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Mafia 3


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So who's picked this up then? I got it yesterday on PS4 and stuck it on last night.  Typical first day patch meant I couldn't play for 90 mins cuz VM seems to be throttling my connection during the evening but when it eventually installed first impressions are good.  Similar in many ways to GTA but not as "cartoony". Only played for about an hour. Did the first few missions, fed a guy to a gator.  Hoping to give it a proper go over the weekend. 

Edited by dubbs
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I've been following D1s updates with interest as I'm intrigued by this. Never played the series but there's an interest to me in a more realistic dramatic take on a GTA game.

But watching some of the footage about... Wow there's something weird about the way this game looks. The lighting often appears excessively stark and seems to leech the detail from the world, not helped by a hazy sepia tone washed over everything. The structure also feels bizarre, to the extent it kinda feels like the open world is an afterthought.

Unless it smashes it out of the park on impressions i think this might be a wait for a sale one...

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Overall so far it's technically flawed but entertaining.

The setting, story and gunplay are it's three biggest plus points. I also like how the map is opened up in a more organic way than the usual sandbox game. It makes for a less initially overwhelming experience.

I like it.

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18 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Never played the series but there's an interest to me in a more realistic dramatic take on a GTA game.

One was decent, but two was an exceptional game - I seem to remember it being in my top five from that particular year.

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Yep, can only echo Simons impressions. Only played a few hours but I just know I'm gonna end up adoring this game. The sense of time and place, the atmosphere and THAT soundtrack are all spot on. I love the driving, feels very GTA IV but with a better driving model.

The graphics, while not bleeding edge are still absolutely fine, it can look a little washed out in the day occasionally but even then I think it has its own style, maybe a sepia impression? but the game really springs to life at night, it looks gorgeous driving through town. It most certainly is not the dogs dinner certain sensationalist sections of the gaming community would have you believe and I'm playing it on the 'inferior' Xbox One S. 

The story so far is utterly engrossing, the facial animation in cut scenes are lovely. 

It is certainly an acquired taste this game, AAA addicts might not appreciate it or be able to forgive/look beyond its faults but I've always kind of favoured stuff from the next tier down from AAA that a lot of gamers turn their noses up at, games like The Saboteur, Sleeping Dogs, Driver SF and a game I'm getting quite a whiff of, LA Noire. 

Way too early to call it but I'm really liking what I've seen and played so far. Just go into it expecting bang average and then it may just surprise you at how nice it really looks and how good a game it actually is. 

Edited by Ingram85
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I'm still watching you lads review this as you go... you should definitely tart a new thread for it

I hel d it in Mrrisons earlier and just got the food etc, as I was pissed off at it being 46 and not the 40 I had read it was. pathetic as that for £6 but hey I'm a tight git. Which means I'll probably get it for 46 anyway

I keep reading about the soundtrack. and I like that, why because in GTA I even have a ouple of the radio stations playlist as in setup on my Spotify. Radio Mirror Park especially. Man I have learned so much new music through that. As for 60s stuff im into that too so ill love the soundtrack on this, f... I think ie talked myself into it.

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2 hours ago, Designer1 said:

This game is **** brilliant.

This game is so cinematic. The bar scene (no spoilers) where sal marcano turns up to "collect his cut" damn this is impressive. The use of music, the choice of music, in these cut scenes .... This is a movie. 

Im not into games you play through once, go through the story and you don't play again... I don't know how this game will play out , how long the story is and what happens after you complete it (quests left to do and so forth) but for £40 odd quid, the entertainment value is very very high with this. Given the size of the map too I would say there's a hell of a lot to do, a hell of a lot to come. 

I've watched the lads post up their views on it and was sceptical, but whatever IGN or Metacritic eventually give it as a review score I have to say I'm very impressed with this so far. 

The style, surroundings, atmosphere of the game, the music, the dialogue, all impressive. The visuals are great. Whoever sat down and wrote the story for this and then whoever "directed" it, fair play. 

I have never had any previous Mafia game either by the way. Yeah I think I'm gonna get my £42 squids worth out of this. 

42 in morrisons by the way. 

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I'm around 15-16 hours in and it just gets better and better.

It's very rare for me to play a game for more than a couple of hours in a row these days but i've been on this again since 10 this morning :D

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Yeah same here and I'll be playing it today and am only in work for hour and a half tomorrow so Monday is Mafia 3 day

i don't know if it's been said but the way it showcases the racism from that time is impressive and uncomfortable at the same time. Bad times those were. Ballsy for a game to touch on that. 

For anyone not understanding, the character you play is mixed race and faces (so far) prejudice off folk going about their daily lives, and the undesirables you encounter. Even racism from Haitians. 

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The cut scenes aren't as cinematic as the first ones as it plays through except for the flashback / future interviews with CIA commission etc etc which are very cinematic and clever. Not that cut scenes matter...

there are a couple of things I've found annoying like in failing a mission sometimes there's no save point along the way of stages within that mission you've passed but I can live with that. Also your ammo, you don't carry much as max capacity and have to get the guy out to deliver it all the time (if you haven't picked any up off slain baddies). 

Also "my car" keeps disappearing when other times it stays there. Well it's not my car , but the one I've nicked. Sometimes find it parked up randomly away from where I went in before some cut scene and not where I parked yet sometimes otherwise it is. The driving a nowhere near as slick as gta too but that's ok. 

Thats more than a couple , but I'm being picky. These above, are minor flaws compared to the overall enjoyment I've had so far. I think it's worth it yes, no I've never had any previous Mafia game. Oh one last gripe, the AI of the baddies is sometimes a let down in that they'll look for you, wondering where you are while being oblivious to the dead baddies beneath their feet like a trail directly to you. I'm giving it an 8/10 so far. Great story and feel. 

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I've put about 8 hours in and finding it a little repetitive at the moment.  Nowhere near as much to do ad in say GTA but I'll keep playing as I'm convinced it'll open up more soon.

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I don't think it will be for everyone, but some games just click with me and this is definitely one.

1 hour ago, dubbs said:

Nowhere near as much to do ad in say GTA but I'll keep playing as I'm convinced it'll open up more soon.

It does open up more as you progress, but there's certainly not the overwhelming amount of side missions/events/challenges that there are in GTA. I think that's a very deliberate choice though, as I think they wanted the main story to be focus.

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