield Bad Company 2 (Xbox 360)

5. COD4 (Xbox 360)

6. Return to Castle Wolfenstein (PC)

7. Sonic game (N64)

8. Goldeneye (N64)

9. Super Mario World 3 (SNES)

10. Pokemon (Gameboy)

Edited by PieFacE
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7 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

1. Halo1 (Xbox)

2. Halo 2 (Xbox 360)

3. Championship Manager / Football Manager (PC)

4. Battlefield Bad Company 2 (Xbox 360)

5. COD4 (Xbox 360)

6. Return to Castle Wolfenstein (PC)

7. Sonic game (N64)

8. Goldeneye (N64)

9. Super Mario World 3 (SNES)

10. Pokemon (Gameboy)

Great game. Definitely preferred to any of the COD/Halo shooters.

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I have to do this with two criteria. Time spent and how much I loved it. Some will be from category a) and some will be from category b).

10) Freelancer (PC) - A game way ahead of its time. It makes No Man's Sky look even worse than it is when you had an open world space explorer with that level of customisation, gameplay and graphical quality created in 2000. I think more people should know about it. I played on a modded server for years.

9) Medieval: Total War (PC) - For me, this is the game that defined the RTS genre. Rome/Medieval 2 etc all had the graphical quality, but simply for the absolute milestone and breakthrough in gaming (2002! Mental) this takes the cake.

8) COD 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) - People these days are unlucky. COD used to be amazing. Modern Warfare was a rare game that had an incredible campaign mode that shocked you and then online that wasn't about micro-transactions and too much customisation. It was genuinely fun with amazing weapons, amazing maps and solid gameplay.

7) Pro Evolution 5 (PS2) - The best football game made ever, bar none. No scripting, no dodgy AI, unlimited customisation, fantastic game modes, unbelievable gameplay for the time. Played it for hours, before I had access to online. That says a lot. Fifa just needs to take THAT gameplay, modernise it with 360 movement and better graphics and it would be perfect.

6) Civilisation V (PC) - I've sunk hours and hours into this. It makes every other turn based game look terrible. Civ V took out some things I loved about Civ IV but in terms of what it added, it wins. Definitely a time killer; I'll have played for hours and not realised.

5) Pokemon Gold/Silver (Gameboy) - Red/Blue started it off but they are objectively "bad" games. Combat was crap, crits were based on speed, no physical/special split, one line of dragons, psychic types were overpowered. Gold/Silver completely blew this wide open. They balanced everything (apart from physical/special split) and included pretty much the entire first games again. Two games in one. Everything good that happened in Pokemon happened because of Gold/Silver.

4) Halo 4 (Xbox 360) - Purely for how much I played it. The modern day Goldeneye in terms of how much it brought to the genre.

3) Rocket League (PS4/PC/XONE) - Time sunk in/fun had/dev involvement/original ideas. Rocket League smashes all of these. An absurdly fun game that i got for free.

2)  Elder Scrolls 3/4/5 - I struggled here. Oblivion or Skyrim, or even Morrowind. I cheated and put Elder Scrolls as a whole. The level of lore, detail, questing. Incredible. If they made a game with the depth of Morrowind, with the graphics and world of Skyrim with the questing of Oblivion I'd die in an explosion of my own mayo.

1) Bioshock (360) - Combat, meh. Graphics, fantastic for the time but not aged well.. Story, the best storyline in any game/film/TV show ever. The reveal left me shocked for days. Unbelievable game well ahead of its time. Goes at number 1 purely for the impact it had on me.

I missed out so many games here that are amazing :( GTA 3/4, FM, Overwatch, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Last of Us, RDR (I didnt play it but acknowledge it's great) and Goldeneye.

Edited by StefanAVFC
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I get too in to things like this. I've had to think an awful long, hard time about it (instead of, you know, doing the actual proper work I'm paid to do) and if this thread had popped up next week instead of today I would almost certainly chuck a few of these out and put a few others in.

I also apologise for cheating. I simply can not only mention ten games - I just can't allow myself to not mention some games missing from my first list. So you've got twenty instead.

They are in two lists - I've tried to list the games I like 'best' first of all. There is no particular order, but they are games I love, and are either technically or artisically stellar, the gameplay is great, or the story is a fantastic one - but mostly they tick all boxes. In my second list I'm forgiving some major issues in regards to gameplay and longevity, for example, so I wouldn't call them 'best' but they're still 'favourites', so there's a bit more nostalgia.

I've also listed the formats where I played the game most, possibly rather than where they most popularly played - in a couple of cases this means re-releases and not the originals. For anyone who has followed my gaming interests since I've been posting on VT you'll be unsurprised to see it's JRPG heavy, which does relegate some fantastic games from both lists completely.

List one;

FF VII - PS1 - My favourite game ever. Of that I can say with certainty.

GTA 3 - PS2 - One of those unforgetable moments in gaming, putting on the PS2 for the first time, and playing this. Simply, wow.

Valkyria Chronicles - PS3 - An outstanding game in all areas - gameplay, story, art, replayability, graphics.

Mass Effect 2 - 360 - Such good fun, and incredibly engaging. If asked as a kid what my perfect game would be, I'd have replied 'Star Trek, but cool'. This is that game.

Rocket League - PS4 - Calculated.

Xenogears - PS1 - FFVII on steroids.

The Longest Journey - PC - memories of playing this one never fail to bring smile to my face and a longing to play it again. Almost in the second list, but the art and story pull it through.

Skies of Arcadia Legends - Gamecube - Close call with a PS1 RPG that also has a gripping story, turn based and tactical battles, and a terrific score. This wins cos pirates.

Persona 4 - PS2 - It's wacky, it's got a horrible first hour or so where you basically just press x, and it's gameplay does boil down to being a dungeon crawling RPG with turn based battles. Which let's face it, isn't exactly many people's cup of tea. See past that, though, and you have one of the most enthralling Who dunnit's in gaming, wonderfully colourful characters, and a soundtrack that makes most others sound like elevator music.

Portal - PC - It was recommened to me not long after release as a really good puzzle game. It was, and it still is, indeed a really good puzzle game. I started to notice a few odd things about it I hadn't heard about though. Carried on regardless, and when the twist occurred, my jaw dropped like no other game has ever, or probably will ever, made it go before.

List two;

Shenmue - Dreamcast - yeah it's rubbish. I don't care.
FIFA '98 - Road to the World Cup - PS1 - best football game ever.
Minecraft - PC - literally endless.
Kirby's Dreamland - Gameboy - made me fall in love with games.
Uncharted 2 - PS3 - a blast.
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - PC - It still feels fresh (disregarding the re-release) despite being 5 years old, and I suspect it will be viewed as timeless in decades to come.
FFVI - PS1 - what would happen if the bad guy actually won? And the bad guy was a court jester? Well...
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars - PS3 - No RL without SARPBC, and they're basically the same game - RL is just the polished version.
Metal Gear Solid - PS1 - cinematic nowadays is almost an insult to games, meaning you don't really do anything. MGS was cinematic in a way nothing had ever been before, and played like nothing I had ever played before either. A bona fide classic.
Mario Kart - SNES - I didn't get too many chances to play multi player games as a kid. Perhaps that's why I prefer single player games now. This was pure joy with other people sat on the sofa.

Edited by hogso
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PS4 - Witcher 3, GTA 5.

PS3 - Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted 2, Far Cry 3.

PC - Red Alert: Command & Conquer, Civilisation 3, Max Payne.

Amiga - Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge, Lemmings, Secret of Monkey Island, Sim City.

Commodore 64 - Prince of Persia, Jet Set Willy, Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade.

(I realise thats 16 games, but a max of 4 from each platform and i can't cull it anymore)

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I'm going a slightly different way on this and listing a top 3 from each console I owned.


Streets of Rage

Sonic 2

Street Fighter 2


Point Blank (with gun peripheral)




SSX Tricky


Burnout 3: Takedown


Soul Calibur

Sonic Adventure

Jet Set Radio


Halo 1

Project Gotham Racing

Ninja Gaiden

Xbox 360

Fallout 3

Fifa 10

Halo 4

Xbox One

Witcher 3

Forza 5

Rocket League

Top 5 All Time

Witcher 3


Halo 1

Streets of Rage

Halo 4

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This is hard...

Gran Turismo 2

Nightmare Creatures

Persona 4 Golden

Final Fantasy 7

Goldeneye 64

Command and Conquer Red Alert

Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror

Psycho Fox

Crash Team Racing

Shadow of Memories


I'm not sure, might change a few... so hard.

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really hard to do because of what i played in my yoof, teens and then now




super mario world


orange box

vice city

the last of us

super metroid

link to the past

discounted racing games (so burnout, GT2, mario kart and fzero all out) and sports games (so FM out) also left out FF9, RE1 and 4, the uncharted series, RDR, witcher 3, smash tv, vangrant story, shenmue, said this many times 3D nintendo games dont float my boat and im really really not a fan of halo

id say my one a bit out there that came close because i absolutely loved it and as the only person i knew who had a 1st batch ps2 all my mates came to mine to play it, timesplitters, i sent ages on that game, really think that if internet gaming was what it is now then that game would have been massive

my probably best game ive never played would be chrono trigger

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I'll go with the games I've spent most time playing over the years as well. A lot of these won't be on other lists I would guess! Still have games like Fallout 3 & 5, Skyrim, Arkham Asylum to play so they could replace some of these in the next year!


Zelda Ocarina of Time - Addicted to this game as a kid 

GTA V - Favorite of the series

Elders Scroll: Oblivion - Superb, still have Skyrim to play and so looking forward to getting hold of the remastered version!

Red Dead Redemption - Such a good game and looking forward to playing it through again before the new one is released

Conflict Desert Storm - This game and the series as a whole, I spent hours playing these through in multiplayer with my brother. I would guess it has aged horribly.

Football Manager - Stuck this one down as an overall, CM & FM combined I would dread to think how many hours I have spent on them combined

Witcher 3 - Still playing this and will be for a while, ridiculously good game with a huge amount to do

Goldeneye - The ultimate FPS

Diddy Kong Racing - Again I spent hours and hours playing this back on the N64

Mario 64 - First game I ever owned and was blown away by it

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1 minute ago, villa4europe said:

thats a memory jogger! i smashed that game to bits in a very short space of time, think i got about 4 of the endings in 5 days

I loved it, same here too - just played it for hours. Skipped college a few times as well... sad when I think of it! But I loved that game.

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