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2 minutes ago, AntrimBlack said:

The office staff look good - shame about the playing staff.

thats the whole thing, if all these "brilliant" minds and football people and years of experience and all that other jazz get together and decide that gabby, richards and lescott are the men to get us out of the championship then id have to seriously question it being anything other than an old boys club

the new manager will be the first indication, do they hire someone young and progressive and get everyone excited or call up their mate who's been found out god knows how many times? whats stuart pearce doing at the moment?

trepidation is probably the word id use to describe this board, got no doubt that they'll do something, just not convinced that it'll be good

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1 hour ago, AntrimBlack said:

Is Bevington on the football board, and what is his actual job? Is he a temporary appointment during the period of the review?

So many questions. So little information on the OS.

Totally share this puzzlement, particularly because, as I've just mentioned in another thread, I thought the review had already been carried out leading to the departure of Almstadt and Fox.

Edited by briny_ear
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Not convinced that the totality of the board are particularly reassuring appointments for the long term success of the club. These new guys are all pretty old, and while that is an advantage in some respects, I fear a scenario where the resurgence of Villa is delayed in any way by these "set in their ways" old timers. Or maybe I'm just a cynical prick.

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Been thinking (dangerous I know).

But seeing how much of a shit show Villa have been over the last 6 years, particularly from the boards side - what can be done about it?

Who is asking them questions about their performance?

Who is reporting to who and who reports what?

Are there internal processes which quality check what is being done and by who?

Are there still regular meetings with supporters?  I haven't seen anything for years in this regard.

We as fans want the best for the club, we have the clubs best interests at heart, why isn't there more of a communication between the board and the fans?  Is there anyway we could have a fans board, who could meet up, discuss ideas and get them to board level?  Could be anything from concerns to the match day pies not being nice enough.

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I was impressed with the new board UNTIL they got rid of Garde.The way I see it is that you can have as many boards as you like but without a bit of common sense they are as useful as an ironing board or a surf board.

getting rid of Garde shows the direction we are headed in AGAIN.Lets face facts.

Garde took over a squad of no hopers with an attitude problem and no wish to play/fight for the shirt, and what did he do ? he managed a couple of wins and a few draws.Well, just think about it, could Pep Guardiola or Jose Morenho get better results with this lot ?? I dont think so.What about when Garde said he needed  a striker and a goal keeper.He knows zero about the Premier League and less about Aston Villa but he identifyed the problem.Think again, where would we be if we had bought a striker and a goalkeeper ? Imho we would be around 15th/16th.

All this shows that we already had a decent manager with a footballing brain, so what did the board/boards do....they got rid of him.

Lets hear it for the board.Hip hip  

Edited by PussEKatt
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I strongly suspect that Garde wanted to go, if only to extricate himself from a reputation-damaging situation where he had been sorely let down in January and was clearly failing (however much he tried to comfort himself with the thought of a couple of wins and a few draws earlier on).

I imagine he was just waiting for the latest board to get their feet under the table before sorting out terms of departure.

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In that case, the board should have offered a pay rise and promised proper backing and convinced him to stay.I am sure the players that were causing him grief will be gone at the end of the season although the way they are playing I havent a clue who would want them.

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20 minutes ago, PussEKatt said:

In that case, the board should have offered a pay rise and promised proper backing and convinced him to stay.I am sure the players that were causing him grief will be gone at the end of the season although the way they are playing I havent a clue who would want them.

manager wants to leave and you want to give him a pay rise and a new contract. Thats a terrible idea 

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41 minutes ago, PussEKatt said:

In that case, the board should have offered a pay rise and promised proper backing and convinced him to stay.I am sure the players that were causing him grief will be gone at the end of the season although the way they are playing I havent a clue who would want them.

What did Garde do to deserve a pay rise? Giving him more money for slowly making us worse would have been a conical move. 

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1 minute ago, DCJonah said:

What did Garde do to deserve a pay rise? Giving him more money for slowly making us worse would have been a conical move. 

It would have been the Villa thing to do. Lambert and Gabby got new deals last season :lol:

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7 hours ago, PussEKatt said:

In that case, the board should have offered a pay rise and promised proper backing and convinced him to stay.I am sure the players that were causing him grief will be gone at the end of the season although the way they are playing I havent a clue who would want them.

I wouldn't be so sure. A guy like Pearson would view Gabby as a real asset in the Championship.

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At least he gives a **** about our club..

I did enjoy most of this article 


After recent events at Villa Park where the club finally made some positive changes to move the club on from the frankly feckless Tom Fox, Henrick Almstadt and increasingly forlorn Remi Garde, i though it was time to let Villa fans ( the ones who listen rather than make things up or snipe on social media, and who are as far outside the tent as its possible to be), to give some considered thoughts on the situation, bearing in mind i'm quite happy with the general knowledge of what's going on at our club presently.


Aston Villa Owner Randy Lerner,


"Mr Lerner wants to sell, nothing new there, but it is my firm belief that there may be at least one interested party who is monitoring developments at the club, and an educated guess would be, are waiting for the selling price to drop to bargain levels before securing a purchase.

"This should be worrying to Villa fans as the lower the price gets, the chances of a cash rich billionaire decreases, and the possibility of a rogue buyer, with little real cash of their own comes to the table, so be warned.

"It may be better the devil we know for the next couple of years, and like Mike Ashley at Newcastle United, have a situation where Mr Lerner, with the right people in charge , gets the club back to the Premier League, finds his "love" for Villa is stronger than present and he gets his 300 million back in installments by having a solvent, cash rich Premier League club on his hands once again. Not ideal, but preferable with no one out there with serious amounts of cash. We've had one rookie owner mess things up, another would see us off.

"Most know i set out some points at the tail end of last year, many have already been implemented from admin level sackings, to appointing Villa people in and around the club.

"Not for romanticism, although the club does need a lift, but because these people care deeply about the club and want to be around to rebuild trust between the most important people, the supporters, the players and move us all forward. So i'm delighted that these comments and posts have largely turned into reality, especially the appointment of Brian Little on an advisory basis.

"As for the appointments thus far...

"Adrian Bevington. Not sure what he wants to be in football, as he's advised recently at Forest and Watford, so until i see his hand, and whether that hand shows a man who wants, for example to be a Chief executive or Chairman of a club, its unwise to comment, save for he is actually an industry professional of some note.

"Mr Hollis. Obviously knows little about the sport but seems keen to build bridges and start a process, hopefully independent of Mr Lerner interference, of getting the right people in the right places. A welcome change from the lack of leadership at the club of late.

Aston Villa Owner Randy Lerner,


"Mr Lerner wants to sell, nothing new there, but it is my firm belief that there may be at least one interested party who is monitoring developments at the club, and an educated guess would be, are waiting for the selling price to drop to bargain levels before securing a purchase.

"This should be worrying to Villa fans as the lower the price gets, the chances of a cash rich billionaire decreases, and the possibility of a rogue buyer, with little real cash of their own comes to the table, so be warned.

"It may be better the devil we know for the next couple of years, and like Mike Ashley at Newcastle United, have a situation where Mr Lerner, with the right people in charge , gets the club back to the Premier League, finds his "love" for Villa is stronger than present and he gets his 300 million back in installments by having a solvent, cash rich Premier League club on his hands once again. Not ideal, but preferable with no one out there with serious amounts of cash. We've had one rookie owner mess things up, another would see us off.

"Most know i set out some points at the tail end of last year, many have already been implemented from admin level sackings, to appointing Villa people in and around the club.

"Not for romanticism, although the club does need a lift, but because these people care deeply about the club and want to be around to rebuild trust between the most important people, the supporters, the players and move us all forward. So i'm delighted that these comments and posts have largely turned into reality, especially the appointment of Brian Little on an advisory basis.

"As for the appointments thus far...

"Adrian Bevington. Not sure what he wants to be in football, as he's advised recently at Forest and Watford, so until i see his hand, and whether that hand shows a man who wants, for example to be a Chief executive or Chairman of a club, its unwise to comment, save for he is actually an industry professional of some note.

"Mr Hollis. Obviously knows little about the sport but seems keen to build bridges and start a process, hopefully independent of Mr Lerner interference, of getting the right people in the right places. A welcome change from the lack of leadership at the club of late.

"Revolution has to happen, but unless it is underpinned by an in depth knowledge of the player profile we need at the club, i fear whoever comes in will either give the 50th chance to players who didn't deserve a second, or be unprepared when it comes to having a team that is offering up players, profiles and contacts now to help us move forward.

"We don't have that at the moment, as we have no manager ( Moyes/Pearson both want assurances of the ownership position), and it is why i am meeting Brian Little next week for a chat to offer him some ideas. I like straight talking and Brian asked me for a chat, aso i will give ideas about the club, like i did Tom Fox, most or all of which are being implemented or are in the process of being implemented.

"I know many Villa fans do not like me, that's fine, and i understand that they feel in 1997 i let them down on the pitch. The figures don't lie, i did, but don't confuse a 20 something playing poorly, making poor life decisions on occasions with not caring about a club i've supported since 6. I want us to do well and i have the brain, the contacts, the passion and drive to assist in many ways. And if Villa fans don't think i have, then why are many of my suggestions now in effect only 6 months after making them?

"I told Fox that i would go anywhere and do anything to procure talent ahead of the competition, and that the reality abroad where AVFC is concerned, in Africa, Asia and many Premier League watching nations are concerned, ask them to name several Aston Villa former players, Dwight Yorke will pop up, and so will I. May be an unpalatable truth but its a truth nonetheless, so why not utilise it to the benefit of the club and get as many people with a Villa profile to do what Les Ferdinand did for QPR when they were chasing the 2 Swindon boys ( who we wanted too).


"He met them, with the QPR blazer on, a Premier League "name", he schmoozed them, and convinced them that QPR was the right club.

"Paul Stretford did the same when procuring a young lad named Rooney to his stable, he got a Liverpool legend, Kenny Dalglish round to the kid's house and the lad signed up with the agency. I don't pretend to have the gravitas of a Kenny Dalgish but trust me, when i call clubs, agents, managers and players, they take the call, all of them, so maybe it's time to use that to the benefit of AVFC? Other clubs do.

"The playing staff is weak and need a massive overhaul.

"Players are commuting from abroad to Birmingham.

"Senior players are taking the p***, running the dressing room and working to their own rules.

"Young, very good talent is being poisoned by some of the seniors to the extent that one or two are copying the behaviour of their more illustrious elders.

"If we are being honest, there are maximum a handful of players we should retain moving forward, but we may not be able to shift them on because..


"1. Contracts given out are too long and too costly to pay up.

"2. Little or no resale value on much of the staff

"3. Not many sides completely get rid of everyone, start again and compete with the disruption in the worlds toughest league.

"So we need people at Bodymoor to cajole, eek out, b******, cuddle and who knows every trick in the book.

"I was a model pro and i was poor pro at times. Mostly the former, but sometimes the latter. That is the truth. So nobody, nobody at that club knows better what it takes to get out of the Championship, to then compete in the Premier League, but also see the warning signs in the collective and individuals when laurels start to become rested on.

"I want to play my part, and like the vast majority of my working life, i 'm happy to put my money where my mouth is and help, not stand idly by while others drift in and out,not really caring about the club, only a payday or a brief chance of advancement. I live in the Midlands, i'm visible in the Midlands, so the criticism matters. I can't just walk away .

"I'm afraid the cull needs to start with Gabby, our captain. He;s simply been at the club too long now, was rewarded with a new contract at at time of little productivity, and he needs a new challenge, and i'd be more than happy to tell him face to face, shake his hand and come to an agreement where he can see out the remainder of his career with a new challenge.

"I would pull Jack to the side and tell him if he wants to make it, stay out of the worlds biggest village Birmingham, put his 40k a week in a bank, buy a modest house a modest car, and only come off the training ground and pitch, and into the city nightlife when his performances match the wage that he currently isn't earning, fit or not.

"Most of the Francophones i'd look to sell, none bar Amavi and perhaps Veretout could hack a Championship season, and Gana should be used as an asset to bring one or two Championship, British Isles based players in.

"Micah and Joleon also would be surplus to requirements, great pros and great careers elsewhere but too many seniors with too much to say are creating a difficult environment for the younger players and indeed new recruits to not only survive but thrive moving forward.

"Looking forward to coffee with Brian next week, in the spirit of openness i'll give him my thoughts, honesty and in the hope every little helps.

"Up The Villa."


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