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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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1 hour ago, blandy said:

Having a p9olitical system that is utterly broken and run by words removed is a disaster in itself.

*I suggest it has been like this for most of my lifetime (44 years).  I think it is quite simple,  they have been found out.  It is unforgivable for elected people like this not to plan ahead properly.  If they were running a company the only thing similar would be that the oil runs out and the Ford executive board were the last to find out and had no electric car plans.  It's shocking but I look at the referendum in a couple of ways now in what it has shown,  a)  Could one say this is similar to a monetary stress test on a Bank to cope with the unexpected,  the referendum result was the stress test ? (I feel they could have done a little better ?) it is now an absolute shambles.  It could have been the referendum or a terrorist attack or a financial meltdown, whatever the reason,  I still thing it would have disintegrated and collapsed like a forgotten flan in a cupboard as it has currently, no matter what the crisis is.  I mean look at them,  look at them now panicking and cover their backs.  

b ) The public have always been able to take pop shots at the government in elections or council elections but this is the first time for a few generations that the pi55ed off could have a proper pop at the Government for whatever reason.  They grouped together and were successful from their point of view.  At some point someone in the government must have thought that they might not have treated everyone as well as they might have and this could bite us on the arse.  Nope.  It could have been an opening for something interesting possibly.  If Cameron had said "Yes,  we know the current situation is not ideal for {Insert demographic here) and we are willing to listen to peoples concerns,  if to do with the EU or generally" or something YEARS ago but the Ego is too big and the talent too small and the forehead too big etc...I mean,  why not at least meet the possible leavers half way ages ago and do a deal "you little wheeler dealer Dave"?

*May or may not make sense.


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2 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Panorama is on at the moment with Adrian Chiles talking to people in the West Mids who voted Leave.

It's your usual story so far.

Let me guess they went to Dudley

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I did smirk with that one to be honest.

It's amusing seeing the EU being blamed for societal change. It's the EU's fault there's no shops in Tipton. It's the EU's fault it isn't the 70s anymore.

And everyone's not against the Poles, but it's the Poles fault.

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32 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

One jobless man blaming the immigrants for his troubles had six young kids and a **** pony.

He did say that the kids were called Zofia, Oleg, Leszek, Krystyna, Zorlota and Lech, and the pony is called Borat.

So maybe he had a point.

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I see that Oliver Letwin has been appointed head of the grouping planning Brexit in Whitehall. 

You might remember him from his greatest hit, 'wandering around the park in a daze putting official documents in a rubbish bin for no clear reason'. 

Just as long as no 'experts' are in charge, amirite?

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1 hour ago, MakemineVanilla said:

He did say that the kids were called Zofia, Oleg, Leszek, Krystyna, Zorlota and Lech, and the pony is called Borat.

So maybe he had a point.

Yes,  and furthermore, to get a Pony past the border Police,  I know they are trying their very very best in what must be said are difficult times but even so.  Shoddy.

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What is poinient however is not their perceptions, but the fact that they truly are forgotten about by the country at large. And let's be clear we're talking about the 'underclass' voters here which voted on economic and immigration issues. And they're not all racists, I won't accept that. 

The political elite forgot they existed, because they don't usually vote, but they've totally had enough of the inequality they suffer and experience every single day. 

When you feel forgotten and then the foreigners come in and you watch them make a success of themselves, it must be difficult. 

If you know that when you vote in a general election you're going to get shafted either way you vote, red or blue, then why bother. But in this referendum, you can vote and make a big difference. And a leave result is a shock result and I do really hope it has sent a shock wave through the political class.

What I didn't take into account is the anger of this demographic towards the 'system'. I assumed that they would take the obvious economic arguments on board and vote, in their best interests, for remain. But as they one girl put it, if you've go nothing, if you go all in, you can't lose.

I hope this issue has politicised that demographic, because if they do come out in force and consistently vote in all elections, politicians will have to factor their best interests onto their grand plans for power. 

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2 hours ago, sharkyvilla said:

One jobless man blaming the immigrants for his troubles had six young kids and a **** pony.

Is it because he thinks that immigrants are the fathers to at least 5 and a maximum of 6 of his children ? Just trying to work out how can blame immigrants for his haul.

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5 minutes ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

Is it because he thinks that immigrants are the fathers to at least 5 and a maximum of 6 of his children ? Just trying to work out how can blame immigrants for his haul.

He blamed immigrants for losing his steel working job, and also was resentful at not getting a council house for his 6 kids (and presumably his partner as well) whilst Poles get one when they walk through the door.

I don't know of many council houses that are suitable for a family of 8, in truth.

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2 minutes ago, Chindie said:

He blamed immigrants for losing his steel working job, and also was resentful at not getting a council house for his 6 kids (and presumably his partner as well) whilst Poles get one when they walk through the door.

I don't know of many council houses that are suitable for a family of 8, in truth.

With a garden big enough for a **** pony as well of course.

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53 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

I see that Oliver Letwin has been appointed head of the grouping planning Brexit in Whitehall. 

You might remember him from his greatest hit, 'wandering around the park in a daze putting official documents in a rubbish bin for no clear reason'. 

Just as long as no 'experts' are in charge, amirite?

A man who publicly stated it was good for public sector staff to live with 'fear'.

The man that egged thatcher on to push through the poll tax.

The man that blamed low morals amongst the poor and the blacks for the Broadwater Farm Riots.

The man that thought it would be a good idea to cut billions and billions from public spending whilst putting repairs to his private tennis court on his expenses.

Old school nasty party.


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6 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

Is there not an irony in an anti government protest vote actually leaving us completely at the mercy of an unregulated Tory government?

What more is there for them to do though,  from some peoples point of view they destroyed the local industry, destroyed some towns with immigration and swamped the local services like schools an hospitals etc meaning that to climb out one would need Lottery type luck.  Not much left for them to do,  there work is almost finished in the North of the country.  Maybe properly tax things like pies and crisps as well as fizzy drinks.

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16 minutes ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

What more is there for them to do though,  from some peoples point of view they destroyed the local industry, destroyed some towns with immigration and swamped the local services like schools an hospitals etc meaning that to climb out one would need Lottery type luck.  Not much left for them to do,  there work is almost finished in the North of the country.  Maybe properly tax things like pies and crisps as well as fizzy drinks.

Sorry, who is 'they' here?

EDIT: I've highlighted the 'they's' I'm interested in. 

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