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Bernstein/King resign?


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4 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

Someone give us a sample of what he said on H&V's?

Here's what "Pelty" said - he is supposedly Krulak's son, so that explains the content of para 2.

" If you knew the entire story, and the actions of Bernstein and King, you might understand why thing went down the way they did. The offensive emails are the tip of the iceberg. I have long stated that I think RL has made some huge mistakes along the way and think he has more than his share of the blame in this horror story. How can he not? But there are two sides to every story and that is certainly the case in this latest episode; in this particular instance, I think Randy showed a great amount of restraint, believe it or not, prior to the firings resignations, and an equal share in the last day or so after these two showed their class by airing it all to the press. How some here on the boards can not read the tea leaves and see just what sort of men these two are for behaving in this disgraceful manner is beyond me. I suppose there is so much hatred of RL that they cannot see clearly, and I get that even if I think it is only partially fair, but if airing dirty laundry in the press does not say something to you about the egos of these two "men," I am not sure what to say.

This narrative that my father up and left when the going got tough is unfair as well - no surprise I would say that - the timing looked bad, but the reality is that he became the president of a college that was about to be shuttered and was close to $100 million in the hole. His remit was to stop the dam from bursting in a year and then get the college on firmer footing over the next two all while an accreditation group was standing at the executioner's block. He tirelessly traveled and spoke to all who would listen so as to raise money and get the college solvent. To say this took all of his time is not an understatement and this is why he left, plain and simple. It was certainly not because he was cowardly or felt shame in some way, which is a pathetic suggestion. Also, he has never been and will never be involved in football operations, so for those who think his presence on the board is somehow negatively affecting football decisions, this is not a role he fills, and rightly so.

I am not really going to say more about this, but I thought some of the comments towards him were unnecessary and I would simply say that the boardroom issues are more thorny than some have suggested, though others have been fairly close to the truth, but not nearly cynical enough about the actions of the two former board members"

You'll see why I said I didn't see much actual "evidence" here.

Edited by briny_ear
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^ Accusing Villa fans of not 'reading the tea leaves' about the behavior of King and Bernstein, while at the same time throwing empty accusations at them and calling them 'men' as if they haven't proven to be incredible professionals. You couldn't make it up. No doubt that's Krulak's son. What's next? Some story about pigs and then making it all work out because marines have faced even harder times, etc. 

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14 hours ago, Harry said:

I suspect Lerner has a man on the inside who received the infamous email and forwarded it to him More likely he has someone in the IT team who has instructions to keep an eye on traffic that mention Lerner and forward anything of note to him. If it is the latter talk about paranoia!

You're suspicion is right, it's his alter-ego - that man has a tattoo and a deep love for Aston Villa. It's just a shame he hasn't been seen since Martin O'Neil left the club!

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1 hour ago, mykeyb said:

I find it very hard to believe that Mervyn King, former head of the Bank of England who must have dealt with some right prize clearings in the woods would be so unprofessional as to put something so derogatory in an email that would cause Laidback Lerner implode.


I dunno MykeyB, it all depends how you interpret "For how he's messed up my club, that septic tank needs to get that tattoo laser-removed from his leg otherwise I am going to get a cheese grater and remove it myself".

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Any relation to krulak, if that is what he is, is hardly going to go public with anything other than criticism of Bernstein or King is he? No doubt if what he says about these two is correct t brings into question the man who appointed them so no doubt we can expect hollis to depart soon too?

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The American dream is full of conspiricies.

People flipping sides, patsy's, red herring.

Randy, you're doing a wonderful job. Kind of Government, FBI, CIA, JFK, 911 commission, Vietnam, Federal Reserve......etc.

Only the above playmakers would think you're too thick to trust.


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2 hours ago, Neil said:

Plot twist: Took job to get the inside scoop, resigning to be part of a consortium to buy us out

Sounds like the stuff from a cold war espionage film.. If this turned out to be true it will go down as one of the most interesting tales from this great club in over a decade.

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8 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

So you're making claims about 'making the atmosphere more poisonous', that Bernstein and King are unprofessional and childish' based on a (what they probably would have believed to be) private conversation, between 2 very respected business/football men; one of which is a lifelong Villa fan. Your reasoning, they unprofessional for doing what 90% of everybody in work probably does at some point. In addition, you have literally ZERO idea what conditions Lerner is making them work under! None of us do. They might have had a plan and Lerner overruled them. He might have gone back on things he previously said. You have no idea.

All of this, to defend the owner that has run the club into the ground culminating in our first relegation in the PL era.

I struggle to understand your motivation at the best of times,  but this is really strange.

I'm not necessarily defending the owner. I'm bringing a bit of balance to the debate - that's the bit your struggling with.

It's ok saying I'm basing it on nothing, those sagging Lerner off (for this particular incident) are basing it on nothing. 

You're right we don't have a clue. None of us do. So it seems daft to take either side.

Yet I have very little time for anyone who takes their bat own and does one at the sign of a challenge.

You're reasoning for it not being unprofessional is absolutely laughable. Absolutely and utterly laughable.

We all do it so it's ok. Nah.

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8 hours ago, Grasshopper said:

I have one to ones regularily with personel who I subcontract to. I need assessments, reports on how everything is being done. And I'm pretty sure they all talk amongst themselves about me.

It all depends on the tone of respect and honesty one communicates.

But more importantly listening to peoples opinions and ideas.

I would like to think that I work with very capable people, so why wouldn't I listen or respect their opinions and idea's?

If I didn't that would make me a "Bad" boss and probably an unsuccessful one to

For example a certain Randy Lerner. Former Cleveland Browns owner and current owner of AVFC

I don't disagree with any of that, but where is the proof that the emails were respectful - there isn't any. Which is kind of my point. It's unfair to slam randy for this particular incident because we don't know the full story.

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6 hours ago, Richard said:

The whole club is a nest of vipers

Correct. If you think about it there has been a lot of 'leaks' in recent years. The Culverhouse situation, Traore wages being leaked, Sherwood not having a choice in player recruitment (may or may not be true), and now this. Something stinks at Villa at it is resides right at the top.

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26 minutes ago, Woodytom said:

I don't disagree with any of that, but where is the proof that the emails were respectful - there isn't any. Which is kind of my point. It's unfair to slam randy for this particular incident because we don't know the full story.

Yet you're slamming Bernstein and King as childish and unprofessional :crylaugh:

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When the email story came out I was suprised. Not that Bernstein and King would say something bad about Randy but that they would be daft enough to put it in writing. Rule one when bad mouthing your boss is do not put it in writing. Rule two would be do not copy in someone else who can then forward it on (unless IT checked their accounts).

If I saw an email between two people I employed and thought of as friends that was really negative about me I would be a tad pissed off.

I'm not defending Randy as I don't know what has happened (and 2bh I hate him).

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21 minutes ago, Rds1983 said:

When the email story came out I was suprised. Not that Bernstein and King would say something bad about Randy but that they would be daft enough to put it in writing. Rule one when bad mouthing your boss is do not put it in writing. Rule two would be do not copy in someone else who can then forward it on (unless IT checked their accounts).

If I saw an email between two people I employed and thought of as friends that was really negative about me I would be a tad pissed off.

I'm not defending Randy as I don't know what has happened (and 2bh I hate him).

Or, I'd take a look in the mirror and ask myself "Am I really that much of a word removed?"

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