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Dark Souls III


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6 minutes ago, Risso said:

Tried to play the last one on a PC.  A more piss poor excuse for a gaming experience I have never had.  A cheap X Box port, that when I finally got going after loads of messing about, was an incredibly irritating game to play.

Had a feeling you'd be piping up :D

Joking aside, try one on a console Mart. They are incredible games.

Edited by Designer1
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1 hour ago, Risso said:

Tried to play the last one on a PC.  A more piss poor excuse for a gaming experience I have never had.  A cheap X Box port, that when I finally got going after loads of messing about, was an incredibly irritating game to play.

Like D1 I thought you'd have your say ;)

I agree they can be irritating to play - the series pretty much mandates an approach to play that is different to anything else, and kinda trolls you with it. But I can see why people rate them. I can play them, I'm not great by any means and I do find myself fighting it all along - those controls etc. Certainly they aren't for everyone.

After the crash (lovely of the game to inform me I should make sure to quit next time) I managed to get some hours in. I've reached the second Lothric bonfire and have done a few treks from there. I'm getting back into it but I'm still getting silly moments where I fail to lock on or hit the wrong thing (there isn't a person on earth that thinks primary controls in a third person game without guns or cars are on the shoulder buttons, sorry).

Hardest enemy to date is the crystal lizard right at the start. Managed to kill out in a very cheesy way. The first Knight I encountered was no slouch either and currently leads matters in the kill/death ratio by a fair distance.

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For anyone not sure whether or not to get it on pc mine runs like a dream just with a geforce 750ti, the game looks absolutely incredible. The art style/aesthetic is just another level, I wasn't expecting such a leap from the last game. 

I'd felt a little Dark Souled out before and actually considered not buying it but from the five hours or so that i've played I'm so glad I got it. There's so much here to explore and get stuck in to. There's already such variety in enemies and attack patterns to learn, it's almost overwhelming. Still too early to give any real impressions but certainly seems as though it'll be the ending to the souls series that everyone wanted. 

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I put in 18 hours since release already. Game is a lot of fun, but very challenging. Definitely not the typical difficulty of a souls game. The mobs are a lot stronger and more frequent. The game also made it incredibly difficult to full upgrade your weapon before you reach about 75% of the game. That made a lot of bosses and regular enemies very difficult to take on. I was not used to being half way through the game and doing under 200 dmg per hit. 

Without posting spoilers I just want to say the level designs are amazing. Take your time with the levels because you likely missed something. I got the guide and would play a level blind slowly and thoroughly, but somehow I would always miss a decent chunk of the map. 

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Beaten the first 'real' boss post Firelink, now grinding souls for the Tower Key as that's blatantly important. Using that task as a way of getting down taking down the knights, which currently I struggle with. With the added bonus of slowly getting bits of their armour set... Also the katana is pretty decent, have both it and longsword reinforced to +1 and currently just about favour the katana.

I can already tell there will be a point at which I cannot get past something in this game but until then I'm enjoying loot and leveling.

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The tower key isn't that important. I have yet to buy it actually. If you go to the top of firelink shrine, you can use the tree to help you jump onto the roof's ledge and get the items that way. 

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30 minutes ago, Risso said:

Might give it a try on PS 4 when I've finished Phantom Pain.

If the original irritated you, this is identical. It looks prettier but the minute to minute gameplay is the same.

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Greatwood down, Undead Settlement basically cleared out. I'd quite like to change my armour but so far playing as a knight there's been nothing that is better than what you start with that I can see. Also running around with the Katana which is now at +3...

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I found it a bit frustrating that I kept finding armour sets but they were just the starting sets from other classes, which aren't an upgrade and felt like I wasn't progressing my character. However, I seem to have got to a point now where I'm regularly finding excellent upgrades (thank god), this is one hell of a challenging souls game, it's absolutely brutal. The next thing I need to do is find out how the hell to get large titanite shards. I think one of the main reasons it seems more difficult than the last two is that weapon upgrading isn't as freely available from the start of the game. I don't have any problems with that though. It felt great working hard to have a powerful weapon drop that i really feel comfortable using. 

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Little rant. I'm starting to feel like it's the first 'unfair' souls game, mainly due to enemy placement and design. This isn't an opinion because of any sort of rage quitting but just an observation. It feels to me like they've designed areas to be traps and you'll be punished for playing defensively as enemies will just relentlessly ambush you, in situations where you're already facing a tough enemy. There are lots of exploding mechanics, which come from out of nowhere which you have no control over. I've also had to just mindlessly run through areas which seem to be designed for you to do that. It's all a bit panicky and unpredictable. 

So many situations I've played defensively but really solid and just been unfairly one shotted from out the blue, which is fairly uncharacteristic of the series. Also, it feels as though enemies don't abide by the same armour rules as you do. Cloth wearing enemies don't seem to stagger anywhere near as much as they should and heavy armour enemies seem to have unlimited stamina, making one on one fights unbalanced. I dunno, maybe in a few days I'll look back and feel like I was wrong but so far it's how I feel. 

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I wouldn't say I've found it unfair yet, my issues have entirely been down to the godawful controls so far, but I have seen an increase in ambushes to what I experienced in the first game. There are lots of occasions where an enemy is hidden round a blind corner, or only activates once you've passed them so you get hit from behind out of nowhere. I've also noticed that a number of enemies have ludicrous tracking on their attacks, spinning on a 5 pence when lunging to hit you wherever you are in your roll. Which is a bit shit. And parrying almost isn't worth bothering with, you still take damage in many cases.

Heard that a number of bosses have one hit kill moves later, which seems cheap as well.

But I'm kinda enjoying it. Even if I'm only just getting to the Road of Sacrifices.

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I fully beat the game last night. I found every item, did every npc's story I could, and explored every area. It took me near 50 hours to do all that. 

My take from just the gameplay is yes they made it a lot harder without really changing the enemies. Basically upgrading weapons with titanite, chunks, and slabs coincide with the story. So in the beginning of the game has plentiful titanite shards, then mid game has large titanite, then 3/4 of the way chunks appear, and towards the end you get slabs. This means you can't be over powered at any stage of the game unless you go back and redo things. They also placed a lot of mobs in the game and a lot of enemies that drop from the ceiling. You have to constantly be on your toes and look around you. It kind of sucks when you get attacked by 3-4 enemies at once that you can barely take on 1 at a time and yea some bosses do one hit you. Some nps invaders have one hit kills when it takes you 50+ hits with your +7 katana to kill them. In that aspect, it's a bit unfair. One thing that sucks is certain bosses would never be killed and a couple of items/bonfires would never be found without the guide. When you have to google how to beat a boss, it's not a fair boss. 

The game was really fun though. The challenge was awesome, but sometimes the challenge felt more like a suicide mission. There is one area in the game that is 100% just suicide runs. The enemies are too strong, and they mob you really fast. There is something else that makes that area awful which I won't reveal, but you'll figure it out when you get there.

I've been doing a lot of pvp and from what I can tell, strength and dex rule that. Magic, miracles, and fire sucks for pvp. It's just so easy to dodge. There is no tracking like in dark souls 2 for those. If someone shoots a sunlight spear at me, I can just walk to my right and it goes past me. I feel like I wasted a redo on my character stats changing myself to a faith user, but my lightning +10 katana does a ton of dmg for pvp. I can 2-3 hit most people. Whereas even if the guy stood completely still while I hurled lightning spears at him, it would take 6-7 with my fully upgraded chime. 


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The swamp and skeleton areas are just so awful. I am on my 2nd character and got lost in the swamp for half an hour. I really was considering to stop. I kept getting invaded and couldn't find the last tower I needed to go on. What made it so much worse was I was finding people's summon signs in random places, so I'd summon them to help me clear the swamp, but for some reason, every time they'd get summoned in, they'd just black crystal home. I don't get it. Why place your summon there just to leave? 


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17 hours ago, Chindie said:

Abyss Watchers down at third attempt...

Easy way to kill them:


Get a summon and just back stab. If you don't want to have a summon, then when he duplicates himself, just back off and let the clone fight the real one. Then just go for back stabs. This was the easiest boss by far for me in dark souls. I didn't even take damage just fishing for backstabs. 


Edited by Czechlad
called it dank souls lol
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