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Tony Xia (no longer involved with AVFC)


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55 minutes ago, ferguson1 said:

Wyness continuing to show his professionalism throughout I see!  

Just look at the workings around the club now.   Chalk and cheese spring to mind. 

Cheese certainly springs to mind when I look at Wyness. 

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9 minutes ago, Lerner's Driver said:

I'm no defender of Xia, but the basis for dismissing him back then was that he must be dodgy because we know nothing about him and... wait for it, yes, he's Chinese as well!

Any amount of I told you so now, is precisely the same thick headed racism it was back then because you still don't know any more now, than you did then.

Another uncomfortable truth is that we were a basket case and whilst Xia certainly did not do us any favours at all, he did at the very least give it a go, when nobody else who was any good wanted to touch us with a barge poll.

Bearing all that in mind, we are ridiculously lucky to be where we are and to have found the owners we have now.


Because he wasn't paying a tax bill that nearly ended the club? Because he lied about owning companies he didn't? 

What a ridiculous claim. Same thick headed defence of him that was spouted when he came close to destroying us. 

At least he gave it a go. Thumbs up for Dr Tony. It doesn't take much to please some people. 


Edited by DCJonah
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We are so fortunate to have washed our hands of these pair. We are worlds away from what was being served up by this joker and Wyness. 

I did defend Xia, but my word I was wrong. I had a bit of blind faith and optimism. 

NSWE have shown me the light! 

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24 minutes ago, Lerner's Driver said:

I'm no defender of Xia, but the basis for dismissing him back then was that he must be dodgy because we know nothing about him and... wait for it, yes, he's Chinese as well!

Any amount of I told you so now, is precisely the same thick headed racism it was back then because you still don't know any more now, than you did then.

Another uncomfortable truth is that we were a basket case and whilst Xia certainly did not do us any favours at all, he did at the very least give it a go, when nobody else who was any good wanted to touch us with a barge poll.

Bearing all that in mind, we are ridiculously lucky to be where we are and to have found the owners we have now.

To be fair we do know more now, and in hindsight he did seem to have embellished his wealth and standing when he took over. But I also wasn't with the constant doubt of him when he first joined. Yeah I guess it all turned out to be true, but we literally didn't have anything to go by at the time other than the "fit and proper" test that was done, which ironically also turned out to be a bit fraudulent.

The Wyness appointment is what gets under my skin, because not only was he incompetent and fraudulent like Xia, he's also a smug asshole on top of that. Xia tried to gamble with the club he loves which is messed up in itself, but Wyness deliberately just used Villa to enrich himself to the detriment of the club.

Edited by Keyblade
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Owned companies he didn't, had an academic background he didn't, suddenly couldn't get money out of the country because China, but honestly he's really rich. Except now he can't pay domestic bills either.

**** him. And if you swallowed his BS, I have a bridge for you. It's a magnificent bridge, absolutely massive. You've probably never heard of it though, but there's nothing to worry about.

Edited by Davkaus
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Damn I can't believe that a 30k arrest warrant has been issued in China for xia. 

From what I've been reading because he claimed he bought Villa that he was a billionaire and instead came in with alot of investors behind him, they now are after that money back.

One I kind of feel for the bloke, he shouldn't of lied that's for sure, but now the people behind him are out for blood and in my eyes that's wrong. It's wrong because they gave him the opportunity to buy villa and make it succeed, they knew or must of known there were risks along with it all and in a way they were the very reason it all failed because he couldn't get the money needed to make it all work.

I know there's an awful lot we still do not know and prob won't ever know, it's just a shame that it looks like that xia can't even live as a normal human being all because his business associates are having him arrested because they want there bit of money back  It was a failed business venture that's was it was, I don't thi k anyone should be going to prison or be arrested unless he has actally committed crimes.

Chinese arrest warrants look cool, dont you think??



Edited by Dave-R
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57 minutes ago, DCJonah said:


Because he wasn't paying a tax bill that nearly ended the club? Because he lied about owning companies he didn't? 

What a ridiculous claim. Same thick headed defence of him that was spouted when he came close to destroying us. 

At least he gave it a go. Thumbs up for Dr Tony. It doesn't take much to please some people. 


Yes racism. You clearly missed my point, which was about the judgements some made of him BEFORE anything was known about him. After he'd failed to pay the tax bill then sure you have some ammunition, but before, nobody knew and plenty judged. Timing mate. 

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55 minutes ago, DCJonah said:


Because he wasn't paying a tax bill that nearly ended the club? Because he lied about owning companies he didn't? 

What a ridiculous claim. Same thick headed defence of him that was spouted when he came close to destroying us. 

At least he gave it a go. Thumbs up for Dr Tony. It doesn't take much to please some people. 


It doesnt take much for people to be against others either.

We were all behind xia and for some time too, soon as the play off final was done and it came out, alot turned.

I won't defend what he did, that however doesn't mean you need to treat him like he's scum. We prob wouldn't even be here in the prem now if randy hadnt of sold to Xia,  come to think of it wed of most likely  been sold to someone no doubt who had next to nothing. Xia came in and risked everything that he had on the club, in my eyes that took courage, sure spending as big as what he did on bruce was absoloute farthing to do, yet the move nearly worked. See it in his eyes- he had  no experience at owning a club and most likely had bruce and Wyness in his ear saying this is all going to work if we inject such and such into these players, gullible and soft is Xia's mistake, if that happened and he had people in his ear. Desperate is also what I'd call his rash spending also in a desperate bid to take us to the prem, xia messed up, but so did each and everyone behind him as well who failed to give him the proper advice.

I think to this day this club would not be where it is now if Xia hadn't of took over from Lerner, just like this club wouldn't of been here now if Xia hadn't of found such fantastic owners for us.

He's guilty of mistakes that's it, he managed to pay off that tax bill your talking about. If we'd of had other owners in instead of Xia we really would of been stripped down to bones. We would of become nothing more than a club like brentford buying cheap and selling to appease FFP. The people who wanted Villa wernt the sort who wanted to invest like Xia did or our current owners have to this day. Remember that randy is as much to blame because he just couldnt be bothered with Villa and for so long held onto our club when he should of let go long before, hes as much to blame than what Xia is.

Villa is now back in the prem because of how things have gone down, we have a chance to be Villa again and part of that is because we went through the Xia regime. We most likely wouldn't of had Smith if we had of got different owners instead of Xia, would not of had the players we'd of had now again Xia was merely the beast we rode on to get to where were at now.

The path we were on led us to this point.

Am I annoyed at Xia for certain mistakes, sure I am, does xia deserve all this hate, no i dont think he does at all. do I hate Xia for having the stones to risk it all, no I do not. Do I think xia should go to prison for a failed endeavour, yes if he has committed crimes, no if it's just because they want there money back they gave xia to make a business plan work. Do I think Xia is being used as a scapegoat, yes in some ways I do.

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5 hours ago, sharkyvilla said:

Also part of me wonders what would have happened if we beat Fulham in the play off final.

He would have flogged us to anyone who offered him the money to pay off his loans and turn a decent enough profit. 

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1 hour ago, Davkaus said:

Owned companies he didn't, had an academic background he didn't, suddenly couldn't get money out of the country because China, but honestly he's really rich. Except now he can't pay domestic bills either.

**** him. And if you swallowed his BS, I have a bridge for you. It's a magnificent bridge, absolutely massive. You've probably never heard of it though, but there's nothing to worry about.

Do tell me more about the bloody awesome bridge...

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33 minutes ago, Lerner's Driver said:

Yes racism. You clearly missed my point, which was about the judgements some made of him BEFORE anything was known about him. After he'd failed to pay the tax bill then sure you have some ammunition, but before, nobody knew and plenty judged. Timing mate. 

Judging a nobody who came out of no where from commie China, no real info in terms of his previous business dealing, calling himself a Dr, and were able to buy a football club with unknown cash. you got to have to raise some suspicious over the guy. You can kind of draw parallel to Carson Yeung when he first got the blues, and I’m guessing Carson is serving prison still? 


Not racism, but just from the lack of info on the guy and the fact a lot of chinese commie business man are quite shady, from personal and friends experience 



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3 hours ago, DCJonah said:

18 months ago people blindly defender him and Steve Bruce and wanted both to be running the club.

**** hell what a terrible shout. 

This guy was clearly a fraud.

I didn’t about Wyness. Told you all he was dodgy mainly because of his face. Many turned on me but you need to understand a face reveals many things.

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