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Tony Xia (no longer involved with AVFC)


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1 hour ago, Mjvilla said:

Basically, an ultimatum to whatever bids we have in, that if a deal can't be done by Sunday... We move on to other targets I reckon!

Am I right in thinking that Hull set today as the deadline for bids for Hernandez?

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1 hour ago, Richard said:

I think it was me that made the post not TRO


It was, sorry, the quoting system seems to be going wonky. I've edited my original post to correct it.

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4 hours ago, DK82 said:

Can somebody clear something up for me? Has Xia said Samuelson wasn't on the board? I thought he was announced as being on the board, but then moved to Recon, or am I mistaken?

I asked myself the same thing. I don't have twitter but this is what was tweeted:

"Chris never officially on board especially with these rumors we won't make more confusions. Banfill is legal advisor"

"No more rumors! Chris and the Socfin helped the takeover and we paid for service. Never was related to Recon!"

According to Companies House, Samuleson was appointed director at Recon Sports LTD on 20 July. His appointment was then terminted on 8 August. (https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/10176070/filing-history).

As I've said before, I trust the Doc and I don't think there's something fishy about his ownership. But on this point regarding Samuelsons involvment, his tweets are simply not correct. It's unfortunate as it nourishes conspiracy theories.   


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11 minutes ago, Keener window-cleaner said:

I asked myself the same thing. I don't have twitter but this is what was tweeted:

"Chris never officially on board especially with these rumors we won't make more confusions. Banfill is legal advisor"

"No more rumors! Chris and the Socfin helped the takeover and we paid for service. Never was related to Recon!"

According to Companies House, Samuleson was appointed director at Recon Sports LTD on 20 July. His appointment was then terminted on 8 August. (https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/10176070/filing-history).

As I've said before, I trust the Doc and I don't think there's something fishy about his ownership. But on this point regarding Samuelsons involvment, his tweets are simply not correct. It's unfortunate as it nourishes conspiracy theories.   


Which is basically the line of questioning of ianrobo for which he is being pilloried 

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1 hour ago, AntrimBlack said:

Am I right in thinking that Hull set today as the deadline for bids for Hernandez?

I believe that was written in the papers yeah. So, maybe I'm wrong. Be interesting to find out who these players are eventually!

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2 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

To be honest I have no knowledge of Mao, however alot of things are subjective. For instance, Castro, Chavez, Saddam, and Gaddafi were painted as absolute demons by the Media. I can tell you that, in the Caribbean, for example they are seen as "heroes".

Its always dangerous ground.....wasn't Robin Hood a terrorist in some eyes and a hero in others.........oooh murky waters.

ps I' m just a simple football man.

Edited by TRO
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25 minutes ago, Keener window-cleaner said:

I asked myself the same thing. I don't have twitter but this is what was tweeted:

"Chris never officially on board especially with these rumors we won't make more confusions. Banfill is legal advisor"

"No more rumors! Chris and the Socfin helped the takeover and we paid for service. Never was related to Recon!"

According to Companies House, Samuleson was appointed director at Recon Sports LTD on 20 July. His appointment was then terminted on 8 August. (https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/10176070/filing-history).

As I've said before, I trust the Doc and I don't think there's something fishy about his ownership. But on this point regarding Samuelsons involvment, his tweets are simply not correct. It's unfortunate as it nourishes conspiracy theories.   


Xia never says he wasn't on the board. He says "officially" on the board  This could've been the way he got paid or anything. He isn't under any obligation to answer to tweets from people who initially called him a fraud and a front. Socfin have facilitated a few takeovers and as far as it seems regardless of being a board member or not that fits in exactly the timescale of events. It's hard for Xia to explain everything in 140 letters and for me he doesn't have to.  

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2 hours ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

I said some pretty shitty things about both Ellis and Lerner but I at least tried to ground them in some form of reality. I helped to organise and/or took part in protests against both. Xia is neither of them just as they were not each other. Maybe he'll turn out to be another bad owner, but right now he demonstrably is doing a good job. So why treat him as if he were a bond villain? They'd love him to fail just so they can say I told you so. I think that itself is pretty **** shitty and I wish those people would **** off. 

I too campaigned/protested against Ellis and I regret it, really....However he never got everything right, but I think his intentions and sentiment was good. its hard to criticise a man for not having enough money, but hey, we all learn.

We are not all perfect and none of us tick every box.....neither did he, but at 90 odd he still goes, says it all.

as for Tony, lets take him with the sincerity, he deserves right now.

We will know when the time is right to change, but lets hope that is just a station we will never arrive at.

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Struggling to understand where this has all come from?   One of the best windows in years, inspirational leadership, renewed optimism and suddenly without rhyme or reason (as far as I can tell) we're back to these tedious arguments that we had ad infinitum when Tony first came on the scene and during his early days.  The guy has passed the fit and propper tests, he has been investigated to the nth degree by the media and they have found absolutely nothing!  Moreover, since taking over he has been transparent and has done everything you could ask of an owner and more, yet here we are again preoccupied with Companies House registrations and administrative trivialities because of some idiot on Twitter.  So what if Samuleson was on the board, or not on the board, who cares?  That's Tony's decision.  We should judge him on his actions where it counts - and as far as I can see he has done very little wrong - and an awful lot right.  This is not an attempt to squash dissenting voices by-the-way - carry on - I just don't get it.

Edited by Gary Thomas
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5 hours ago, jonno_2004 said:

Would be absolutely comical to see Dr Tony and his legal dept go after the illiterate IanRobo. Just wasted 10 minutes reading his tweets.

Seriously?  You'd find it "comical" to see someone vastly rich use our extremely weighted libel laws used to crush someone who couldn't remotely defend themselves?

Sounds rather like the squire having the footman whipped for insolence.

If Xia wants to use twitter to engage with the supporters and get some cred by doing that, good luck to him, but he needs to understand that it brings with it the possibility of unpleasant exchanges, unfair criticism, and hutful comments.  Block it, blank it, or don't get in there in the first place.  But please don't use vast wealth to crush critics.  That's not the approach I want to see from my club.

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Just now, LockStockVilla said:

Have you seen some of his tweets? It's not just general skepticism which is earning him the negative attention. 

ianrobo is in a boat with keith, worse still ianrobo is educated and is capable of dressing up the ugliest of human traits in words and statements that may not cross the line from a legal perspective but nonetheless represent some extremely ugly views. Plus he supports Owen Smith for labour leader so naturally one must question his humanity.

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15 minutes ago, Gary Thomas said:

Where has all this come from?   One of the best windows in years, genuine leadership and direction, renewed optimism among supporters and worldly ambitions and suddenly without rhyme or reason we are back to these tedious arguments that we had ad infinitum when Tony first came on the scene and during the early days of his tenure.  The guy has passed the fit and propper tests, he has been investigated to the nth degree by the media and they have found absolutely nothing!  Moreover, since taking over he has done everything you could ask of an owner and a lot more, yet here we are again preoccupied with Companies House registrations and administrative trivialities.  So what if Samuleson was on the board, or not on the board, who cares?  That's Tony's decision.  We should judge Tony on his actions where it counts - and as far as I can see he has done very little wrong - and an awful lot right.  This is not an attempt to squash dissenting voices by-the-way - carry on - I just don't get it.

Jealousy....or more tragic, to piss on the chips of the masses......or even one upmanship, i know something you don't know.

They can pull their wotsit over their heads and whistle down their willy, for me.

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7 hours ago, villarocker said:

I loved reading that tweet this morning. Nothing to do with the tyrant he was quoting but because it suggested to me that we now have an owner who is going to listen to us.

Think about scouts for a moment. They cannot get to every game that a player plays in so they must spend a lot of time watching video clips and reading stats, which is basically what us lot do but there are a lot more of us so we will have a wider opinion of a player if you read say 50 views on a player. Surely it would be better to get the opinion on someone from 50 than from 1?

Also, what if that scout is possibly on friendly terms with a player's agent or the player himself? Could easily take a back-hander or two just to get a deal done and boost his income. I bet that happens more than we would like to imagine in our game.

A scout gets paid to hunt for players and to them it is a job whereas to us lot we are simply trying to spot players that we think will do well for our club and we do it for a love of the club, not because we get paid. I know who I would rather listen to!

Good points VR

Its a very subjective subject is talent spotting.....There are good scouts and very savvy fans.....but unfortunately there are others.

I think I am very good a spotting good players, would i be as confident, putting 10 mill next to my name.....I would s*** myself.

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