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Players - Attitude/culture


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1 hour ago, Zatman said:

the more you hear these stories the more we need a proper drill instructor/ no nonsense manager who will scare the players shitless

How do think the likes of Richards, Gabby, Lescott, Bacuna, Grealish and Bacuna would take to a 'proper drill instructor'??

IMO, they'd stick two fingers up and laugh before undermining them in the dressing room. There's no way they'd shrink and be scared into actually exerting themselves.

The problem for me is, the unprofessionalism is so ingrained at the club that the players would rather revolt and do jack all than buck up and improve.

Houllier tried to install a better fitness and 'code of professionalism' regime and so has Garde to an extent - both have been rebuffed by the players and Garde has particularly suffered from it.

Garde wasn't the right choice to come in considering the position the Fox board and Sherwood left the team in. He should, no doubt receive blame and criticism for our current situation but he has not been helped by either the board or the players who do not like being out of their comfort zones and told to earn their money, whilst acting professionally. 

What we need is a group of professional footballers who want to wear the shirt, want to play football and want to become the best they can be.

Sadly, we have a collection of money grabbers, who think they're better than they are and demand champions league football regardless of their actual ability.



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Just saw a blog post about our uncommitted playing staff.  It included the admonition that they should "fight like lions."   My immediate reaction was, "you have to be a lion before you can fight like one."

Sadly, I can only think of about 3 or 4 that I think fit that bill..... and sometimes I'm not sure of THEM.

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6 hours ago, theboyangel said:

But there's the issue right there Xela - what motivation does a player who's earning £50k a week need to improve? He's made it for life (and his agent and entourage will let them know that and ride the gravy train) and does not need to work again - even if an injury causes them to retire.

What are those players playing for? They earn so much (regardless of performance or ability) that it doesn't matter if things aren't going well, they're still going to get paid.

A non/lower-league player should always looking to get that dream move and therefore will be busting a gut to achieve it.

The vast majority of Premier League footballers must be completely satisfied coining it in without wanting to move up a level.

There are decent professionals out there for sure, but I reckon most of them are laughing their cocks off about how much they earn for so little output.


I hear you, but what about Leicester? Their players earn big money (compared to me and you for example) and they fight for every ball and are totally committed. 

They've got players in their team that we have turned our noses up at in the past like Huth and Vardy (remember when he was linekd in pre-season?). Also Albrighton, who never pulled up any trees here. What makes them fight? Even last year when they were struggling, you could never fault their commitment.

Our club is toxic. 

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18 hours ago, Woodytom said:

I agree with this to some extent steveo because you're basically saying that footballers are normal people and that live normal lives. This is correct however does they're attitude portray this?

Where I'm coming from here, and it may be a bit muddled, is, are they humble with it?

I get the impression (not just with villa players) that many players actually believe that they are not only on a par with 'normal folk' in terms of how they should act away from work, but in fact 'less privileged' than us. I mean I almost get the impression they want us to feel sorry for them that their lives are in the media.

I don't think many of them take the time to recognise that whilst they are just like me and you, they are in an unbelievably privileged position and perhaps should consider that more often. 

I'd like to think that if I was in gabriel agbonlahor's position, I would care about the people Id let down and Id also be conscious about how they would feel about the way I portray myself in the media.

With that in mind, I wouldn't stop living my life, I wouldn't stop having a good time. What I might do, at this point in the season, is think twice about jetting off to dubai, with 4 other famous people and choose to party at an event hosted/or influenced by one of the world's biggest stars. I'd certainly think twice about drinking there.

Doubt gabby did mind, because he's a dick.

Exactly, if both of them were tearing up trees for the club no one would care. The fact is Gabby looks like he's playing in a retired all stars team and Richards cannot seemly even do the basics right. Sadly both are far too thick to realise how they are perceived.

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8 hours ago, theboyangel said:

The problem is, even if we 'sack' a player - said player would just walk into another club on a free, with a massive signing on bonus.

Sacking footballers is completely different to sacking an everyday employee - whilst getting sacked for you or me, would result in a massive black mark on our CV's and seriously hinder our chances of future employment, someone will always 'take a punt' on a 'disgraced' footballer and they'd always find another club.

I don't know the answer for dealing with unprofessionalism within the club - their contracts state they merely have to turn up to training and be available for selection (which N'Zogbia has exploited for nearly 5yrs). If change is going to happen, then their contracts have to be 'tougher' but the problem then would be convincing players to sign them.

Some of these players signing on for other clubs would just be great news to us - getting them out of the club and not having to pay crazy wages for nothing. Yeah, we may lose out on some transfer fees, but come on; we are not talking about big numbers here. It will cost something in terms of money to ship out the poison that is within the club but it will be worth it, in the short and medium term with respect to creating a more acceptable culture and for the longer term also with respect to money / values. The Club really cannot accept this shit to go on - footballers' contracts may be different from other employment contracts but a line must be drawn in the sand at some stage. As for creating stricter contracts and risking targets not wanting to sign for us - that is a risk I would take. If a player would not accept such terms (which should not be draconian and which could be difficult to draft in order to be clear as to what is expected from the player) I would say f*** him and move along to the next target. Next year we will be one of the most attractive Clubs, if not THE most attractive, below the PL and a lot of players would love to sign for Villa - hard to believe these days but I am absolutely sure of it.

Edited by Hughes
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47 minutes ago, Xela said:

I hear you, but what about Leicester? Their players earn big money (compared to me and you for example) and they fight for every ball and are totally committed. 

They've got players in their team that we have turned our noses up at in the past like Huth and Vardy (remember when he was linekd in pre-season?). Also Albrighton, who never pulled up any trees here. What makes them fight? Even last year when they were struggling, you could never fault their commitment.

Our club is toxic. 

You're right Xela - the Leicester players are also well paid. I imagine though they've also got a different mindset to those employed by our club. Their players appear to want to play and step-up to the challenge - it's admirable for sure.

Ours just want to be paid and have got used to the being pampered and adored.

The club is toxic.

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This whole argument can be summed up by two footballers, Ryan Giggs & Lee Sharpe both talented just one applied himself and will be regarded as an all time great and the most decorated British player the other is remembered by people of the age as a waste of talent and I doubt is known by the younger generation. Our squad are sharpes but the will be remembered for all the wrong reasons as losers. Gabby and co can have all the cash they like, he'll stil get grief in every pub he goes for being sh!t, money doesn't buy respect never has. 

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FFS, Before the season we had our most promising youngster and one of the players expected to carry a lot of the team this season in the effing gutter shit drunk and then a few days later downing vodka as water, and then later in the season chosing to not travel with the team back from an away game to that he could party with his cronies. The only thing more sad that the actions of Grealish is that lot of Villa fans at the time, and possibly still, seemed to say that "this is no big deal, its off season / after a game, he is only a young lad letting off some steam, surely YOU have done the same", and all kinds of other, to me, completely incomprehensive statements. Then, Okore announcing before the Liverpooil game that he, actually, would like to leave the Club. Further, Guzan and Lescott having the "gum-gate" at the cup match away and swearing at Villa fans. I actually kind of believe Lescott did not mean to send THAT tweat after the Liverpool game, but you never know. Now, Bacuna "is ready to leave within two years (who the absolute F*** does he think he is and how can he be so stupid to be quoted on this now?), and rumours of players wanting to be injured in order not to have to play. Add this with the, again in my view, wholly inappropriate story coming out of Dubai (I notice that several of you also say that "this is no big deal"!) and there is quite a lot of "evidence" that there is so much crap going on behind the scenes that the conclusion is rather evident. No manager can fix this shit by himself. Whoever the manager is and will be, the Club (Football Board) must give the manager ABSOLUTE support and power to kick out the underperformers and snakes (I start to think no wonder that THE snake actually left - at least he seems to be a player with a professional attitude). Also, I think we as fans need to stop accepting players going on booze benders and similar - it is NOT acceptable in my mind, not by a fat chance and for the most part you do not see that any more from players established at the top teams do you? Rant over. Apologies but I get really angry that Aston Villa is dragged through the dirt by absolute shit players with a horrendous attitiude towards their trade, their Club and employer and us fans.



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We are missing the professionalism of Vlaar, Given, and Cole IMO. They were noted for being good role models around the club, trying to set a good example to the younger players. Gabby and Richards are bad choices to be captains -  they do not have the right mentality to lead a team.

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it's telling that our experienced players, the captain and 'club captain' whatever that is, are showing themselves up in the media. it's telling that players like Bacuna think they're good enough to play in the champions league.

Hardly any of these guys think it's their fault. Theres absolutely no responsibility taken. I bet that the majority think they're the best player in the side and it's the other ten letting them down. They gave up on the season just like they give up on games, long before it is over.

Edited by a m ole
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Ive heard nothing but praise from people about Cole and his time here, Agree with GENTLEMAN the change from people like Vlaar and Given and probably even Senderos and Cleverley to fools like Richards and LEscott has been a big thing

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1 hour ago, a m ole said:

it's telling that our experienced players, the captain and 'club captain' whatever that is, are showing themselves up in the media. it's telling that players like Bacuna think they're good enough to play in the champions league.

Hardly any of these guys think it's their fault. Theres absolutely no responsibility taken. I bet that the majority think they're the best player in the side and it's the other ten letting them down. They gave up on the season just like they give up on games, long before it is over.

I fear this is the nail on the head. It backs up the rumour that Gabby, Lescott and Richards further fell out with Garde because after the Liverpool game he left them to waiting in the changing rooms. Apparently they kicked off because they thought Garde should of strormed in and had a go at some of our foreign contingent because it was their fault.

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16 minutes ago, ReasonforRevolution said:

I fear this is the nail on the head. It backs up the rumour that Gabby, Lescott and Richards further fell out with Garde because after the Liverpool game he left them to waiting in the changing rooms. Apparently they kicked off because they thought Garde should of strormed in and had a go at some of our foreign contingent because it was their fault.

i think it could be what translates on to the pitch as well, the shoulders dropped when we concede, the exasperated looks, the here we go again attitude.

They talk the talk in interviews about 'we need to stick together' and 'were all responsible for this' but what they really mean is 'they need to stick together' and 'they're all responsible for this and letting me down'

I've been in a team myself where I've felt the same, thing is I wasn't paid to not give up on the match even if I knew we were going to lose, yet I never did.

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2 hours ago, Zatman said:

Ive heard nothing but praise from people about Cole and his time here

i heard stories about him and lee hendrie enjoying themselves a lot on our american tour about 2 weeks after he walked through the door

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When you consider that the two biggest pricks in the squad are the Club Captain and the Team Captain, its really no wonder we are bottom of league. 

Whoever the manager is next season, i hope his first job is to bin these words removed. 

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