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I've played a couple of games, it's chaotic fun. Close to no downtime at all, which is good when you die as often as I do.

I've managed to get the demon rune a couple of times, the Revenant is ridiculously fun.

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The developers here have either dropped a right one or have been extremely clever. I can't figure out which just yet.


On one hand it feels very nostalgic, even the look of the game has an almost indie look about it. There's no sprint function & you can pick pretty much all the power weapons in your loadout, rocket launchers, snipers ect. The games not super fast yet isn't to slow, I like that about it. The two maps I've played on aren't really anything to write home about.

Playing as a demon is pretty boss, I spawned in just as the power up came live! Running with someone on your team as th demon is cool to & the music is superb! There's a nice editor for the weapons to, as in cosmetic.

But on the other hand it kind of looks/feels like something From 360/PS3 gen. But I can't make my mind up if that's purely the feel they've gone for or if it's just graphically (for the pvp mode) not all that much to look at. My biggest complaint is the shotgun, while you only have one round so have to reload after every shot the crossair fills so much of the screen & the range is ridiculous. 95% of my kills/deaths are via shotguns, everyone is using it. So it's basically a shotgun fest, from what I've seen so far.


Will post up once the beta is over.

Edited by mightysasquatch
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Managed to get an invite to closed beta from buying wolfenstein over a year ago but completely forgot about it and now see that I've missed the whole thing.

Hopefully they get this right as I have been looking forward to it for a while now.

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  • 1 month later...

Out this week. I've no interest in the multiplayer at all (and neither will anyone else in a week) but I'm a sucker for some Doom campaign... Please be good.

There won't be any reviews day one as they've held back review copies until launch day asb they want reviewers to be able to review the game in full with servers up and people playing... Apparently.

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Playing this on day one for the single player alone.. The multiplayer of this game can die in a fire it was terrible and poorly crafted in the closed alpha, closed beta, open beta and nothing will have changed in the full game.

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Game is amazing. The multiplayer is still trash but DOOM (2016) is one of the best FPS games I have played in years. The game is the essence of FPS without the contrived storytelling and having to have doors opened by other marine bro's (looking at you Call of Duty), this is what Doom 1 would be if it launched today. It is full of gore and balls to the wall extreme fast paced gameplay with an emphasis on exploration, secrets and fun. This game rights all of the wrongs that Doom 3 made and while that game was a good experiment, this is sequel/prequel/reboot (whatever the **** it is) that Doom 1 and 2 deserved.

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Surprised to see how positive the vibe about Doom's campaign has been today.  Still don't think you can call it Doom if Carmack and Romero didn't contribute to making it, but I'm glad people seem to like it. 

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3 minutes ago, The_Rev said:

Surprised to see how positive the vibe about Doom's campaign has been today.  Still don't think you can call it Doom if Carmack and Romero didn't contribute to making it, but I'm glad people seem to like it. 

A Carmack lead Doom brought the world Doom 3 which wasn't terrible but it also wasn't blowing any minds either. Many of these guys working on this one may be paying homage as none of them worked on Doom 1 or 2 hell many of them may have been children when Doom 1 came out, but they put out a very good game with Doom (2016) and I don't think they would have done better with Carmack and Romero. I mean Romero made one of the worst FPS games in history when he left, a little game called Daikatana and Carmack post-Doom 2 made Doom 3 and RAGE which were both average. The new breed at iD Software have done good.

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Not saying it's a bad game, just saying calling a game Doom without Carmack or Romero is a bit like calling a band The Smiths without Morrissey or Johnny Marr. 

(and FWIW I really liked Doom 3)

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It doesn't have the atmosphere of the original games, but I'm not sure how you would do that today and maintain something inspired by the original gameplay. Doom 3 tried to get something approaching the original atmosphere but didn't play like Doom. This plays like people remember Doom playing albeit with modern tweaks (having played some original Doom recently a lot of it isn't what people seem to remember Doom being, it isn't that fast).

This is genuinely good. My only reservation at the moment is the 'gore kills' getting stale. They're a pretty fundamental gameplay element but there's not a great deal of variety. It's also really fast, which is a bit of an adjustment. But so far, it's brilliant.

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2 hours ago, Chindie said:

This is genuinely good. My only reservation at the moment is the 'gore kills' getting stale. They're a pretty fundamental gameplay element but there's not a great deal of variety. It's also really fast, which is a bit of an adjustment. But so far, it's brilliant.

That is my main criticism. I actually had to turn the difficulty down to Hurt Me Plenty just so I didn't have to rely on the glory kills. If they didn't give you health and ammo I wouldn't have burned myself out on them as they are seriously needed on Ultra-Violence. Aside from that the game is top notch and I will likely give Ultra Nightmare or whatever it is called a go when I have completed it, see how far I can get before dying and getting my save deleted. 

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