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Memory Lane


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What are some of your more vivid memories over the years? 

I was just remembering how as kids, we used to order butterfly knives and throwing stars from this massive catalogue of cheesy 80's "Ninja" gear. We were obsessed.  

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those toys you used to get in cereal packets , been able to buy shandy bass from a shop as a kid,jawbreaker sweets, watching horror movies as a kid an thinking they were shite  (house,puppet master,hellraiser etc) when blockbuster video came to erdinton , sega mega drive  .......all these memories will be lost like tears in rain 

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Going on a trip to Drayton Manor (a theme park) on my birthday, is one of my earliest memories. I recall getting up on the morning, opening presents and cards, and my Mom asking me what I wanted to do? I said go to Drayton Manor, and the next thing I knew my whole family appeared around our house, and off we all went. I even have a vivid memory of having a picnic, and eating salmon sandwiches, with Golden Wonder cheese and onion crisps. I don't think I'd been to school then, so I'm thinking I was 3 or 4. Other than that, I remember Summers at my Grandparents, and studying the back of a Star Wars figure card, memorising all the figures you could buy and telling anyone who would listen, I wanted them all. One Christmas, I think I must have gotten just about everything I asked for. I was as happy as a pig in shit, especially getting an X-Wing Fighter, which I didn't even know you could get.   

Edited by dAVe80
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Crying silently because I didn't want to eat my spaghetti, going to the kitchen to make a request and on my return I noticed cat had eaten my spaghetti. Thanks.

Edited by useless
Too long did not read: 'When the cat ate my spaghetti'.
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Toy guns. I was obsessed by TV western series, and my go-to birthday and Christmas presents were toy guns. But not those stupid chrome things, they had to be close as possible replicas to Colts, Remingtons, Winchesters, etc. I wish I still had them! 

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18 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

You don't really want me to go full "Four Yorkshiremen" sketch on this, do you? 

That's the reason I started the thread

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Having a thruppeny bit and excitedly setting off for the shops where half a penny could get you four sports mixtures, but dropping the coin and seeing it disappear into a crack in the curb. I checked out that hole for my shiny golden coin every time I passed it for about ten years.

Having what was by now an old thruppeny bit that was all cruddy. My science teacher taking an interest and offering to clean it for me. He made up some solution, we dropped it in to see it go clean and shine once again. There was a lot of fizzing and the thing disappeared before our very eyes. A misreading of the acid dilution by the science teacher.

Having a sixpence that was now worth two and a half pence.

Receiving this:


not only receiving a letter addressed to me, as a kid, but one with an Aston Villa posting frank on it, I've never had anything remotely as good in the post in the 38 years since

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I remember some odd things from my childhood. 

I walked into a pond without breaking a stride once, the pond weed was so dense I thought it was just a continuation of the path.

Having our car robbed in Dublin. We were sat in a restaurant and they completely emptied the car of anything that wasn't nailed down.

Pogs and slammers and those multicoloured straws with sherbet in them.

The science museum in brum.

Crazy golf in Cannon Hill Park.

My first day at St Dunstan's with those nylon satchels.

Having an eclair and glass of milk in the Three Cooks on king's heath high street, after school.

Holidays in Wales and basically living in Milk bars.




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First family trip abroad (in a caravan, not luxurious :) ) - we went to the beach.

I came across (LOL) a girl who'd dug a hole big enough for her to stand in at waist height.

Obviously, this was the coolest thing ever to a 2 year old bystander so I asked her (in English) if I could go in too.

She muttered something in a foreign language (I didn't know that at the time), but her actively pushing me out of it irked me.  So I got upset, went and picked up the biggest stone I could find and threw it at her.  It hit her, she bled profusely and I ran and sat behind my dad.

Her dad came over and was ranting in French (so I'm told) and my mom and dad were apologizing on my behalf.

I've never done anything similar again, apart from throwing one egg at Pete's bedroom window one Halloween night which nearly shattered it.

Edited by lapal_fan
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My earliest memories - my mum leaving me at home with my nan and grandad when she left for driving lessons. I did not want her to go and cried and cried and cried. Having a birthday party at McDonald's in town when they had the kids area with the big Ronald McDonald & Co. scene on the wall, got to eat about 2 hamburgers, was great. When my mum's cat Sooty died she put her in a shoebox and buried her in the garden, ofc I looked in the shoebox before she was put in the ground, gross. Going to Cornwall to see my dad's mum and husband, we went on the train and it took about 8 hours, an impossibly long amount of time for a kid. I also remember the beach at Portreath (at least that's where I'm told the beach was, they lived at the time in Redruth), it was very sunny and I built sandcastles.

I was 3/4 at the time of the above, approx 1990, so not really sure what was first.

11 hours ago, dAVe80 said:

Going on a trip to Drayton Manor (a theme park) on my birthday, is one of my earliest memories. I recall getting up on the morning, opening presents and cards, and my Mom asking me what I wanted to do? I said go to Drayton Manor, and the next thing I knew my whole family appeared around our house, and off we all went. I even have a vivid memory of having a picnic, and eating salmon sandwiches, with Golden Wonder cheese and onion crisps. I don't think I'd been to school then, so I'm thinking I was 3 or 4.


I still go on whenever I go now, it's a bit dated and worn down these days, some Pirates' arms have fell off and they look a bit moldy, etc.


It is currently closed for a refurb, and rightly so.

Edited by hogso
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11 hours ago, mjmooney said:

Toy guns. I was obsessed by TV western series, and my go-to birthday and Christmas presents were toy guns. But not those stupid chrome things, they had to be close as possible replicas to Colts, Remingtons, Winchesters, etc. I wish I still had them!

I remember having a cap gun, and hitting the caps with a stone to make them go bang, when my gun stopped working.

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My earliest memory is standing on a platform waiting for the train to take us on holiday to Devon (dunno if it was New Street or Snow Hill - one of the VT railway guys can probably tell me). I was really excited as I'd never seen a train up close before, and I was expecting something like Thomas the Tank engine. This massive black steam engine came in belching steam and louder than anything I could imagine. I was terrified, and I remember hiding behind my Dad, clutching his trouser leg, crying. 

For years I assumed I must have been about three when it happened, but I checked with my parents and they were able to date it exactly, to the summer of 1955 - which means I was about 18 months old. 

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32 minutes ago, hogso said:


I still go on whenever I go now, it's a bit dated and worn down these days, some Pirates' arms have fell off and they look a bit moldy, etc.


It is currently closed for a refurb, and rightly so.

I went long before Pirate Adventure was there, but I do remember when that opened. We used to go to Drayton Manor at least two or three times a year, as my Grandparents lived failry near. 

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