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Tony Xia (no longer involved with AVFC)


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It helps we're out of the prem I think with Xia's tweeting. Only one that has really caused any press attention was his reaction to Holloway's prediction and even that one was only focused on for a day although a few are picking up on the Gabby comments now.

When we were top 6 in the prem I remember the furore over the pig in muds comment about the SHA board from the General.. Must've gone on for at least a week!

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51 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

In what possible way is that a distraction?


I think his tweets ,  especially of a nature which could be construed as interfering in player management / selection / coaching issues,  could expose him / the club to unwanted media scrutiny and help a line develops that he is an interfering owner or that he has a bad relationship with the manager.  As I said I understand why some people see no issue or would want them to continue.  For me I'd rather the club got on with things quietly,  behind closed doors and had nothing to be used against us negatively.  Tweets like this have this potential,  just my opinion though Dave

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It couldn't be...could it?


In just two weeks since its beta launch, free speech Twitter alternative Gab has already accumulated a waiting list of over thirty-thousand people looking to get onto the platform...


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1 minute ago, Jareth said:

Probably not true for everyone but i reckon there's a generational reason to like or dislike tony's tweeting. 

I think that is too general and broad a position to take for two main reasons.

1. Saying it is generational sort of suggests that all people of a certain age like his tweets and all people of a different age dont.  I dont think that is true,  even though you have prefaced by saying it is not true for everyone then saying it is generational alludes to the point I have highlighted

2. Secondly saying it is to do with like or dislike his tweeting then sort of suggests it is all his tweeting that is liked or disliked and I also dont think that is the case. I think some people like some of his tweets and are not keen on others.

So I dont think your statement is true as I do not think it is that definitive.

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2 minutes ago, Richard said:

Secondly saying it is to do with like or dislike his tweeting then sort of suggests it is all his tweeting that is liked or disliked and I also dont think that is the case. I think some people like some of his tweets and are not keen on others.


Don't have an issue with him being very active on Twitter as it's a great source of information 'from the horses mouth' so to speak.

But that doesn't mean that some of his tweets don't leave a sour taste from time to time.

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6 minutes ago, Designer1 said:


Don't have an issue with him being very active on Twitter as it's a great source of information 'from the horses mouth' so to speak.

But that doesn't mean that some of his tweets don't leave a sour taste from time to time.

That's fine. Until somebody takes umbrage with him posting a YouTube clip of a rousing speech from a sports related movie and accuse him of trying to manage the team. 

That's just **** nuts. If that's not the definition of having an agenda, I don't know what the word agenda means. 

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Bottom line, we are footy fans and all we really care about is winning footy games. To have a great board and lovely stadium and awesome players we can look up to is nice, but secondary. I would happily win the league but hate all the players. 

So I think some are worried that his tweets will cause a distraction, get bad press and maybe annoy some players meaning we loose some games. 

Others like it as its good to know we have a chairman who cares, is passionate about the club and its fans and is doing all he can to fix the many issues, so maybe we will win more games. 

I wonder how many Leicester fans cared about their pre-season issues after they won the league!

Either way, we win, we dont care. We lose, we look for reasons to blame the bad results. 

So lets just win some games!

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2 hours ago, Richard said:

@TRO for me the post I have quoted here is another issue. ( I know you didnt make it but I'll use it in our current debate).  I have referenced the need for better comms,  I have also said I realise why some fans like his tweets as it exposes an insight into the previous secret world of the club and is manna to the need for that.  It is a supply.  The issue is how can he stop it now? The genie is out of the bottle right now not sure he can or would want to put it back in the bottle.  The reaction to that from a fanbase you suggest he is trying to re-engage with,  would be negative and counter productive

Being as you quoted me I'll chip in.  My post related to the idea that Tony needs to be conventional. NO. To me the best thing he can do is carry on being open and forthright and using social media to help drive the club forward - unshackled by rules about what he should and shouldn’t do and accepting he will make mistakes and learn. The football world has changed and lets face it the industry is completely skewed towards a few clubs and we are way way down the food chain and increasingly irrelevant. To break out of that malaise we need unconventional ‘in your face’ leadership and action to shake things up. I know his unconventional way of doing things will upset a few and he will ruffle feathers and drop a few clangers, but that really is a small price to pay IMO. Just look at how his open quirky way of doing things has rekindled the fire in thousands upon thousands of fans, transforming the atmosphere around the club within what, a few short months? I don't get why people so desperate to make him conform to some idea they have of what an owner should be.  Make him conventional, cautious and bland we lose a lot of the beneficial outcomes. Tony's style will appeal to the younger generations and if we are serious about growing the fan base in China and around the world his unique style and qualities could well turn out to be one of the club's prized assets, not the liability some appear to think. You've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette!

Edited by Gary Thomas
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On a more general point it will be interesting in 10-15 years time what impact twitter and social media have on Football.

15 years ago was September 2nd 2001 (day after Germany 1 England 5) and back then just having a club website was an achievment, some clubs didn't even have one!

I think the generation thing is more the old school wanting everything from the club to stay inhouse whereas now there's the demand for greater access as you see from various clubs youtube contents (Pep taxi etc).

Now you're starting to see a couple of managers using twitter like Koeman and Garry Monk....I wonder to the future. Team selections announced on there and Periscope doing live pre match team talks and half time...I wouldn't rule it out.


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That's where I am with him too.  I like his tweetings.  I didn't at the start for fear of what might end up happening.  But I decided **** it and just enjoy them now.  But that's not to say he's not going to put his foot in it every now and again.  He has deleted tweets and he has said things which, as Desi says, can leave a sour taste or require a sharp intake of breath upon first viewing.  To point out the bad ones or the potential problems with some of them is not to be against his tweets as a whole.  This is the balance that this site struggles with.  It almost demands that you be on one side or the other, and which side you're on gets determined by your most recent post on the matter.

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23 minutes ago, Richard said:

I think his tweets ,  especially of a nature which could be construed as interfering in player management / selection / coaching issues,  could expose him / the club to unwanted media scrutiny and help a line develops that he is an interfering owner or that he has a bad relationship with the manager.  As I said I understand why some people see no issue or would want them to continue.  For me I'd rather the club got on with things quietly,  behind closed doors and had nothing to be used against us negatively.  Tweets like this have this potential,  just my opinion though Dave

With no evidence what so ever - I wonder if after the Boro friendly XIA intervened because he felt things weren't happening quickly enough ? - Short term I don't see it as a problem. It becomes a problem if XIA only recruits managers who will let him interfere with playing matters..yes men in other words.

But on the others hand, we've had no communication from Lerner in 10 years - no funding from him in 6. XIA has sensed where we were hurting and done his best to fix it. Hopefully as the ship stabilises he won't need to.  

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10 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

That's fine. Until somebody takes umbrage with him posting a YouTube clip of a rousing speech from a sports related movie and accuse him of trying to manage the team. 

That's just **** nuts. If that's not the definition of having an agenda, I don't know what the word agenda means. 

Nope no agenda,  as I had hoped my rather long post a few pages ago would have shown.  I also recognise the importance of reaching out to the fan base and improve communications.  Just have an issue with some of those tweets.  But to connect that to a supposed agenda against the owner because I have an objection to the tweet you are referring to is wrong Dave.  I think Brian explains why in his excellent post above mine

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10 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

That's fine. Until somebody takes umbrage with him posting a YouTube clip of a rousing speech from a sports related movie and accuse him of trying to manage the team. 

That's just **** nuts. If that's not the definition of having an agenda, I don't know what the word agenda means. 

Didn't have any issue with the AGS video (if that's what you're referring to) I actually love his enthusiasm as long as he doesn't overstep the mark and step on the managers toes.

Didn't like the Holloway stuff and the Gabby tweet, apart from that it's all been fine.

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Whilst I've disagreed with a few things he has posted, that perhaps he shouldn't, I honestly think you have to be emotionally stunted to be affected by them beyond a wry smile or a sigh. Like when people are shamed and lose their livelihoods because of a misinterpreted or poorly worded joke, it's all a little bit pathetic.

He's not a god, neither is he a disruptive despot. I think as a general rule people take this Twitter shit all way too seriously.

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2 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Whilst I've disagreed with a few things he has posted, that perhaps he shouldn't, I honestly think you have to be emotionally stunted to be affected by them beyond a wry smile or a sigh. Like when people are shamed and lose their livelihoods because of a misinterpreted or poorly worded joke, it's all a little bit pathetic.

He's not a god, neither is he a disruptive despot. I think as a general rule people take this Twitter shit all way too seriously.

So we're all agreeing then.  If we all agree that there are tweets that 'perhaps he shouldn't' have written then we're all saying variations of exactly the same thing. I wouldn't have it any other way tbh, because then you'd lose the borderline good stuff too :)

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7 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

 I honestly think you have to be emotionally stunted to be affected by them beyond a wry smile or a sigh.

Not sure anyone is affected by them.  However as this is a Villa forum and he is Villa owner who has said something i guess we are all just passing opinion on it,  some which people agree with and some which they dont.

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